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Fire these drivers now

Discussion in 'F1' started by Drive550PFB, Apr 23, 2024.

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  1. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
    Corpus Christi, Tx.
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    Joe R Gonzales
    We're going on 8 years of Strolls son underperforming IF these owners take into Strolls sons performance in F1.....otherwise it's a non issue then. I have said, Lance Stroll is an anomaly in F1 because he is impervious to the stats of F1.
    mdrums, pilotoCS and Bas like this.
  2. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2006

    Lawrence Stroll's associates and shareholders haven't asked him to sack his son from the F1 team.
    So far, I have never heard anyone from Liberty or the FIA asking Lance Stroll to step down from F1.
    That demand has come from armchair critics who have no involvement in the company.
    They are busybodies who wish they could influence decisions at a level they will never reached themselves.
    They are the same who go on social media believing they have the power to change the world on many subjects.
  3. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Do you agree with everything that Liberty or the FIA does (or doesn't do) with regard to F1? Have you never voiced opinions on how things should be?
    furmano likes this.
  4. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006
    I go along with most of the decisions they make.
    I am pragmatic and adapt to circumstances.
    I find swimming against the tide a waste of time.
    Beside, if I cease to like something, I can always walk away from it.
  5. 67bmer

    67bmer Formula 3
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    Oct 28, 2015
    As crazy as it sounds, it's looking a little bit like Carlos Sainz is the one getting fired!

    He said " I can’t go to Red Bull as I’ll be behind Max." He certainly would be a lot closer behind Max than anywhere else at the moment...

    Funny how the Red Bull empire seems to be crumbling at its pinnacle.
  6. pilotoCS

    pilotoCS F1 World Champ
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    Exactly. Stroll exists on the F1 grid because he and his father want to.

    Next question?
    mdrums, Jeronimo GTO and 375+ like this.
  7. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
    Corpus Christi, Tx.
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    Joe R Gonzales
    Max and Hamilton have a better chance at losing their seat than Lance Stroll......go figure.
    Jeronimo GTO and 375+ like this.
  8. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006
    AFAIK, team owners, managers and sponsors decide who drives for a team.
    As long as someone qualifies to drive in F1 (Superlicence), he can stays as long as they want.
  9. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 22, 2004
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    You're right, not dumb, I take that back. His priorities are out of whack (nepotism over success).
  10. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 22, 2004
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    Putting Lance in an F1 car isn't giving him any chance to succeed. It's setting him up for failure. The results speak for themselves. Lawrence should form a GT team and put his son in that team. Lance doesn't have what it takes to do well in F1. Maybe he could do better in GT. There's no shame in that.
    Bas likes this.
  11. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 22, 2004
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    My bad, I didn't realize that's the purpose of the AM F1 team. Is that really the purpose for the AM F1 team?!? My goodness, if that's the case it's a bigger joke than I thought.

    Oh and, Lawrence isn't doing Lance any favors by putting the kid in an F1 car. Failing every time he goes out is not a recipe for success.
  12. Anthony_Ferrari

    Anthony_Ferrari Formula 3

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Anthony Currie
    That's not quite true. There are plenty of Superlicence holders who have lost their drives. You are right that the decisions are made by the team owners, managers and sponsors. They usually make those decisions based on a drivers performance, or on the amount of money the driver brings to the team. It is unusual for the decision to be based on who the drivers father is. I know there have been claims of nepotism in the past with Villeneuve, Hill, Schumacher, Verstappen, Piquet, Rosberg etc etc, but I think each of those drivers were kept or let go based on the same criteria as all other drivers - except for Stroll.
    Buying your son an F1 team and pumping money into his junior career and training is probably what many fathers would do if given the opportunity. I think Lance is a lovely guy and a talented driver, however if he had a different surname it is clear he would have been without a seat years ago. Surely it's time to call an end to the experiment and let someone else have a go? If Lance was still at Williams or somewhere like Haas he'd do an ok job and help to balance the books of the team.
  13. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006
    Well, here you go ... Stroll Sr is doing for his son what many fathers can only dream !

