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FF Questions

Discussion in 'FF/Lusso' started by donv, Nov 6, 2024.

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  1. ANOpax

    ANOpax Formula 3

    Jul 1, 2015
    The Netherlands
    If you want inspiration to get some winter tyres (or a Kline exhaust) watch this;

    FerRrari likes this.
  2. Nospinzone

    Nospinzone F1 Veteran

    Jul 1, 2013
    Weston, MA
    Full Name:
    I bought an extra set of OEM wheels on eBay and mounted Michelin Aplin snow tires. So I can just make the change over myself. I think somebody on here has a set of wheels for sale.
    FerRrari likes this.
  3. jblaw

    jblaw Karting

    May 20, 2016
    Vredestein Wintrack is available in an appropriate size that gives a little more sidewall as I recall. Plus, the sidewall is “designed” by Giugiaro!
  4. FDad84

    FDad84 Rookie

    Oct 9, 2024
    Charger plug on my 2015 FF is also the magnetic exterior version and very simple to use.

    The plastic trim around the magnetic connection is chipped though. Works fine, but annoying. Is there a replacement part for just that section after the box?

    With regard to OP - Can confirm the rear seats are plenty large for our family of 4 + dog. My wife (she gets me) found some car-seat vest/harnesses that work really well (rated highly at least, haven’t personally tested) and don’t have plastic bases jabbing into the leather. Best part is you flip them over the seat back and they disappear into the boot. Just as easy to bring back into the seat. Really fun family car that was made for ski weekends. When the FF was first sold, the NM edition came with a fancy weekend snow driving course in Aspen. 4wd only works up to like 50 m/h though as the PTU basically has 2 effective gears, geared kind of in between 1st and 2nd, and 2nd and 3rd. Above that it’s out of range and gets shut down. So it’s great for getting around town, but it’s effectively a RWD vehicle on the highway. It’s amazing when you get sideways and feel the whole system working to keep you in line.

    Golf clubs - I’ve had 3 sets of clubs in the car, with 3 guys. Each seats fold down individually to accommodate different options.

    Bikes - Never tried. I’d hook a Campagnolo gear straight into the leather on first attempt. Almost guaranteed. I’ll leave that to the professionals who posted earlier.

    In the winter (wet & cold PNW), comfort mode makes it an easy daily driver. Any dry pavement gets sport mode and dad gets to have fun on the way to work after dropping off kids at school. You do need to watch out for pot holes though. The front tires are quite slim. The rears have some meat on them. The fronts feel like they need to be driven around most medium problems in the pavement. Definitely around the bad stuff. When I bought the car I had both front wheels corrected as I could tell they were slightly off. I think many drive around on bad wheels and think it’s balance or suspension issues.

    I also didn’t expect the car to get so much attention. It’s dark metallic gray and I thought I’d be able to hide it better. Just starting the car you can see heads in parking lots turn around in a variety of reactions. Notice more cars lingering, or keeping up, to look at it. This is the only downside I’ve found. Functionally it’s been bullet proof. It’s also my first f-car though and I’m assuming most other models are far worse in this regard.

    All my research led me to the later models, and I continue to find reasons I’m happy with that decision. Finding a later model that has already had the gearbox/ptu done is worth spending a few more dollars on, imo.

    Hope you go for it, and post of pic of the purchase!
    Elferink, jblaw, ANOpax and 2 others like this.
  5. KingKongAintGotNothingOnMe

