Engine turns, won't start | FerrariChat

Engine turns, won't start

Discussion in '360/430' started by Roadking80134, Jan 16, 2015.

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  1. Roadking80134

    Roadking80134 Formula Junior

    Dec 5, 2013
    Spring, TX
    Full Name:
    Rick S
    Bummer! So I ship my 360, enclosed, from Denver to Houston. Upon arrival in Houston, the engine turns, but NO fire, at all. Earlier this year, I replaced one of the fuel pumps. When one of the pumps was bad, the car would still run on 4 cyl, not 8. This seems different. The only symptom, other than not starting, is when I press the unlock key fob button, I sometime get 4 beeps instead of just 2. Thoughts?

  2. 360trev

    360trev F1 Rookie
    Project Master

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Normally when an alarm starts beeping its a warning of something like loss of connection or battery flat. I'm not certain on the 360 so perhaps someone with more knowledge can chime in but it does sound like a Bosch Alarm/Immobilizer issue! Perhaps the wiring has worked its way loose. Check fuses and wiring first!
  3. English Rebel

    English Rebel Formula 3

    Aug 13, 2013
    Piedmont Area of NC
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    I think that more than one beep indicates that a door, luggage compartment, or more likely engine hatch is "open". Maybe in shipping the hatch mechanism got out of kilter. I would check that first.
  4. vrsurgeon

    vrsurgeon F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 13, 2009
    Charleston, SC
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    Do you have an F1? 4 beeps on mine signifies the rear hatch open as Englishrebel notes above. IIRC F1 cars won't start with the rear engine hatch open. In which case check the hatch receiver lower part on the body. Switch inside might be stuck open...
  5. Ingenere

    Ingenere F1 Veteran
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    Dec 11, 2001
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    This sounds like a latch/alarm/immobilizer issue to me.
  6. Roadking80134

    Roadking80134 Formula Junior

    Dec 5, 2013
    Spring, TX
    Full Name:
    Rick S
    Not an F1. 3 pedal. I'll take a walk around, open and close all doors, hoods, bonnets.

    Does the immobilizer disable fuel injectors? That's what seems to be the issue, no gas flow, at all.
  7. bgmix

    bgmix Formula Junior

    Aug 1, 2009
    Full Name:
    Bob Giammarco
    If it cranks I doubt it's the immobilizer. When operating *properly* nothing should happen when you turn the key if the immobilizer is active. Of course that doesn't preclude some odd malfunction in the alarm system.
  8. cavlino

    cavlino Formula 3

    Mar 6, 2002
    Ottawa, Canada
    Full Name:
    Carm Scaffidi
    On the Stradale it will crank when you press the Start button regardless of the immobilizer status, ask me how I know :(

    Anyway I try and follow the exact same steps each time I go to start the car to ensure I have de-immobilized it before I press the Start button so that it cranks and starts.

    I get in the car, turn the key to pos that would allow it to start, press the alarm fob and then press the Start button and it cranks and starts.

    When I forget and deviate from this procedure the car will crank but not start. Go figure...
  9. 360trev

    360trev F1 Rookie
    Project Master

    Oct 29, 2005
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    Q. Quick question, Have you checked the fuel gauges, are you absolutely sure nobody 'siphoned off' all the fuel for safety reasons?

    Sometimes when cars are shipped the shipping companies do this to prevent fires/hazards during transit!

    If its turning over (without any slowness) its not the battery, likely to be fueling ( either cut or not getting to injectors - for whatever reason ). When you put the keys in the ignition to step 2 do you hear the fuel pump prime?
  10. English Rebel

    English Rebel Formula 3

    Aug 13, 2013
    Piedmont Area of NC
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    Not so. If immobilizer is active then it will crank but not start. Was embarrassing when I first got my car and kept forgetting to disable the immobilizer.
  11. bgmix

    bgmix Formula Junior

    Aug 1, 2009
    Full Name:
    Bob Giammarco
    Wow. I've never had the privilege of driving a CS however every 360 (mine included) would not crank if the immobilizer was active.
  12. bgmix

    bgmix Formula Junior

    Aug 1, 2009
    Full Name:
    Bob Giammarco
    Exactly! Which is why I remember so clearly how it behaved in my 360: Immobilizer active - no crank - I look stupid.

