Does a salvage title in the US follow into Canada? | Page 2 | FerrariChat

Does a salvage title in the US follow into Canada?

Discussion in 'Canada' started by treedee3d, May 31, 2016.

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  1. godabitibi

    godabitibi F1 Veteran
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    Jan 11, 2012
    Papineauville, Quebec
    Full Name:
    Claude Laforest
    #26 godabitibi, Aug 5, 2016
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2016
    A lot of confusion here. First, look at the DATES on the carfax.

    In early 90s we didn't had VGA or salvage tittle in Quebec. I was working as an insurance appraiser/estimator in late 80s early 90s so I know what I'm talking about.

    In the actual case the car was salvaged in the US in the early 90s. It was probably imported to Quebec soon after when there was NO VGA on registration back then. The 1st canadian incident is in 2000 from a police report where the car was probably allready registered in Quebec with a clean title because it was washed when imported in the early 90s.

    From the mid 90s the law changed and we started to Salvaged the registration in Quebec with VGA on the ownership. From then any car imported from the US with a salvage tittle will be tagged as a VGA in Quebec.
  2. godabitibi

    godabitibi F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 11, 2012
    Papineauville, Quebec
    Full Name:
    Claude Laforest
    Humans are humans! Lots of mistake in anything. Some are lazy, some are idiots, some are tired, some are careless, things are accidentally missed for some reason.

    Someone I know just had his newly built aircraft inspected by a Transport Canada inspector for it's airworthiness and it checked good and ready to fly. The builder is a very meticulous guy and the plane is superbly built. Right after the inspection he was ready for his FIRST flight and did a final visual inspection before leaving. He found two missing(forgot) nuts on the rear elevator hinge. The bolts were slid in and something most have disturb him and the nuts were forgot.
  3. zudnic

    zudnic Formula 3

    Nov 13, 2014
    True they changed. A lot of car dealers in Ontario and people in the know wouldn't touch a Quebec car because of the easy to sell a salvage car as untouched.

    As far as the salvage title following from the U.S. Technically to import a car from the U.S. you are supposed to get export documents from US customs first. US Customs does a full title search. Checks for liens or stolen, etc. I say technically because sometimes Canada customs doesn't always check the US export documents like they are supposed to do.

    So some salvage titles US cars get what's called titled washed when they come into Canada. If the importer into Canada, follows the rules ie gets export documents from US Customs, the salvage title will be recorded in Canada.
  4. samsaprunoff

    samsaprunoff F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 8, 2004
    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Full Name:
    Sam Saprunoff
    Good day Zudnic,

    I could be wrong on this...but I believe that Canada Customs has no requirement on the importer to formally "export" the car from the US... at least regarding Vintage cars. The US Export Requirement is a US requirement and not a Canadian one. When I last brought a car from the US (2 years ago) I did formally Export the car and the Canada Customs Officer stated that they have no authority to "force" someone to do this. Perhaps the Customs Officer was wrong or perhaps I misinterpreted that they said?

    However, reviewing the US Export requirement... Potentially there is a fine and/or confiscation of the vehicle if this is not done... so it makes sense to do it right. One issue is that it can be a dance with the US Border to ensure to have all your documents completed exactly how the US Border wants them. I had to go back and forth 7 times before they were happy... as if they could not simply detail all of the items they wished the first time, instead they made it a piece-meal/iterative approach...argh... The second issue is now you must file your docs electronically and they claim that you must be at the designated port on the day you state... I do not know what happens if you are a day or two late... perhaps someone else can comment?


  5. tantumaude

    tantumaude Formula Junior
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    Mar 3, 2016
    Burlington, Canada
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    Not sure about the US side. Canada requires a titling document. Every province is a bit different when it comes to actually registering, but it can be an actual title, or, more likely if from outside North America, a certificate of deregistration or export.
  6. samsaprunoff

    samsaprunoff F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 8, 2004
    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Full Name:
    Sam Saprunoff
    Good day,

    In my experience a bill of sale is all that has been required for the vintage cars I have imported into Canada (crossing into Alberta). Having a US Title or another governmental generated document is certainly not going to hurt, but all that I needed to show Canada Customs was the Bill of Sale. For registering a car here in Alberta... All I need is a bill of sale and for cars imported from the US, the completed Canada Customs importation form (and an out of province inspection completed by an authorized AB auto shop).


  7. zudnic

    zudnic Formula 3

    Nov 13, 2014
    Yes, you are mostly right. But even though they don't actually require the U.S. export stuff. They are supposed to look it over to stop certain salvage titles from the states coming into Canada. Some salvage vehicles can only be imported as parts cars and looking over the US export documents they can make you import certain vehicles as parts only. Flood damage, and cars written off as unrepairable by US insurance companies have to be imported into Canada as parts cars.
  8. samsaprunoff

    samsaprunoff F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 8, 2004
    Edmonton, AB Canada
    Full Name:
    Sam Saprunoff
    Good day Zudnic,

    Understood. However, I suspect that they (Customs People) recognize that a US Title may not necessarily be up to date and reflect a car's salvage/rebuilt status... and so perhaps they assume the provincial vehicle registration authority may have other procedures (i.e. inspections, etc) to further verify a car's integrity.


  9. JamesSimpson

    JamesSimpson F1 Rookie

    Jun 29, 2005
    Full Name:
    James Simpson
    How is it not? I said cars are required to go for a specific inspection. Then you come along and say exactly the same thing?!
  10. JamesSimpson

    JamesSimpson F1 Rookie

    Jun 29, 2005
    Full Name:
    James Simpson
    By me saying 'specific ' I meant 'certified ' otherwise it's pretty much EXACTLY what you said.
  11. Logeman12

    Logeman12 Rookie

    Full Name:
    Jesse Logeman
    Racer44 - I would love to hear more about your process with the imports. I am struggling with one right now and could use some help.

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