Enjoyed my Portland Trip | FerrariChat

Enjoyed my Portland Trip

Discussion in 'Northwest' started by rob lay, Jun 4, 2024.

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  1. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    Girlfriend just graduated from NP school and she wanted us to get away from the kids for a short "waterfalls" trip. At first I didn't understand, but I liked it the more I thought about it never been to Oregon and good hikes associated with the waterfalls. She planned the entire trip. We only had 3 nights, so I didn't mention it on here and schedule didn't allow for anything except hiking and then a quick evening.

    Friday arrival we were welcomed with the perfect airplane pic of Mount Hood with Mount Jefferson in back. I spend as much time as I can in the mountains of Colorado, but I have to admit Mount Hood is just a gorgeous mountain.

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    We already had an afternoon full of waterfalls, so had to get started right away. Had an unbelievable lunch at Brigham Fish Market in Cascade Locks. Small place, but so good hard to get fresh fish like this in Dallas. I got the Oyster Po Boy and Lin got the Halibut with a Ceviche side.

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    Waterfall #1: Panther Creek was up in Washington State. One of the harder drives to access, but the shortest hike, no other people there, and turned out to be one of our favorites. We ended up liking the wide cascading type falls more than the straight drops like Multnomah.

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    Next up back over the Bridge of the Gods to our #2 falls the famous Multnomah. It is certainly impressive volume of water and amount of drop. If you want to see one falls without walking it is the one to do, but we were being snobs attacking the hiking ones that less people see. Funny at Multnomah I felt what it was like to be a minority and Lin was a majority! 50% Chinese 40% Hispanic 10% Gringo. :D

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    Our #3 falls was Latourell, which was the first hike at 2 miles. Steep in parts, but a good warmup for weekend. It was choked both sides of the trail with Poison Oak, so even though I identified it and tried to avoid, I still got it. :D Not a big falls, but bonus points as you could walk right up to it.

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    We made it back to the Courtyard in Gresham for happy hour and then finished night off at the Migration Brewery. Pizza and beer was great!

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  2. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    Saturday morning first up was our falls #4 Ramona. Now we're getting into the real hiking! About 7.5 miles round trip with a fun log creek crossing. Otherwise the hike was easy and it was a perfect cascading falls being one of our favorites of the trip.

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    Next up Falls #5 going to the East side of Mount Hood was Tamanawas. It is about a 4 mile hike and it is pretty, but a little more crowded and the falls now quite as pretty. I recommend it for families.

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    We were tired for the day enjoying "doubles" at the hotel bar and Door Dashing in some BBQ.

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  3. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    Sunday was our single big hike going up to Tunnel and Twister Falls. Although a solid hike and seems like it has a death every year or so exposed ledges, it was worth it! Great falls along the way like Punchbowl. By itself Tunnel was gorgeous, but the ledge and taking the tunnel behind makes it a lifetime experience. Twister beyond tunnel was beautiful with the "twister" water flow.

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    Our feet were killing after the near 14 miles, but we took a nap and ready for Portland. Ohh my one of the best meals I've ever had at the Russian Kachka. Unbelievable great meal environment, drinks, and exotic foods like rabbit and cod liver.

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    We finished the night off with some neighborhood "house" bars. Roadside Attraction is my type of place! Totally unique friendly place, couldn't tell quite what it was, if half Tiki bar or old Chinese restaurant. Evidently the guy who built some of the Portland tunnels opened it many years ago and it is kind of his pet. I love the eclectic feel. We then tried The Basement a couple doors down and it was unique and fun, but not as interesting, weak drinks, and not as friendly. It was a good light Portland experience for us tight timeline.

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  4. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    I think we did good for 3 days focusing on waterfalls and hikes. I just now see the thread Ross started, there are some great suggestions there. Without looking at those I would have liked 5 days splitting up the hikes doing a full day around Portland and at least a half day fishing. Now looking at the thread Ross started I would add some aviation and car stuff. We could also do a FChat meet up with time.