    Where is the crime ? ;)
    Nuvolari likes this.
  14. DF1

    DF1 Two Time F1 World Champ

    Wealth and privilege from Aston and Stroll de-value the sport for those with far superior talent but no money. Stroll and his idiot son are crap. Wow he saved a car company that still losing money. His F1 team is a joke as long as that idiot is in the seat. PERIOD.
    furmano likes this.
  15. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Lance Stroll wants to underperform and risk injury by crashing every few races and his dad supports that? That sounds messed up.
  16. tifosi12

    tifosi12 Four Time F1 World Champ
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    Ah, the myth of F1 as the ultimate bastion of meritocracy.

    Couldn't be farther from the truth. It's a multi million business in the entertainment world of sport. Has been like that since the first driver put a company logo on his racing suit in the sixties. Has nothing to do with the Strolls, they're just another example for money makes the world go round, the world go round.
    Nuvolari and william like this.
  17. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 22, 2004
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    It's both. Rich people buying their way onto the grid along with high performers being rewarded. But let's not get it twisted, the nepotism of the Stroll F1 team is unique and is an extreme example of elevating familial bias over performance and achievement. Everyone gets this but the Strolls.
    Anthony_Ferrari likes this.
  18. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006
    Why should the Strolls take notice of the critics ?
    tifosi12 likes this.
  19. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 22, 2004
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    You keep saying that as if there is no role for the fans to have their say and on the flipside, as if this discussion is anything more than fans having a discussion.

    Only a narcissist goes through the world not caring a whit what other people have to say about how they do their business. Furthermore, the F1 enterprise is a sport comprised of teams that work as both competitors and as partners within the organization.

    If Lance's poor performance affected the performance of other teams, taking out other cars, getting in their way during quali, stuff like that, you can be sure Lawrence would hear about it and he would have to listen or there would be a move to banish him from the sport.

    Since it hasn't gotten to that level, the Strolls can go along with their big money charade and everyone else is like, whatever. Ultimately it's the FIA that makes the rules and calls the shots. But the fans have the right to call out crap when they see it. That's what being a fan is all about.
  20. pilotoCS

    pilotoCS F1 World Champ
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    Lest we forget Alonso has elevated the team and Bid Daddy Stroll deserves credit for that. Along with 'Nando's superior talent of course . . . . So in my opinion Stroll senior has helped the sport overall much more then what junior's lame performance does to hinder it.
    william likes this.
  21. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006
    The FIA has never asked for Lance Stroll exclusion from F1.
  22. furmano

    furmano Three Time F1 World Champ
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    Jul 22, 2004
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    Right. That's why I said that in my rebuttal to your go to point about the fans and the teams and all. The fans have a say but ultimately it's the F1 organization and the FIA who call the shots. Lance's involvement is a mere distraction as his antics have had little effect on the results of the other teams. If he gets worse over time and takes out other drivers, he will be penalized and ultimately asked to leave and daddy will have no ability to say otherwise. Lawrence should put the kid in a GT car and perhaps he would have more success there. Maybe the Strolls are ok with mediocrity. My ranting surely will have no affect on them.
  23. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006

    You are grossly exagerating Lance Stroll's influence in F1.
    He has incidents like other drivers do, and gets penalised when he is at fault.
    The rules are followed.
    I think you (and others) are on a witchhunt here.
  24. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
    Corpus Christi, Tx.
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    Joe R Gonzales
    I know you don't know this and mostly likely could care less. Do you have any idea how many negative YouTube videos of Lance Stroll there are?

    Do you have any idea how many negative articles there are of Lance Stroll as of late?

    Let's put it this way, the whole F1 community(articles and social media) is against Lance Stroll being in F1.

    Now, I understand that's not going to sway Lawrence Stroll in his decision making with his son and he most likely could give a flying **** about anyone telling him what he should do regarding his son in F1......eventually Lawrence Stroll will come to terms and terminate his son from F1. I guess Lawrence Stroll and Lance Stroll both had fun and raced with some of the greats in F1.
  25. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jun 3, 2006
    It's all that matters really.

    I don't care much about social media; I would say F1 was better before they existed.
    Now anyone can be a critic, a judge, an expert or a hater behind a keyboard.
    tifosi12 likes this.

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