    My apologies to the OP, apparently they can behave differently from car to car?
  13. cavlino

    cavlino Formula 3

    Mar 6, 2002
    Ottawa, Canada
    Full Name:
    Carm Scaffidi
    My first ride in a CS was back in 2004 showing the new owner the way around a race track. That was a real privilege for me and stayed with me forever. Having one now for the last few years has been very special.

    But I have been embarrassed a few times when I forget to follow the steps to de-activate the alarm before pressing the Start button :)
  14. English Rebel

    English Rebel Formula 3

    Aug 13, 2013
    Piedmont Area of NC
    Full Name:
    My 360 will crank but not fire if the immobilizer is not deactivated. I've done this enough embarrassing times to know that. I'm not sure why your 360 is any different unless they changed it after my MY unless I'm misunderstanding your use of the word "crank". To me crank means that the starter motor will turn the engine over. Please advise if that is what you mean or not.
  15. BrettC

    BrettC Formula 3

    Aug 13, 2012
    Full Name:
    Mine cranks without starting sometimes if I forget to hit the key fob...other times its like no battery...sounds alarm related to me...

  16. honda.vfr

    honda.vfr Karting

    Jun 22, 2012
    Ostrava, CZ (EU)
    Full Name:
    Milan Pukl
    Have you checked the fuel cutoff switch?? (if fitted in US version)
  17. vrsurgeon

    vrsurgeon F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 13, 2009
    Charleston, SC
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    I think its a euro thing. Mine does not crank when immobilizer active.
  18. Roadking80134

    Roadking80134 Formula Junior

    Dec 5, 2013
    Spring, TX
    Full Name:
    Rick S
    Yes, I checked the inertial fuel interruption button. Good guess though. Hmm... I'm wondering if the 4 beeps when pressing the lock/unlock on the key fob means something...
  19. Jeffs360spider

    Jun 25, 2014
    Northern New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Jeff S
    I have an 04 360 F1. When the immobilizer isn't deactivated (hearing 2 beeps from key fob) the engine will crank but will not start. That is the idea of the immobilizer. I have had the 4 beep sound too, but that was when something was open... like the door.
  20. Skidkid

    Skidkid F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 25, 2005
    Campbell, CA
    Full Name:
    John Zornes
    Just because you opened and closed the doors doesn't mean that it isn't a door/latch issue. As I recall, you get either 3 or 4 beeps if the trunk is open when you push the fob. I would get out a multi-meter and start checking things.
  21. Stout

    Stout Formula Junior

    May 9, 2013
    Helotes, TX
    Full Name:
    What is the blinking immobilizer light on the dash doing? Solid or blinking or off?

    On my US spec car:
    Blinking light: Immobilizer is active. Car will crank but no ignition.
    Key off and no light: Immobilizer is disabled. Car will start.
    Key on and solid light: Immobilizer is disabled. Car will start.

    The car will start and run fine with the door or hoods open. I can select a gear, but it will drop to N when I try to move the car.

    When I try to set the alarm with any door or hood open, I do get 4 beeps.
  22. English Rebel

    English Rebel Formula 3

    Aug 13, 2013
    Piedmont Area of NC
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  23. honda.vfr

    honda.vfr Karting

    Jun 22, 2012
    Ostrava, CZ (EU)
    Full Name:
    Milan Pukl
    I would try to switch off the battery for a while to "reset" the electronics .. If that will not help, then go as Skidkid says, beginning with fuses ..
  24. 993man

    993man Formula Junior

    Sep 20, 2009
    New Zealand
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    t must be because mine also turns over but wont start
  25. vrsurgeon

    vrsurgeon F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Dec 13, 2009
    Charleston, SC
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    Interesting. On mine I can turn key and no crank until I press fob..

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