    Over 3 days 70k+ steps, some great waterfalls, and some great food.
  5. Jedi

    Jedi Moderator
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    Mar 18, 2008
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    Glad you enjoyed your trip out here to "the Great Northwest" - Oregon is a beautiful state as long as you stay out of certain areas of downtown Portland that are very rough these days (just like many major cities).

    You've only scratched the surface!

    I live 2 hours North in WA but it's VERY similar - I grew up here and I've spent years wandering OR and WA ... if you ever come a little North (Tacoma, WA area) ping me and a round of fine Adult Beverages is on me

    rob lay likes this.
  6. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Cool trip idea. Thanks for posting the pics. The tunnel one looks amazing.

    Heading to OR this weekend for belated anniversary. Staying at the Crater Lake Lodge for a couple nights. Not sure we'll get much hiking done as the rim road is still closed due to snow.
    rob lay likes this.
  7. Jedi

    Jedi Moderator
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    Also note: if you're at all into caving, Oregon has some OUTSTANDING caves to explore. NOT my thing - but as a kid my dad loved to cave and we visited many of them.

    Another note: one of the falls, I believe #5 in your pictures, is featured prominently in the movie adaptation of Cormack McCarthy's "The Road" - and the whole movie was filmed in and around that area.

    rob lay likes this.
  8. rob lay

    rob lay Administrator
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    Dec 1, 2000
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    Rob Lay
    all Lin knew was Twilight filmed around. :D

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  9. Jedi

    Jedi Moderator
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    Haha! Cool! It's hillarious how many people actually trek to Forks, WA which is about as remote as you can get in the state, only to learn NOTHING was filmed there! Just a still shot of the old high school (which I believe is now torn down), a sign, and an old truck. But it doesn't stop people in Forks from hosting "vampire tours" (https://themanicwanderer.com/a-self-guided-twilight-tour-in-forks/). In fact, the UK author of Twilight never actually even visited the town! She more or less picked it randomly - not realizing it's HOURS from Seattle... not the short trip portrayed in the movie(s). It's HOURS from anywhere in fact!

    BUT the Forks region of the WA coast is a pretty stunning area - the vast Hoh Rain Forest and Olympic National Park are stunning in immense - taking up almost the entire "upper left fork" of WA state.

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  10. fatbillybob

    fatbillybob Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Aug 10, 2002
    Looks like great trip!
    rob lay likes this.
  11. GaryReed

    GaryReed F1 Rookie

    Feb 9, 2002
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    Hi Rob - Great to hear about your Oregon adventure. Looks like lots of fun. If you ever get up to Seattle, please let the group know and it would be great to see you again.

    I still have my Ferrari Chat Monterey Gathering tee shirt from the August 2004 get together at the Baja Cantina! That was a great event!


    rob lay likes this.
  12. donv

    donv Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 5, 2002
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    Glad you enjoyed it! That is a fantastic area.
    rob lay likes this.
  13. 360Grigio

    360Grigio Karting
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    Nov 1, 2010
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    Fun trip report! If you ever come back to Oregon and are into fly fishing, a trip to the Metolius and Deschutes rivers of Central Oregon are definitely worth it. Some pretty falls around the Sisters area as well.
    3POINT8 and rob lay like this.
  14. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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  15. bjwhite

    bjwhite F1 Rookie

    Mar 17, 2006
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    Brian White
    Wow great pics. Honestly I learned about more waterfalls just reading this thread than any other time. Never considered waterfall hikes, that's pretty awesome.

    Glad you guys seemed to have good weather.
    rob lay likes this.
  16. 3POINT8

    3POINT8 F1 Rookie
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    Jan 23, 2014
    awesome trip. i lived all my life here so take it for granted but reading this post had me experiencing it like a visitor. glad you enjoyed it
    rob lay likes this.

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