Do you own & drive your Ferrari in a small town? | FerrariChat

Do you own & drive your Ferrari in a small town?

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by PeterS, Dec 26, 2003.

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  1. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    I do. It's 60%+ hick. I am use to guys in beater pickups tailgating me to get a look. Most do not even know what the car is! How about your small town?
  2. BWS550

    BWS550 Wants to be a mod

    Apr 1, 2002
    Full Name:
    SMALL TOWN HERE.......3 F-CARS AND 1 LAMBO..........
  3. detailman

    detailman Formula Junior

    May 26, 2002
    Indiana & South Caro
    Full Name:
    very small maybe 3000 peeps most of which are stupid and dont have a clue but some reconize me and say Hi on ocasion.
  4. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
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    Does not get any smaller than Maui.
  5. PeterS

    PeterS Five Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 24, 2003
    Goodyear, AZ
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    ALambo..People would expect to see an FCar or two on the islands. If I moved there, I would have a blast in my 308. (Does it get boring though, you can only go to so many places).
  6. RacerX_GTO

    RacerX_GTO F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 2, 2003
    Full Name:
    Gabe V.
    LOL, they haven't seen an fcar since Magnum PI shooting. :)

    Sacramento, California is a small cow town. They like to think it is something bigger just because they have a basketball team, but that doesn't mean anything. If they see an NSX, they are wowed. One owner in the suburb of Granite Bay owns a red 1990's Diablo. When he takes it out you can hear the Sacramentens gasp and murmer with excitement, "that there is one of those cars you see in those magazines!" Eddie Murphy lives in Granite Bay as well. He has the largest collection of Mercedes Benz products as well as one Aston. None of which are registered here, all have Jersey plates. That's about the extent of the excitement in this cow poke town of Sacramento.

    Gabe V.
  7. allanlambo

    allanlambo F1 Rookie

    Jun 9, 2002
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    Very boring. But could be fun if more people had exotics to go racing around in. No fun running around with Sebring rent a cars. Some pretty cool roads. Tourists dont really bother the 355 too much, but line up to take pics with the Diablo.
  8. Meister

    Meister F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Apr 27, 2001
    Duluth, MN
    Full Name:
    The Meister
    The town that I live near (3 miles away) is "unincoporated" and the other nearest town (5 miles) is a "village"
  9. enjoythemusic

    enjoythemusic F1 World Champ

    Apr 20, 2002
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    3k people here and most of the high school school kids "know of me", some know me personally. Picked up a neighbor's kid once in the car at school as she was having a hard time at school and needed a "reputation boost" and i gladly provided the ride home in front of ALL her classmates. She scored major bonus points with the kids in her school.

    Virtually all the high school kids seem to want me to do burnouts and do high revs when they see me on the road.

    Of course those little Fchat get togethers here have become a thing of "legend" in this small town. Word gets out fast here as we are but a middle class, sleepy town of good, respectful people. i know ALL my neighbors and we have cookouts together, etc. IMHO this is they was things SHOULD be where everyone looks after the others kids and homes, etc.

    G-d bless the USA :)

    Enjoy the Drive,

    Steven R. Rochlin

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
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    My town in CT was around 12,000 when I was in Jr High, now its probably close to 30,000 so maybe its not small in pop but its still a country town. Its fun being in the Ferrari & seeing people who were snots to you way back when LOL
  11. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    I live in Longport, NJ which is a small seaside town at the southern end of the island that Atlantic City is located on. In the winter time I think the population is about 30% of what the summer occupancy may be. It's pretty sleepy right now.

