Help, Having Issue with getting bumper on 348 | FerrariChat

Help, Having Issue with getting bumper on 348

Discussion in 'Technical Q&A' started by 92verdescuro348ts, Mar 27, 2004.

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  1. 92verdescuro348ts

    Dec 14, 2003
    Seattle Washington
    Full Name:
    Hello All-

    I took off my front bumper a while back to get it paited up. The issue I am having is that the two studs that slide in to the braket on the sides in the front. When I get the bumer in and get the four bolts on up front, I am still about a 1/4" away on each side from getting the studs thru the holes on the brakets.

    I thought I had the front brakets on backwards and they are on correct. Do I just twist the hell out of the four nuts on the front of the bonnet?

    Any ideas???? Looking for help.

  2. ernie

    ernie Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 19, 2001
    The Brickyard
    Full Name:
    The Bad Guy

    Here is what you do. If you look at the bracket on either side of the car, you will see a big nut in the middle of it. All you have to do is loosen it, adjust the bracket to were you what it, then tighten it back up. Have fun.
  3. 92verdescuro348ts

    Dec 14, 2003
    Seattle Washington
    Full Name:

    Thanks, I saw that that braket and it rotates towards the top and bottum of the car. Does that braket also move towards the rear and front of the car.

    As with the issue I am having it would need to move towards the front of the car.

  4. 92verdescuro348ts

    Dec 14, 2003
    Seattle Washington
    Full Name:

    Thanks, I saw that that braket and rotate towards the top and bottum of the car. Does that braket also move towards the rear and front of the car.

    As with the issue I am having it would need to move towards the front of the car.

  5. ernie

    ernie Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Nov 19, 2001
    The Brickyard
    Full Name:
    The Bad Guy
    Yes it does move forwards and backwards. You also want the flat side facing towards the front. Just loosen the bolt and slide it to were you need it, hook up the two bolts on either sides, adjust the sides to were you want them, and tighten it in place.

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