    Nov 13, 2024
    Wayne, NJ
    Full Name:
    robert hunka
    Hey ferrari community, new to this chat site and a proud ferrari owner (2012 ff) for 4yrs now. My question to the community may be stacked, here goes- So I've owned my ff for 4yrs now, bought it with 28k mi, and now has 48k mi so I'm driving it around 5k mi/yr. When I bought the car and got it sorted, I knew there would be maintenance, services, repairs, etc. The first 3yrs of ownership, I've replaced both front shocks, had some oil leaks from bad gaskets, and some other service work that I can't exactly recall, however, this yr, so far, has been a killer. I had to do valve covers (12), brake pads and rotors, and just brought it in for the 3rd service of the yr for a check engine light and the tech told me that I'm most likely going to need new injectors, I'm starting to feel like the service part of owning my ff is starting to outweigh the benefits and fun of driving. Has anyone had similar experiences as far as age of car, miles driven, enormous amount of service? Is this normal as ferrari's age and mileage starts to climb? Or, hate to ask
    this........do I have a lemon? AAny feedback would be great-thank you in advance
  6. MB_Fahrer

    MB_Fahrer Formula Junior

    Dec 22, 2009
    Full Name:
    This is quite funny. I was coming on here to post pretty much what the OP asked.

    What do engine/transmission/fluids temps do during sedate cold weather driving? Do these cars start to have issues if the temps are near 0F? My 360 and 599 both I put away as soon as the weather is in the 40's. Their heat management is so tuned for hot weather, that neither build up any heat. So I feel like I need to baby them with cold oil circulating around the engine. The 599 is a little better, but the 360 is hopeless--the heater won't even keep the cabin warm when the weather is in the 20's (F). Seeing as the FF/Lusso were designed to be used in the snow, does that mean they will operate more like a "normal" car? Engine up to full operating temp even if I'm only driving 40 MPH?
  7. FDad84

    FDad84 Rookie

    Oct 9, 2024
  8. FDad84

    FDad84 Rookie

    Oct 9, 2024

    My FF is like any other car in regards to the engine getting to temp. I’ve only had track laps with other fcars, this FF is my first driver, so can’t help with comparison to other models in everyday settings. But on mine, the engine gets to temp at low rpm driving quickly, maybe couple minutes in summer and a few min in winter? No hyperbolic delays in colder weather or anything though. Then fluctuates based on driving style like normal. Engine temp bumps up a bit in stop and go traffic and runs coolest at about 70mph in 7th gear, easy work with lots of air to breath. Also runs surprisingly fuel efficient at about the same if you have a long drive. But there are more fun ways to get there…

    I guess I just have a hard time imagining low heat temps being the Achilles heel of this giant V12.
    MB_Fahrer, jblaw and donv like this.
  9. jblaw

    jblaw Karting

    May 20, 2016
    I agree -- I've never had issues with cold weather in mine. It is interesting that you can loaf around in 7th and get remarkably good MPG, but that is eviscerated quickly when you want to have fun!
  10. MB_Fahrer

    MB_Fahrer Formula Junior

    Dec 22, 2009
    Full Name:
    I figured that was probably the case, but worth asking. Thanks for your input! With turbos and electric cars taking over, I figure it's time to start stockpiling some of the more special cars like these.
  11. FDad84

    FDad84 Rookie

    Oct 9, 2024
    Happy to help. And agreed… One of our neighbors is another Fcar guy, but no current V12s. He’ll poke his head out from across the street every once in a while when he hears the FF start up.
  12. Scout123

    Scout123 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2017
    i have used Michelin sport all season 4 tires. Did just fine in the snow. But, if I were a mountain guy, get the snows.

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    Nospinzone, jblaw and donv like this.
  13. FDad84

    FDad84 Rookie

    Oct 9, 2024
    hey jblaw, did you ever sell that extra set of FF wheels you had? I saw an old post and can’t message yet… thanks!
  14. jblaw

    jblaw Karting

    May 20, 2016
    Hi — I sold them when I sold the car and bought them back when I rebought the car!
    FDad84 likes this.
  15. curiousoffice

    curiousoffice Rookie

    Jan 7, 2023
    Full Name:
    Kelly E Smith
    The injectors can be cleaned. You shouldn't need new ones. I had mine done by a place in Torrance CA as the shop must have experience doing injectors for these kinds of cars.

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