    WILLIAM H Three Time F1 World Champ

    Nov 1, 2003
    Victory Circle
    Full Name:
    The town I grew up in CT used to be like Green Acres then Beavis arrived & now the Yuppies have invaded in full force so its becoming very chic. Its funny to see the chic new people interact w the country people & of course Beavis buts in occasionally
  13. matkat

    matkat Formula 3

    Mar 18, 2003
    Full Name:
    Dave McGuire
    I live in a small village 4 miles west of St.Andrews (Balmullo) in Scotland,I have the only f car.
    Best regards
    Dave McGuire
  14. carguy

    carguy F1 Rookie

    Oct 30, 2002
    Alabama (was Mich.)
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    My little town has a population of about 13,000 or so. Not much to do here at all that is car related. We do have a pretty big car show in May that draws about 1500 cars when the weather is nice....I look forward to it every year. We have lots of redneck pickups with cackly exhaust systems...and those guys always feel the need to prove something when I'm driving the TR. The import scene is on the rise, which I actaully like believe it or not. These are the next generation of hot rodders and carnuts. I have the only Ferrari in town, and am fairly certain there's not another exotic car within a 50 mile radius of here. So my TR gets kinda lonely at times. I do enjoy hitting the local watering holes to shoot some pool or whatever, and over hearing guys talk about seeing a black Ferrari buzzing through town. I keep a very low profile and never mention the car, unless directly asked about it. And at times I'm treated as a VIP because of the Ferrari. But I do give rides, and share stories about the car whenever possible. I try to be a goodwill abassador for the marque to all who are really interested. I feel very lucky to have the car of my dreams and share it as much as possible.
  15. pete04222

    pete04222 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    Maine, USA
    Full Name:
    Peter Cyr
    I not only live in a small town, I live in a small State. I'm the only kid on my block with a Ferrari. I get a lot of looks when I take it out. I get the usual "Is that a kit car?" questions because everyone thinks it is a Fiero. I met my neighbor today (he lives 3 miles down the road), he said, "You're that guy with the red Lamborghini." I said "No it is a Ferrari." He said "Yeah, that's it."
  16. Prugna 328

    Prugna 328 Formula 3

    Sep 10, 2003
    Full Name:
    Was there once. Loved it.
  17. Mojo

    Mojo Formula 3

    Sep 24, 2002
    Washington St.
    Full Name:
    I live in a town of 40,000 and not one f-car, seen a TR once and a 550 once long ago. But I think there from portland. Never ever seen a lambo here.
  18. Chenrezi

    Chenrezi Karting

    Feb 10, 2003
    Full Name:
    Don't know if this is a small town to you guys in the States - it ain't here! (80 000 ppl) but we're some kind of previliged 'cause there's about 3/4 Modenas, 3 550's; 4/5 355s; one Diablo, one Countach, one Viper GTS one Viper RT10, I've eard rumours that one gentleman holds a Murcielago hidden in his garage but I've yet to see it, there was a TR but I haven't seen it in about 4 years...
    There's also a **** load of Porsches including the 911 GT2 and a couple of 996 turbos and one 993 turbo, two Carrera 4S, and about 10 or so Boxsters (or more but I'm just stating what I see in the streets with some regularity).
    There are a lot of other HOT cars like Jags, beemers and mercs, but the new trend is the Scooby impreza and the Evo. The local Mitsu dealer is THE biggest seller of EVOs in the country :)
    We get to see them all on weekends at the beach standing outside the coffee shops, and I've even seen a run by a red EVo VII and a Ford Escort RS Cosworth (the Ford won once and lost twice...), and I've seen one gent in a red 355 just pushing first and second to the red line while exiting the beach avenue... AWESOME!!!
    Well, that's it! The Porsches and Scoobys and Evos are driven daily (I study in Lisbon but I'm here from Thursday to Sunday so I still catch a glimpse of the weekday traffic) and I've also seen the Countach and the Diablo on weekdays but usually it's on weekends, and so are the Ferraris.

    It's pretty cool, but unfortunatly none of them is mine!! :)

    If you want catch a plane and come here for the weekend, if checking out cars is your thing you'll probably get a run for your money! :)

  19. SMS

    SMS F1 Veteran

    Jan 7, 2004
    Full Name:
    Bill S.
    Funny old thread I found looking for something else.

    My town has 600 people when everyone is home. It is fun for the car gangs to hit the general store for lunch. :)
  20. ChunkyMonkey

    ChunkyMonkey Formula 3

    Feb 27, 2006
    Texas, duh
    Full Name:
    I saw an Fcar and Black Bentley in Winder, Ga...Unfortunately the Bentley was on a flat bed truck after being rear ended by an Acura

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