No. Getting up early is not indicative of how more productive or happier someone will be. I know many successful and happy people who like to work late and/or stay late to enjoy life. I love working late and/or going out late: early mornings are for resting and taking it easy Everyone one is different, no added benefits getting up early compared to people staying up late.
Yes it is. I prefer 4:30am as a start time. Best benefit is the quiet of the outdoors. No screaming pecker heads, barking dogs or other mindless distractions. By 7am, I am ahead of the game and the rest of the world.
I go to bed around 7-730 PM and I wake up nearly every day of the week at 4 am. I love the peace of early morning before the world gets going. Is it "worth it" depends on your goals of course. It's an excellent time to get in the things you "don't have time" for. For most people, it's not waking up early that is as hard as going to bed early.
all depends on your natural rhythms. all that matters is that you get a good night sleep, not so much when you get it. my natural rhythms are late to bed and late to rise and suffer insomnia entire adult life due to work needs. sleeping late is number one thing i look forward to in retirement.
Agree 100% - For the majority of my IT career I was the "late" guy - the guy who came in around 10 or 11 but was always around until 9 or 10 at night - and definitely if the SHTF at 3am. But the culture was always that the early people were the rock stars and the late people were slackers. Interestingly over the past 5+ years I am now the "4am" guy because the majority of my teams are in the UK or India - I would argue that I was more productive and better balanced doing the "swing shift" hours - but now they think I am a rock star! Ha! Little to they know that I am outta there at 2pm and either in the canyons with one of my cars or on the golf course
I have though out my working career gotten up around. 4 am i go into work around 5 and finish working around 9 or 10 am….
The early bird gets the worm I prefer to get up early, its the only time i can do my things without getting peppered by traffic or emails or phone calls/txts and or idiots in my face (im sure someone considers me to be an idiot and thats ok)
I'm usually up and being productive by 6:30, sometimes earlier, rarely later. I've been that way as long as I can remember. I conk out around 10-10:30 PM, fall asleep within minutes of getting into bed. Don't know if my way is better, or worse, but it works for me, and always has. D
I was the same way - 35-40 years ago, but my reason was to be the first person to tee off at 6:30am... Back when I golfed 3-4 times a week, and was a scratch golfer.... The last time I golfed was nine years ago, and I shot a 98 (18), on a course I shot 69 once.... 37 years ago.
That would be the Chevy/Ford vehicle owner with a payment book. Here where the land is Rossa Corsa we see it as getting ahead of the curve!
The past 18 months my daughter had running practice starting anywhere from 5am to 8am. I was having to get up over an hour before then to make my coffee, wake her up, and get her to practice. Once I got in the habit I really enjoyed it as I would work out too, so often by 7-8am I had my workout done and by noon I already had 4-5+ hours of work done. Even going to bed early as 8-9 wasn't much of a problem, I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything. Now she's driving herself to practice, so it will be interesting to see how my patterns are different this year.