Does Anyone Have a Paint Sticker on their 308 GT4 | FerrariChat

Does Anyone Have a Paint Sticker on their 308 GT4

Discussion in '308/328' started by dyerhaus, Jul 13, 2022.

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  1. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
    Full Name:
    Christopher Dyer
    If you have a paint sticker (color/code) on your 308 GT4, please share an image of it, and where it's located on the car. Some folks say the 308 GT4 never had one, others say they did, but I have never seen one.
  2. lm2504me

    lm2504me Formula 3
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  3. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
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    Christopher Dyer
    Thank you, Richard!

    It's nice to see that actually on a car. I'm going to have to find one for my 1975 model.
  4. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
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    Christopher Dyer
    @lm2504me (or anyone with a Glidden Salchi paint sticker in their car), any chance you can tell me what the height of the numbers/letters of the paint code are that are stamped into the sticker? Any unit of measurement works (mm, inches, etc.). Looking for the correct (or close) font size.
  5. Jack-the-lad

    Jack-the-lad Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    I’m interested if there’s a source for reproductions. If not I think some can be made if we get an image that’s accurate for size, colors and material. If we can have enough made it would bring down the unit cost. Are these unique to the GT4 or are they shared with other models that were painted with Glidden Salchi?
  6. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
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    Christopher Dyer
    There's definitely good sources for reproductions out there, I just bought some off eBay from a guy in Italy. But there's also several of the parts places that sell them too. Here's the eBay link, but I think he's sold out at the moment (I may have bought the last one):

    The biggest issue with any of the reproductions I've found is that they're blank. For 100% accuracy, you'll need to stamp the code in the foil sticker. You'll note the picture that @lm2504me provided has paint code stamped in the "Type" box. Just about every image I found has it that way too, I've attached a couple of others below. It's easy enough to do, but if you but a hand stamp kit be aware of size and font. I'm trying to determine the size, the font is pretty standard but incredibly hard to find as most stamp kits use sans-serif fonts. You'll note in the pics that the font definitely has serifs.

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  7. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    #7 dyerhaus, Jul 14, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2022
    No, not unique to the GT4. I believe that most 308s used them, likely any car with Glidden Salchi paint. Here's a good article that talks about these labels:

    And, I should correct something I noted in my previous comment. I said "For 100% accuracy, you'll need to stamp the code in the foil sticker." But, that's apparently only true for early cars, which according to that article is 1975 - 1982.
    Jack-the-lad likes this.
  8. Jack-the-lad

    Jack-the-lad Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    I just checked with T. Rutlands/ Motion Products and they don’t have them. Neither does according to their web site.
  9. GermanDino

    GermanDino F1 Rookie

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  10. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    They changed the labels during production, according to that link I posted earlier. I think I wrote the wrong years in my post, but that sticker on yours looks accurate for a later models (1979/80?). That was the last Salchi sticker before Ferrari switched to Glasurit (at least that's my understanding).
  11. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
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    Christopher Dyer
    Looks like Eurospares has them:

    Italian Car Parts seems to have them too, but they apparently think it's worth its weight in gold (scroll to find "SCM GLIDDEN PAINT LABEL"):

    This eBay seller has them as well, still a bit pricey, but not as bad as Italian Car Parts:

    I feel like there's other places too. But, I'd contact the eBay seller that I bought from and see if he plans on making more (he's been very responsive for me):
    Jack-the-lad likes this.
  12. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
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    Jul 28, 2008
    I think they were hand written not stamped
  13. Jack-the-lad

    Jack-the-lad Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Thanks, Christopher. I have contacted him. Are you happy with the quality and accuracy to authenticity?
  14. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    Early cars have stamped stickers, later cars were handwritten. Mine is an early car.
  15. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    I anticipate I will be, but it'll be a while before they arrive as it's shipping from Italy and I'm in California! But chatting with the guy, looking at the pictures (and comparing them to known authentic stickers), and the process and materials used, these should be the best reproduction labels/stickers on the market.
    Jack-the-lad likes this.
  16. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
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    Jul 28, 2008
    Enzo told you that? Nothing is certain with these cars. :eek:
  17. Jack-the-lad

    Jack-the-lad Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    I’m not doubting you, but it seems counterintuitive, doesn’t it? One would think that the early ones would have been done by hand, and the later ones by machine.
    of2worlds likes this.
  18. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    There's plenty that's certain about these cars, but you can research and find enough evidence to point to a logical and accepted conclusion for things that aren't. That, I have done.
  19. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    Well, as @absostone pointed out, "Nothing is certain with these cars." Despite the fact there is plenty that is certain with these cars, when it comes to these paint label stickers there's enough information and evidence out there that points to that being the case. But 100% certainty? No, can't say that. But it is likely the case.
    Jack-the-lad and absostone like this.
  20. Jack-the-lad

    Jack-the-lad Seven Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    #20 Jack-the-lad, Jul 15, 2022
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2022
    Let us know if you find a die set in the correct font and I’ll do the same. I’ll start with the shop where my car is now. They work on a lot of older Ferraris and German cars (166 and 300SL are there now) so they might be a source.
    dyerhaus likes this.
  21. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    I will! But I do need to know the approx. font size before searching. I know four GT4 owners personally in my immediate vicinity, but none of them have paint labels on their cars. So I may have to wait until the label arrives and take an educated guess.
  22. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
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    Christopher Dyer
    For those of you as "detailed oriented" (or maybe obsessive) as I am, here's some details that might help if you want/need a new paint label sticker for your car.

    First, I bought some replacements from a chap in Italy via eBay. He made these and they are spot-on perfect:

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    It's hard to photograph these correctly as they are highly reflective, what looks "gray" in these photos is essentially a mirror-like finish in silver. The quality and attention to detail of these stickers is incredible. I got a few extras so I can practice stamping the paint code in (I'll get to that in a minute). If you want these, or a different one, the seller has a website (in Italian):

    He told me via email that he can custom make anything you need (so if you're looking for a particularly hard sticker to find, perhaps you can provide a good image of it with dimensions). I believe there's a contact form on his website, if not, you can email him here: [email protected]

    On early model cars, at least all the images I've seen and the few I've seen in real life, had the paint code stamped in the "Type" field. You'll need 1/8in (3mm) steel punch letters, but that's where it got complicated…

    Again, after looking at multiple images, the typeface used seems mismatched (but consistent amongst multiple stickers). It would seem the the LETTERS in the paint code use a slab-serif typeface, but the NUMBERS in the paint code use a sans-serif typeface (look at the pictures in post #2 and #6 of this thread). Or, in this screen shot of a text document below, the blue text is essentially the styles I need for each character (and that's three different fonts). The black text is the much more common steel punch letters/numbers I find.

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    In my quest to find correct looking steel punch letters and numbers, I can't seem to find one that actually matches… I might end up having to get a couple of different sets in order to achieve the correct look.

    If you have a later model car, then you can just write in the code and name with a ballpoint pen (much easier), like these below:

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    Don't know if anyone will find any of this useful, but there it is. I hope someone appreciates this!
  23. 500tr

    500tr Formula 3

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    Volkmar Spielmann

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