Enzo Broken down ? | FerrariChat

Enzo Broken down ?

Discussion in 'California (Southern)' started by awhite, Jun 3, 2006.

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  1. awhite

    awhite Formula 3

    Jul 13, 2005
    still here
    Full Name:
    Armen was that your enzo on Mcarthur ??
    Today @ 2:pm
    I saw one with 2 cops on Motorcylces watching it, but no driver in the car ??

  2. frank4cars

    frank4cars F1 Rookie

    Dec 9, 2004
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    Frank F.
    Dietrich, were you joy-riding again?
  3. ag512bbi

    ag512bbi F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Nov 8, 2003
    So. Cal
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    no, thank god!
  4. eric77

    eric77 Rookie

    May 31, 2004
    Newport Beach, CA
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    I saw that too. It was definitely in a fender bender of some sorts. I heard that it hit a mini van but I didnt see the mini van when I drove by. It looked to me like the "nose" on the front was cracked and the hood was bent up.
  5. SrfCity

    SrfCity F1 World Champ

    What color? I'm assuming red. Possibly owned by one of the celebs in the area.(this would explain why there were cops guarding it) Hit a minivan? Sounds like the person may have loaned their car out or someone not too familiar with driving it.
  6. markymark360f1

    markymark360f1 Formula 3

    Dec 15, 2004
    San Diego
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    Be safe out there. Soccer moms in minivans can be more deadly than the street racers!
  7. mannyk

    mannyk Formula Junior

    Jul 4, 2004
    Newport beach
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    the guy hit the minivan infront of him.. he had light damage to the hood but still pretty ugly when you do anything to a Enzo.

    it had out of state plates on it so , don't know the guy..
  8. eurospec

    eurospec F1 Veteran

    May 29, 2005
    Mt Isa. Australia
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    Dietrich for sure:D always sad to hear an ENZO has been hit:(
  9. cig1

    cig1 F1 Rookie

    May 3, 2005
    In front of you
    I saw an SLR down on the side of the 55 this morning around ... a little north of MacArthur ... hood up with a guy out of the car on the phone

  10. jlm348

    jlm348 Formula 3

    Nov 26, 2002
    Scottsdale + LA
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    I saw the car as well. It looked like the front nose had been slightly chunked out and the hood was open a bit. Not sure if the hood was slighlty open or open due to the accident.
    I believe I know the owner of the car and hope that he is doing ok. It looked like a minor accident but I am sure he must be very sad.


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