|-skyf1-|-sky-sports-f1-|-sky-f1-live-stream-online.html Working during Prac 3. Happy qualy day!
some protestors at the Spanish GP......yes, bring them back I say!!!! Image Unavailable, Please Login
copy that...... Hartley's rear end just dropping as the crane lifts the Toro Rosso Tweet— Twitter API (@user) date
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Alternative link (it's showing a replay but it should become live soon)
Ferrari's halo 'winglets' are set to disappear before the Monaco Grand Prix following a disagreement over interpretation between the FIA and the Italian team. Ferrari has insisted that the primary purpose of the winglets is as part of the mounting system for the mirrors, which it has mounted on the halo for the first time this weekend, after the FIA gave permission in a recent technical directive. However, several rival teams have questioned the legality of the overall Ferrari design, which incorporates the winglets. Ferrari has been informed by the FIA that the winglet above the mirrors will not be permitted from the next race, although they will be allowed to run them for the rest of the weekend.