Ferrari of Atlanta Rally | FerrariChat

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  1. spirot

    spirot F1 World Champ

    Dec 12, 2005
    Full Name:
    Tom Spiro
    Just booked the test drives for the Tributo and 812... call the Ferrari concierge to book. they seemed to be pretty open.
    Lanikai likes this.
  2. DefunctNeurons

    DefunctNeurons Formula Junior

    May 15, 2018
    Alpharetta, GA
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    What is the number or where would I find it? New to this! Thanks [emoji14]

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  3. spirot

    spirot F1 World Champ

    Dec 12, 2005
    Full Name:
    Tom Spiro

    Ferrari Concierge:

    E: [email protected] | T: (866) 551-2828.
    DefunctNeurons likes this.
  4. DefunctNeurons

    DefunctNeurons Formula Junior

    May 15, 2018
    Alpharetta, GA
    Full Name:
    Thanks. It wasn’t obvious and I searched all over the place. Much appreciated.

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
  5. spirot

    spirot F1 World Champ

    Dec 12, 2005
    Full Name:
    Tom Spiro
    Its Ferrari corporate Vs. Ferrari of Atlanta - so nothing is ever clear.
  6. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    We had 35 Ferraris (and one Maserati) make the caravan from dealership to track, via GA-400, GA-20, I-985 and GA-53. All went smoothly, and they parked us in the staging lane behind the outside pit lane. This was convenient to the new scoring tower (where the VIP hospitality was) as well as the pedestrian bridge across to the inside paddock.
  7. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    Here are a few caravan photos - if I had had a passenger with a camera there would have been more! We were all given a large "Passione Ferrari" sticker to put on our driver's doors before the start. The cove on the side of mine made me move mine forward so that I could at least seal the front and keep air from getting under it and blowing it off; that worked fine and as of this writing, the sticker is still on the car.

    We were parked in the staging lane for the outside pits, as no race cars were using the outside pit or paddock all weekend. In the second photo you can see my car parked third on the left; in the third photo you can see the Passione Ferrari banners that matched our door stickers.

    On Sunday, the security guard at the entrance to the outside parking claimed the Ferrari corral - presumably to be in the same place - was "not open yet" even though it was 10 AM already, and that I did not have the proper P2 parking credential. I tried to explain to her that the idea of the corral was that the car itself should have been its own parking credential! She insisted I take it up with registration so I drove over there and they gave me a P credential that actually might have been better. But I took it and returned to the staging lane, which had far fewer cars than on Saturday! Next time, someone needs to tell security that in a case like this, the make of the car is an adequate parking credential! (I don't blame the guard - she was just doing her job - but just as with the drive-in parking access problem Saturday evening, there was a clear lack of communication. Whether it was between Road Atlanta, FNA, FoA and/or the security company, I do not know.)
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  8. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    It was interesting that on Saturday, we "general admission" types were all allowed into the corral without the proper parking credential. Maybe it was because we all arrived in a line, or maybe it was the round stickers on our drivers' doors, or maybe just that the Saturday guards had been briefed better. And on second thought, allowing the car to be the credential probably wouldn't work, because I'm sure that a lot of these guards are not "car people" and wouldn't recognize a Ferrari from a Corvette, Viper or Aston Martin! The solution would have been for FoA to have gotten additional P2 parking credentials and put them in the red folders given to all the "general admission" drivers at the dealership before the drive.

    One bonus of having to go back to registration on Sunday to get a credential: I discovered that there was a printed program for the weekend that I had not seen before. I presume that the VIP attendees all got one of these in their white envelopes; they were still plentiful on Sunday morning and should also have been in our red folders. None of this is really critical and I can't really fault anyone for the inevitable communications glitches that can happen when four different entities have to talk to each other. I enjoyed the weekend and I hope this will lead to more Ferrari-only events at Road Atlanta, perhaps every three years or so. (We hardly see any Ferraris on track in any of the other events - no more than one or two at the Mitty and perhaps 3 or 4 at the Petit.)
  9. JeffShul

    JeffShul Rookie

    Jan 29, 2020
    You had buy a VIP pass for the day to be able to park in the corral. General admission passes were a fraction of the cost of the VIP pass

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  10. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Feb 27, 2004
    Full Name:
    Jim Pernikoff
    We were told from the start that all Ferraris would be able to park in the corral; a VIP pass would not be needed.

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