FORMULA 1 CRYPTO.COM MIAMI GRAND PRIX 2024....Race.... ▄▀▄▀▄▀ SPOILERS ▄▀▄▀▄▀ | Page 17 | FerrariChat


Discussion in 'F1' started by jgonzalesm6, May 4, 2024.

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  1. USMCS6

    USMCS6 F1 Rookie
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    Dec 21, 2018
    Arlington VA and Daytona Fl
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    I think Chuck got it back together from Friday pretty solid. The start of the Gp was sloppy, but he did pretty solid with what he had. He may have been second without the safety car debacle.
    375+ likes this.
  2. Temerian

    Temerian Formula Junior
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    Jun 17, 2014
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    Rick Temerian
    Max seemed amused by the whole sequence. And he took out that bollard like GTA.
    Bas likes this.
  3. Kimi2007

    Kimi2007 Formula 3

    Jan 16, 2022
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    Patrick James
    After watching the race again, Norris can be seen going past the pitlane exit literally just as the call for the SC goes out. Max just happen to catch the SC as it was coming out by sheer bad luck on his part, so it wasn't actually a mistake. Just one of those racing deals.

    When it's your day, it's your day.
    Bas and 375+ like this.
  4. johnireland

    johnireland F1 Veteran
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    Mar 19, 2017
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    John A Ireland
    Sad at how much valuable time is lost and how much money is wasted during a sprint format weekend. But they have all the time and money in the world to screw around with car livery and uniforms.
    absostone likes this.
  5. jcurry

    jcurry Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 16, 2012
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    The SC lights started flashing right when Norris passed the pit entry.
  6. DF1

    DF1 Two Time F1 World Champ

    No we need better F1 cars not more DRS. Please shut up!

    Miami needs bigger DRS to make racing more exciting, says Stella
    McLaren Formula 1 team principal Andrea Stella reckons the length of the DRS zone at the Miami Grand Prix was too short, citing the time loss in the low-speed sections.
    Bas likes this.
  7. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2006
    DRS was introduced because there was not enough speed differential between cars on the straights.
    If the FIA takes it away, I predict less overtakings and more incidents.
  8. DF1

    DF1 Two Time F1 World Champ

    Only that it confirms how flawed every design has been since DRS was implemented. I have zero faith in 2026 to really change the nature of passing. We had 1 year where the drivers felt passing was a touch easier. Now its all reversed. Dirty air is back and DRS trains are utter normalcy lol. The answer is not more DRS. Stella knows that. Thats ok though as the grid is full of celebrity persona so.........all good for Liberty as profits are up and the racing is merely a stage for Insta opportunity.
    HotShoe, 11506apollo and Bas like this.
  9. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2006
    The answer is a SEVERE limitation in the aero, so that following cars don't get so affected by turbulences.
    Everybody knows that, but the rule makers have totally surrendered to the aerodynamicists.
    As long as there is a cult status for the Neweys of this world, no bloody chance !
    I read that the 2026 rules would limit downforce by ... 40% ? I want to see that before I believe it.
    DF1 likes this.
  10. Ferrari 308 GTB

    Ferrari 308 GTB F1 Veteran

    Feb 21, 2015
    Monaco Historic is far far more interesting than F1 in 2024 ...
  11. DF1

    DF1 Two Time F1 World Champ

    Its the racing that should be going on. Not Miami etc where the racing is over whelmed by the non racing activities. As I stated a few weeks ago- F1 races are marketing events not races lol. Thats the last thing they are. I now rarely watch most of it with the sound on. I miss most practices and I only start qualy when Q1 starts and its off the minute Q3 ends. The race is on a few min before the formation lap and now I miss most of anything after the flag drops. I might search and listen to the post race walk that Ted does. Not much else. I couldnt care less who the sponsors are at all.
  12. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2006
    I am with you there ! After 63 years of following it, I look at F1 less and less. I cancelled my TV subscription. So far this year, I haven't watched any GP live, only a couple of highlights on Youtube. I don't bother with practices or qualifs. I may try to watch a few selected GPs at tracks I like (Spa, Silverstone, Zandvoort, Monza, Interlagos), but not a chance of me looking at the 4 Middle East or the 3 US venues: these locations are not my scene at all.
    I still follow the championship though, keep informed and look at the results the day after a race. Let's call it a distant interrest now ...
    I follow other series, bikes (MotoGP, WSBK, MotoAmerica) and GT3 series (mostly SRO) , which are the ones I prefer. More diversity , no predictability, and less bitching among competitors (and fans !!!).
    I have the occasional look at IMSA and Indycar, which I also like, not bad racing there ...
    To be honest, I am more interested in circuits than series: the Nurburgring, Le Mans, Bathurst, Laguna Seca, Spa, Monza, Sebring, The Isle of Man, Silversone, Fuji, Road America, I enjoy watching any type of race at these places.
    johnireland and DF1 like this.
  13. TonyL

