FORMULA 1 CRYPTO.COM MIAMI GRAND PRIX 2024....Race.... ▄▀▄▀▄▀ SPOILERS ▄▀▄▀▄▀ | Page 16 | FerrariChat


Discussion in 'F1' started by jgonzalesm6, May 4, 2024.

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  1. lagunacc

    lagunacc F1 Rookie
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    Aug 24, 2013
    Batty with a dash of Zurich
  2. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Thankfully it was Sainz who got a penalty instead of Charles. With Sainz it is a stupidity on the part of the stewrds, whereas if it had been Charles we would have 10 pgs of 'Ferrari fans' whining about 'unforced error'.:D
  3. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
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    Joe R Gonzales
    Max NEVER used DRS on the main straight in both the Sprint and Race sessions.

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  4. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
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    Jul 28, 2008
    Really? where was that info? and why?
  5. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
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    Joe R Gonzales
    No, no info as to why Max didn't use DRS at this particular part of the track.
    absostone likes this.
  6. GrigioGuy

    GrigioGuy Splenda Daddy
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    In the Sprint he was always in the lead.

    In the Race, he was in the lead until the SC, and then Lando managed to pull the second plus before DRS became available.
    Picchu88, Javierix, LVP488 and 4 others like this.
  7. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
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    Jul 28, 2008
    During the race he was in front, so that explains that but
    Thats what i was just replying. I read it as he deliberately didnt use it.
  8. JWeiss

    JWeiss F1 Veteran
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    I assume there’s a difference between a bottle and a bucket.
  9. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Yes, those are suite prices, so a bucket is several bottles. Same with the food prices, which accommodated 4 or more servings.
  10. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Charles should be receiving heaps of praise for staying on pace with the oldest hard tires of the front runners.
    Racedrvr, Giallo 550 and 67bmer like this.
  11. TopspeedPT

    TopspeedPT Formula Junior

    Jul 6, 2012
    Congrats Norris. Well done!
    Verstappen had no chance but take 2nd place.
  12. Nurburgringer

    Nurburgringer F1 World Champ

    Jan 3, 2009
    Not just Max, from the article Joe posted above:
    "But Norris would never have been in front at the restart if the FIA had responded more adequately and better to the safety car situation. In that case, the Brit would have been sitting somewhere around seventh place at the time and - despite his speed - he would never have managed to catch Verstappen then."

    Still possible I guess and a lot more exciting to see him actually make an overtake, which he didn't have to do to get the win!

    True - if Lando hadn't won it surely would have been "stolen" from him, and grounds for his fans to storm the other teams' pits ;)
    jgonzalesm6 likes this.
  13. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
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    Joe R Gonzales
    What happened was, the SC (Bernd Mylander) picked up the 2nd guy(Max) in the que and not the 1st guy(Norris) in the que thereby giving Norris anywhere from 30sec to 35sec lead and giving Norris the win.
    watt and Nurburgringer like this.
  14. DF1

    DF1 Two Time F1 World Champ

    They were outpaced by Mclaren. Not much to celebrate and overall they looked stagnant not challenging. An upgrade soon will work hopefully.
  15. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
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    Jul 28, 2008
    Very intelligent.
  16. absostone

    absostone F1 Veteran
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    Jul 28, 2008
    How did RB or Mclaren not see this at the time. As I watched I thought lando would come out behind max.
  17. kaj750

    kaj750 Karting

    May 9, 2022
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    If anyone asked who I'd like to see win a race, more than anyone, I would pick Lando. Always have. But.....
    Scrolling through this thread and not seeing this question (I may have missed it....):
    Lando won by 7sec. If someone told me "Lando beat Max by 7sec", I'd assume Max ended up P5-7 or so, but he was 2nd.
    I'm trying to wrap my head around how Lando was SO MUCH faster than the rest of the field, considering past performance.
    Max = expected to win by those margins. Lando? HOW??
  18. jgonzalesm6

    jgonzalesm6 Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Oct 31, 2016
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    Joe R Gonzales
    You sure missed it.

    The race was gifted to Lando.
    watt likes this.
  19. kaj750

    kaj750 Karting

    May 9, 2022
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    That doesn't really explain how his lead increased throughout the race, right up until the very end and how we won by such a large margin. Obviously, their cars were quick, as evidenced by Oscar's lap times as well.
    Lando wasn't gifted a 7sec lead.
  20. LVP488

    LVP488 F1 Rookie

    Jan 21, 2017
    He had fresher tires so could run away. Allegedly, Max's RB was damaged, so he could not really follow. It's more concerning for the rest of the field, since they could not beat the "diminished" Max; although apparently, it was almost impossible to overtake on this narrow track (Sainz managed to overtake Piastri, only to get a collision and a penalty). Only LH, with a very low starting position independent of the real pace of his car, could really do some overtaking.
    360Tom likes this.
  21. kaj750

    kaj750 Karting

    May 9, 2022
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    Damage is what I was thinking. I haven't heard what effect the start had (I've read talk that there may have been a touch from Perez) or from hitting that pylon. If the front end had damage, that would explain why Max couldn't drive the car like he usually does (considering his preferred setup).
    Even still... Lando was what, 10sec ahead of LeClerc? I don't know what McLaren did before Miami, but holy crap they found something magical.
  22. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    At the SC restart Lando was on new Hards and in clear air, Charles was on 20lap Hards. Without the SC screwup Lando would have been no where near the front at the restart, and Max would still be on much newer Hards than Charles. **** happens, Lando got a gift and can't draw any real conclusions on next race other than Max will be in an undamaged car.
    watt, jgonzalesm6 and 375+ like this.
  23. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    and everyone close to Charles were on much newer tires and couldn't mount a challenge, but seems I am in a minority thinking that was a positive.
    Picchu88 and Javierix like this.
  24. Nurburgringer

    Nurburgringer F1 World Champ

    Jan 3, 2009
    Regardless of safety car screw ups, tire wear or rumored damage the RBs simply didn't have their typical race pace advantage.
    Checho couldn't even pull away from Lewis for chrissake!

    That said while Lando apppeared to be the quickest he made exactly zero overtakes and was supremely lucky to stay in 1st place after his single pit stop.
  25. kaj750

    kaj750 Karting

    May 9, 2022
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    I've seen drivers on newer tires than others but they weren't pulling out 7-10sec leads, particularly when their cars have never been anywhere near that fast. Ever. Oscar was just as fast.
    I'm dying to know what McLaren did to those cars. That amount of improvement is just insane.

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