How Much do Ferrari Dealers Make? | Page 3 | FerrariChat

How Much do Ferrari Dealers Make?

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by mred, Dec 16, 2003.

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  1. Nospinzone

    Nospinzone F1 Veteran

    Jul 1, 2013
    Weston, MA
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  2. randkin

    randkin Formula 3

    Aug 2, 2015
    Somis, CA
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    I also was surprised about the 13 year gap on the subject. With the recession in that gap which must have shaken out some dealerships especially if there isn’t so much money in a Ferrari dealership? Does anyone know about any Fcar dealer casualties of the recession?

    A little off topic, but last month I read in one of the Ferrari magazines that a new Ferrari dealership is going into Westlake (Ventura County) CA. So there must be some money in the dealership. Westlake is the "high rent" district of South Ventura/North Los Angeles Counties.

    Has anyone heard where and when the dealership is going to open or who is the owner? About a year or two ago a RR, Bentley and Maserati dealership (Ogera) opened and there is a big lot next to the Maserati dealer that could easily accommodate Fcar dealership? Just curious as I live in Ventura County and would welcome a close dealership rather than go to LA for service.
  3. Solid State

    Solid State F1 World Champ
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 4, 2014
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    Maximus Decimus Meridius
    Correct me if I'm wrong but dealerships are independent and as such an NDA would be between the dealership and the buyer. Under those conditions I would think the approximate value of a dealership without disclosing the parties or locations would not violate an NDA. Now if Ferrari was involved as well, then I could see that the approximate cost of a dealership could not be disclosed. Its an old thread and the cost of other dealerships with real names/locations have been posted here since then.
  4. IamRobG

    IamRobG F1 Rookie

    Jun 18, 2007
    Night of the walking thread?
  5. randkin

    randkin Formula 3

    Aug 2, 2015
    Somis, CA
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    Solid State - I believe you are generally correct sales are between individuals or Corporations but approved by Ferrari. I believe the dealerships Ferrari Los Angeles (7051 Hayvenhurst Ave, Van Nuys, CA) is a new dealership as will be the dealership in Westlake (Ventura County), CA so the dealership is likely purchased from Ferrari North America?
    I believe that the current local dealership may have the first right of refusal for a new dealership in their area from a conservation I had with a GM from a local dealership but I am not sure that he was high enough the corporate latter to know than information.
  6. XSpeed

    XSpeed Formula Junior

    Jan 6, 2019
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    Happy to resurrect this thread since I'm working on choosing a new dealer. Perhaps helps someone.

    At least for Germany, you can first find the available dealers close to your location from:

    Then you can look at the public listings from the German tax office:

    That's public information. This usually gives you their summarized financial statements from previous years. You can use google translate to translate some text if you don't speak German.

    The statements sometimes also reveal how much they earned from new cars, how much from old ones etc.

    I'm surprised that many of them make so little, compared to the image they are pumping and arrogance they have.
    paulchua likes this.

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