    TonyL F1 Rookie

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Pretty much sums up my feelings for the sport too, it was always a circus but now its become a pantomine.
  14. Remy Zero

    Remy Zero Two Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 26, 2005
    KL, Malaysia
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    MC Cool Breeze

    Naaa...DRS was introduced because of horribly designed cars, horrible tyres and brakes. F1 is a classic example of too much of technology doesn't mean it's a good thing.
  15. furoni

    furoni F1 World Champ

    Jun 6, 2011
    Vila Verde
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    Pedro Braga Soares
    I was watchin WEC this weekend and just thinking how much better racing it is than F.1....i mean, f.1 this days looks like endurance from old days, and endurance is flat out, always figthing and drivers doing crasy stuff ...just amazing time to watch...
    HotShoe, USMCS6, TonyL and 2 others like this.
  16. TonyL

    TonyL F1 Rookie

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Do you know what really pee's me off - Drivers bitching over the radio and moaning about other drivers who may have left the track or done something equally insignificant. Get on with it and drive the car, simple. If I was in charge, re-write the tech and sporting codes to something that can fit on a few pages, 1st rule - two way radio would be banned.
    Bas and william like this.
  17. 375+

    375+ F1 World Champ
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    Dec 28, 2005
    The constant coaching by the engineers greatly diminishes the role of the driver IMO. When I first started following the sport--aside from pitboards--after the driver left the grid there was NO communication with the team. It was up to the driver to manage the car while racing with the opposition.
    jcurry, TonyL and william like this.
  18. DF1

    DF1 Two Time F1 World Champ

    We cant do that now. The 'investment' is too precious lol. Its wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over the top now. The drivers are 'entertainers' now and must be coached to stay on 'message' in and out of the car :)

    I agree. The 'comms' need to cut back to:
    Pit-Box now
    Stop the car/park the car
    Congratulations - you are P_/you won (your the best evah) and you lost and we are replacing you for a cheaper, younger 'entertainer' lol :)
    TonyL likes this.
  19. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2006
    I am with you there.
    A few years ago, a driver (can't remember who, but I think it was Vettel) explained in an interview why drivers were doing that.
    He was saying that's a way to report the alleged infraction on record, and get the attention of the stewards.
    Otherwise, according to him, they pretend they never saw it and do nothing.
    Hummm, I think allowing the 2-way radio opened a pandora box ...
    TonyL likes this.
  20. TonyL

    TonyL F1 Rookie

    Sep 27, 2007
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    Rule 2 - they only have 5 years max on their super license after that your out on your ear. I'd like to see more turnover of drivers and upcoming people like Bearman get a chance rather than the likes of Hulkenberg, Magnusson etc entertaining no-one for way to long!!
  21. william

    william Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jun 3, 2006
    Motorsport is a pyramid, with F1 at the top. Sponsors invest on lots of drivers just to bring one to the top.
    Once one gets there, they want some return on their investment.
    Culling F1 drivers after 5 years would eliminate experienced ones, and lower the overall quality, IMO.
    I don't know many organisations that benefit from accelarated turnover.
    TonyL likes this.
  22. TonyL

    TonyL F1 Rookie

    Sep 27, 2007
    Norfolk - UK
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    Agreed and they draw in the crowds too, but Bearman raised a few eyebrows and media hysteria.
    william likes this.

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