Feedback on Web and Texas Driver Magazine | FerrariChat

Feedback on Web and Texas Driver Magazine

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by writerguy, Feb 18, 2004.

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  1. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    As most everyone knows we are launching Texas Driver Magazine into the Regional Magazine world with our April/May issue. The magazine is going to be bi monthly till we get it stable but please take a look at and let me know here.... what you think.

    The FChat world of Car Guys is where we are aimed.

    This is a temporary site to "Spread the News" untill the main site is ready to roll.

    Ps all the images are mine, should have called my self Photoguy...

    But hey that is how I got started in the first place....

    Any thing you have seen on other Magaizne sites that "works" or anything that you have never seen but think would be a great idea we would really love to hear.
  2. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
    Full Name:
    I'll take a look at it later. Problems with DNS up here at work prevent me from hitting the site.

    Make sure you go to - register with a few of the sites and post up a brief intro to spread the news about the site.

    I'm quite interested to hear what it is about.
  3. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
    E ' ' '/ F
    Full Name:
    Holden Toyerbutz
    And right about here is where we point you at

  4. Schatten

    Schatten F1 World Champ

    Apr 3, 2001
    Austin, TX
    Full Name:
    I dig flash, but only if it is done for a purpose. There was obviously a lot of work done on this site to utilize flash. For whatever reason though, that I cannot figure out.

    I have a lot of remarks regarding the current temp site. I can only hope that the final is a helluva lot better.
  5. TigerAce

    TigerAce Formula 3

    May 29, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Yoshi Ace
    Congrat on launching new magazine! Hope it will be successful.

    Is there printed version of your magazine? I remember sending you my address in Sept or Oct.

    Good luck!

    Yoshi Ace
  6. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    Tillman you are right about the Ferrari Ads section I do intend on doing that and also working with the FC board to include other aspects as well. It is not my intention to try and "Sell" anything here just looking for some feedback and suggestions about what we can do to make the site and the magazine as good as we can.

    I have been here for almost 1000 posts at this point and value the input from the board members, after all who better than the guys who probably subscribe to EVERY car magazine and visit every Automotive related website out there to ask for some suggestions.....
  7. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    Ah crap Yoshi I forgot to give you one at lunch....
  8. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 26, 2001
    E ' ' '/ F
    Full Name:
    Holden Toyerbutz
    I know, I'm just beating on you a bit. :D

    As far as the site itself goes, I agree with Randy. You could get almost the same look and probably better performance if you just used standard HTML techniques rather than flash.

    From a content perspective, I would add at least a sample article or two so that readers can get a feel for the magazine. From a long-term perspective, you could probably build a strong community there if you had forums and special web-only (or bonus) content there. I'm sure you know that electrons are cheaper than paper :) With the bonus web stuff (not to be confused with the download edition of your magazine) you might also get some good stuff from people wanting to break into the field without paying much.

    Just random thoughts.
  9. TigerAce

    TigerAce Formula 3

    May 29, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Yoshi Ace
    Oh that's what was about! I was wondering why some of you were gathered around by 1 car. (it must be your car!)

    Well, maybe next chance, then. It's my fault for showing up late, as you guys were talking about your magazine before.
  10. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    No worries Yoshi I will hook up with you later
  11. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    #11 writerguy, Feb 19, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
  12. Texas Forever

    Texas Forever Eight Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 28, 2003
    I think you need some music. Maybe "Oklahoma in the rear view mirror." Or perhaps, "Leaving Louisiana in the Broad Daylight."

  13. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    We will get Willie to do something..... On the Road again....
  14. TSMIV

    TSMIV Formula Junior

    Jan 27, 2004
    Columbus, MS
    Full Name:
    Robert Goodman
    I like the website. It made me want to subscribe. Some of the photography was breathtaking. The sample article idea is good. I was thinking something along the lines of Sportscar Market, having the editorials, events calendar, and paid ads accessible to everyone. I look forward to seeing the final version.
  15. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    All the photo's are mine.....
    The Calendar is something we are working on and doing some sort of Grassroots racing coverage too
    The only big issue is the size of the state.. covering all the events is just out of the question. The Calendar is one that we have been trying to figure out. At last count there are something like 10 different SCCA clubs NASA texas Fclubs Lambo Clubs Every damn thing clubs that we want to cover and do but trying to get this one thing organized is nuts.
    There are 2 Nissan Z clubs in DFW and for the most part they don't know what the other is doing let alone what the Viper club is up to.. By having a coordinated TEx Calendar we should also be able to get a built in reader base......
  16. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    Oddly we just checked our "hit counter" off the TDM website and pretty much 90% have come via Ferrari Chat....

    Thanks guys and if you do have suggestions from yourself or from other things you have seen please let me know

    (links are always great)

  17. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    #17 writerguy, Feb 20, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017

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