Home safe recommendation? | FerrariChat

Home safe recommendation?

Discussion in 'Fine Watches, Jewelry, & Clothes' started by LussoV12fan, Feb 3, 2025.

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  1. LussoV12fan

    LussoV12fan Karting

    Mar 17, 2024
    Longboat Key FL
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    Hi Guys

    any recommendations for a well made large safe for the house ? Documents and the missus purses mostly
  2. 288575

    288575 Rookie

    May 3, 2005
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    I purchased a Liberty USA 23 for my needs. It is 12 gauge steel which would take quite a while for someone to cut through. Paid extra couple of hundred dollars to have it placed in basement. They drilled and installed four 8” bolts into concrete floor. It’s not going anywhere. Safe was $1500 plus tax. All added up around $2000.

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  3. 288575

    288575 Rookie

    May 3, 2005
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    Here is inside. 3 move able shelves and two shelves with long gun cut outs. Store firearms, ammo, documents, watch collection and wife’s jewelry in mine.
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  4. kestrou

    kestrou Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jan 22, 2023
    Danville, IL
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    Kevin E. Stroud
    Lessons learned from my end...

    I had a LARGE heavy duty gun safe in the basement - but dumbie (me!) didn't bolt it to the floor...

    So, when thieves broke in about a dozen years ago, they tipped the safe "face down" and used MY circular saw from the garage to cut into the back - which is evidently the weakest spot...

    So, echoing above, you *DO* want to bolt it to the floor! :)

    SAFE4NOW and LussoV12fan like this.
  5. LussoV12fan

    LussoV12fan Karting

    Mar 17, 2024
    Longboat Key FL
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    I got room in the basement but wonder how it would do if a Sump Pump failed ? We have battery backups etc but it’s always at the back of my mind and why we have hard wood and tile down there. Appreciate the inputs gentlemen
  6. mikesufka

    mikesufka F1 Veteran
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    Mar 4, 2006
    Crosslake, MN
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    Mike Sufka
    Wow - they ever find the thieves ? Did insurance cover what you lost ? This happened in Illinois ?

  7. rortho

    rortho Rookie

    Jan 17, 2020
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    Brown Safe was great to work with. They can customize pretty much anything you want. www.Brownsafe.com Also, you are statistically much more likely to need a safe for a fire as opposed to a break in (not to say a break in can’t happen). Make sure the safe is fire rated appropriately…this also drives up the cost.

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