Exhaust on Puro | FerrariChat

Exhaust on Puro

Discussion in 'Purosangue' started by Maximus1973, Jan 10, 2025.

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  1. Maximus1973

    Maximus1973 Formula 3

    Oct 29, 2016
    Guys, I'm thinking of adding an exhaust for my Puro.

    Novitec and IPE are the ones that have developped such a kit. However replacing the X-Pipe is a definitive No No with Ferrari and warranty. Just the exhaust (last part) is a question mark in terms of warranty.

    Does anyone here have any experience with just replacing the end bit or is the x-pipe absolutely mandatory for optimal sound. Please not I said optimal sound, I have no interest in waking up the entire town, as Novitec likes to do with their recent clips!
  2. Caeruleus11

    Caeruleus11 F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jun 11, 2013
    From what I have gathered about the newer GPF based setups, to keep everything as kosher as possible, you are going to affect the volume the most and the tone very little, if any. I think to get real results, even if it's not about volume level, it will require a lot of work, definitely ECU tuning. Because of that, I would recommend leaving it alone to 99% of people. Perhaps you are in the 1% who is willing to take on the risk and challenge, and I say bravo to that!
    dhlnb and Maximus1973 like this.
  3. Maximus1973

    Maximus1973 Formula 3

    Oct 29, 2016
    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback!
    Caeruleus11 likes this.
  4. Lagunae92

    Lagunae92 Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 16, 2018
    Why do you say replacing he X pipe is a no no? I'd say that's likely the part that will change tone the most. It doesn't involve the cats on this car, right? Just the middle pipe.
  5. Maximus1973

    Maximus1973 Formula 3

    Oct 29, 2016
    Because that part is supposedly notorious with errors and quite possible damaging. Based on what I've heard from others and the garage team at my dealer's (whom are normally pretty easy when it comes to modifications).
  6. Lagunae92

    Lagunae92 Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 16, 2018
    Hmm, I have never heard that, nor had any problems with just an X pipe.
    Maximus1973 likes this.

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