Why is there always hurdles put in your way when trying to buy a ferrari!!! I have been getting insurance quotes for about 600-800 pounds for my self. Which is quite good considering I am only 24 but it is going to be a second car...so I then phone up to confirm the quote......and then they answer is "ooohhh no we can't insure you because of your age!!!!" But I told you my age when I applied for a quote on line and the system said I can get insured for about 700 pounds....."oh no sir we can't insure you till you least 25 and even then it will be over £1000"...aaarrrhhh so I have wasted my time filling out your on line form...... Any way can one recommend insurance company that will insure some that is 24 yrs old, insure it is a second car and possibly some one who is over 50 yrs old may want to go on the policy as well.....please help
I sympathise with your plight. I would certainly phone the insurance companies up for quotes, especially for this sort of car. The websites just act as an information gathering exercise for future mail shots - expect a pile of Which? and Readers Digest fliers soon! I personally use AON and found them to be very helpful. Try searching this forum for names of others - you are not the first person to have this difficulty. Good Luck
Amo Straight out the FOC's magazine AON 01483 706070 (who I would recomend) Adrian Flux 0800 5053000 RH Specalist 01277 206911 Heritage 0845 811 8118 Performance Direct 0870 787 0938 Footman James 0845 4586777 First Point 0845 490 0000 Nowell & Richards 01785 255514 http://www.ferrariownersclub.co.uk/services/insurance.asp You may want to join the FOC as you may be able to get a discount with your insurance
Hi Andrew, I have tried:- AON 01483 706070 (who I would recomend) - £1800!!! Adrian Flux 0800 5053000 - Don't want to know till I am 25 Heritage 0845 811 8118 - Don't want to know till I am 30 (Very rude as soon as I told them my age they near enough put the phone down straight away) Performance Direct 0870 787 0938 - £1700!!!! The dream is getting more and more expensive
Not really mate still over £1400.........I think I have found the right car and I no way the seller will wait 8 months!!! Don't know what to do???? I thought would have got insured for £700-800 because it is going be my second car and I'll only drive it few days a week.
What car is it? Can you not get some sort of classic car cover with limited mileage or is it too modern?
348 ts I am trying to get classic cover on it....but most of them stil don't want to know because of my age
You could try giving Darren Nangle a call at A-Plan on 01635 874646. I'm 26 and just got my 355 covered with them for a good price (although it wasn't as low as £700!) He was pretty quick to come back and v. helpful. Cheers
I had my 355 at 25 and my insurance was £1250 limited mileage with Footman James. I think 600 to 800 is completely unrealistic for someone of your age and the 25 thing may come into play. £1400 is not a bad quote at all. After the above quote my next best was in the region of 2k. I'm currently 27 and paying £1600 on my 360 with Footman James which was still the cheapest by a long shot when ringing around.
Unfortunatley Amo I think Kam is right and the quotes your getting back whilst I'm sure they could be lower I'd be happily suprised if you get a policy for less than a thousand even as a low mileage second car with a monster excess. The only legal and practical way's I'd think of further reducing would be to join a club with a discount arranged or maybe pass the advanced test and get insured through the IAM
Jardine Faber - £1700 Footman James - £10,151.00 LOL Will try A-plan......... looks like it is going to be over a grand if I do want to get insured on one!!!!!
Why do they even bother quoting... a polite 'I am afraid we are unable to insure you' would be better. I suppose they are working on the basis that if you do accept the quote then the Office Christmas Party is paid for
I think it was Heritage who were rude to me when I first got mine, they said I had to have at least 8 years Ferrari experience
I think the only economical option is to get insured through an older relative and get put down as the second driver
No real contact. Was given the number by someone of here and I've insured a copule of Ferrari's with them. They've always been the most comptetive for me. Worth noting location plays a big part in insurance quotes and I live in Central London which is by no means the cheapest part of the UK.
I comiserate with you- it is even worse trying to get insurance when your 21 - I couldnt even get a ridiculous quote some compnaies dont see a barn as being a garage. Car is currently insured with Keith Montgomery whom say its fine as soon as i'm 25.
I am insured with them at present. They have been very good. I pay about £270 on the Mondy, I am IAM,FOC and 42, it all helps I guess. As has been said £1400 sounds very reaonable.
Call me dumb but whats IAM, as £270 sounds good, although mine is now modded I'll probably change to Adrian Flux
IAM - Institute of Advanced Motorists (road driving instructors, police drivers etc)... as long as you dont succumb to the brain washing its useful to have for reducing premiums etc I would say your best bet would be to insure the 50 year old as the main user then have you as a named driver. Companies that quote you at 24 are unlikely to have a big drop at 25 because they obviously dont see that as a milestone. Plan B might be to go with an 'expensive' quote for 8 months (or cancel after 8 but check re-bate levels) then move to the "only from 25 brigade". I insured with Adrian Flux who quoted £1200 then halved it when I told them what else I do for a living other than IT
The named driver thing is a bad idea IMO. If you have a resonably large claim the insurance company will do all in it's power to prove that you actually used the car more than the policy owner - and void the cover.