F80 Reportedly Having Issues Selling | Page 6 | FerrariChat

F80 Reportedly Having Issues Selling

Discussion in '288GTO/F40/F50/Enzo/LaFerrari/F80' started by FerrariFR33458, Jan 13, 2025.

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  1. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
    Full Name:
    Brian Crall
    There is already a market developing to turn the hybrids into straight IC.
    carguyjohn350, sailfly and ab08 like this.
  2. roma1280

    roma1280 F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    May 2, 2010
    Palm Beach, Roma
    So that’s the 360 era, in 2004 the stickers were

    360 Modena - $152k
    360 Spider - $172k
    360 CS. - $193k

    mvaldezf60 and amenasce like this.
  3. MisterMaranello

    MisterMaranello F1 Rookie

    Apr 5, 2011
    Yes, at least in Europe there is a second round of allocations coming for the so-called "runner up" clients who missed out the initial allocations. The car is too expensive and there are concerns about residuals/collectability due to the nature of the powertrain and ambivalent design. Initial clients are passing on their allocations.
  4. therryzsx

    therryzsx Formula 3

    Dec 2, 2011
    this is good news, only hard problems can force Ferrari to change destructive ideology
    gt_lusso and Johnny_Bravo like this.
  5. amenasce

    amenasce Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 17, 2001
    Full Name:
    Joe Mansion
    Are there still plans to push an Aperta?
    roma1280 likes this.
  6. Eilig

    Eilig F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 31, 2001
    Full Name:
    Tänzelndes Pferd
    Requires regime change.

    Elkann living proof that failure predictably results w/nepotism. LCDM would still be there w/meritocracy.
    ross, JTSE30, babgh and 10 others like this.
  7. sailfly

    sailfly Karting

    Dec 21, 2020
    For 296?
  8. roma1280

    roma1280 F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    May 2, 2010
    Palm Beach, Roma
    799 coupes + 499 apertas no?
    amenasce likes this.
  9. therryzsx

    therryzsx Formula 3

    Dec 2, 2011
    if your numbers are true then second hand market would be interesting to see :D :D :D I wonder if price of F80 could drop close to F40 level
  10. George330

    George330 Formula 3

    Oct 19, 2009
    Full Name:

    Ferrari never said if the 799 are only Coupe, include the Aperta, or if they will produce Aperta on top
    The original production plan showed 599 Coupe and 200 Aperta. That may have changed but no official numbers have been mentioned by the factory
    JackCongo and roma1280 like this.
  11. Lukeylikey

    Lukeylikey F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 3, 2012
    Let’s hope! Because 799+499 at the prices quoted seems like a lot.
    JackCongo, George330 and roma1280 like this.
  12. uniqueMR

    uniqueMR Formula Junior
    Rossa Subscribed

    Sep 3, 2018
    Full Name:
    Mr. O
    F80 will be interesting. Looking forward to F80s value. It will be under the msrp.. Hopefully ;)
    gt_lusso and Johnny_Bravo like this.
  13. George330

    George330 Formula 3

    Oct 19, 2009
    Full Name:
    I would assume that Ferrari never want to see this happen. Apart from the damage to the brand, it will make future launches of limited cars highly problematic, not to mention put at risk all the sales of regular production cars that the brand’s top clients generate.
    gt_lusso and Caeruleus11 like this.
  14. roma1280

    roma1280 F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    May 2, 2010
    Palm Beach, Roma
    I think that horse has left the barn … but let’s see.
  15. MisterMaranello

    MisterMaranello F1 Rookie

    Apr 5, 2011
    Second this with the original plan for 599 Coupe, 199 Aperta, (30 true XX). At launch there was said to be no Aperta - but highly unlikely as it's a huge revenue and massive profit to leave on the table.
  16. MisterMaranello

    MisterMaranello F1 Rookie

    Apr 5, 2011
    There are rumors on the street about employees of Ferrari Financial speaking off the record that they don't believe F80 will hold value. But that's what they are, just rumors.
    Johnny_Bravo likes this.
  17. MisterMaranello

    MisterMaranello F1 Rookie

    Apr 5, 2011
    Worst example I have heard is double digit percentage of allocated clients at a dealer passing on the car. Even at those volumes, there is more than enough take for an Aperta. It's a suckers game.
  18. Eilig

    Eilig F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 31, 2001
    Full Name:
    Tänzelndes Pferd
    You think F80 expensive now, just imagine w/10-20% tariff added on....
    Chicko and rmolke85 like this.
  19. willcrook

    willcrook Formula 3

    Feb 3, 2009
    have people not already signed on the car though so price must be held?
  20. iohead

    iohead Karting

    Feb 19, 2013
    The final price of the car is not guaranteed and is subject to change at any time prior to delivery.
  21. day355

    day355 Formula 3

    Jun 25, 2006
    Aren't you tired of being treated like this !?
    JTSE30, babgh and Johnny_Bravo like this.
  22. iohead

    iohead Karting

    Feb 19, 2013
    I'm tired of many things, but not necessarily this.

    This aspect (no guarantee of final pricing) is common across manufacturers when it comes to ultra-exotic cars. A price increase isn't super common, but it does happen.

    Looking at contracts from Bugatti, Gordon Murray, Koenigsegg and Pagani: the price in the contract is almost always Ex Works, which means you still have to get the car from the manufacturer to your country. Therefore, things like import duties are outside of the contract's scope. Even otherwise, these contracts usually call out that governmental or regulatory changes can cause the price to increase. Once in a while, the manufacturer just increases the price because the gestation period is so long that inflation catches them and ruins their margins. Add to this the complication that these manufacturers only want to be paid in their local currencies, so forex fluctuation across multiple payments spread out over several years can mean that the effective final price can be drastically different for different customers.

    McLaren and Ferrari also sell cars in the above manner, but those are typically track-only cars or special-project cars.

    For cars such as the F80 and the W1, the initially advertised base price for a country (e.g. USA) does include duties, but an abrupt significant increase in duties is unlikely to be eaten by the manufacturer.
    Pwillemse78, Data, Boomhauer and 4 others like this.
  23. amenasce

    amenasce Three Time F1 World Champ

    Oct 17, 2001
    Full Name:
    Joe Mansion
    I heard the same. But was wondering if they would cancel it since coupe isn't selling as well.
    roma1280 likes this.
  24. roma1280

    roma1280 F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    May 2, 2010
    Palm Beach, Roma
    Ask yourself what makes the most euros and that is the answer.
    Caeruleus11 likes this.
  25. marcomodena

    marcomodena Rookie

    Sep 19, 2017
    You mean by the Donald?
    FerrariColdVision likes this.

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