INDY USGP - Your Free Michelin Tickets | FerrariChat

INDY USGP - Your Free Michelin Tickets

Discussion in 'North Central - USA (MI, IN, OH, KY, WV)' started by RP, Jun 13, 2006.

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  1. RP

    RP F1 World Champ

    Feb 9, 2005
    Bocahuahua, Florxico
    Full Name:
    Tone Def
    Some of us received a free ticket from Michelin for every ticket we held for the 2005 USGP, in addition to the reimbursement for our regular seats.

    A friend and I are trying to gather at least 12 of these free tickets so we can donate them to a local children's group, like an orphanage, etc. If any of you still have your free tickets, and would like to donate them to this casue, please PM me.


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