Is late month production important? | FerrariChat

Is late month production important?

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by fire_n_ice, Jun 21, 2006.

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  1. fire_n_ice

    fire_n_ice Formula 3

    Jun 9, 2006
    I recently read an ebay motors listing for a Ferrari where the seller was describing the car as a mid-to-late month (July in '89) production date and claiming that as a selling feature. I emailed him to ask why- he said some Ferrari buyers/collectors view the month as important and sometimes prefer a late month in the year.

    Anybody know in which cases would this be important? I can understand for recalls, etc., but am I missing anything?

  2. jhsalah

    jhsalah Formula 3

    Apr 10, 2006
    Philadelphia, PA
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    ... I don't know why the time WITHIN any given month may be relevant, so I'll let others with more knowledge comment on that. But for example, I heard they started rust-proofing the steel for the 308s in January of '84, so I'm glad mine was made in May... Something like that would be relevant.
  3. fire_n_ice

    fire_n_ice Formula 3

    Jun 9, 2006
    Thanks jhsalah. To clarify, he didn't mean late WITHIN the month. Only that the month itself was later in the year, as opposed to jan, feb, march, etc.
  4. James_Woods

    James_Woods F1 World Champ

    May 17, 2006
    Dallas, Tx.
    Full Name:
    James K. Woods
    I have a book on the USSR circa 1958 to 1968 - written by the US Ambassador to Moscow. He says that Russian consumer goods came marked with the day of the month of production - quite a remarkable thing for an American who buys a TV, refrigerator, etc. with no clue as to the date.

    His Russian friends told him that everybody wanted goods made in the second or third week of the month - preferably as close to the middle of the month as possible.

    The rationale was that at the end of the month, they were hit so hard with monthly production quotas, they just churned out as much junk as possible. Following the crashdown after "making" the quota and the ensuing Vodka parties, nothing made in the first week of the next month was any good either!

    This is no joke! - and of course I do not equate it to the Ferrari works!!!
  5. sparta49

    sparta49 F1 Veteran

    Mar 3, 2001
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    What model was the car? If it was a 328 then in 1989 the later it was made the closer to the last one you would get.
  6. F328 BobD

    F328 BobD Formula 3

    Mar 17, 2001
    Southlake, TX
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    With F-cars for the most part, later production model years have traditionally been better as the bugs were worked out... but for example, I don't see any additional value in trying to select a 348 made in November of '94 vs January of '94. But I'd sure look at a '94 348 vs a '90.
  7. fire_n_ice

    fire_n_ice Formula 3

    Jun 9, 2006
    It was a Testarossa.
  8. kare

    kare F1 Rookie

    Nov 11, 2003
    Of course it is a joke. I guess some of you might get very upset if you knew what kind of stories they tell in Russia about the American way of life.

    On relatively new cars late month (June-December) may be good thing as production year runs from 1st of June to last of May. In this case a car built in July 1989 is titled as a 1990, meanwhile a car built in April would still be a 1989. I don't think it matters on a 15 year old car, but it may make difference on a 2-3 year old car.
  9. James_Woods

    James_Woods F1 World Champ

    May 17, 2006
    Dallas, Tx.
    Full Name:
    James K. Woods
    Well, I meant that I was quoting a so-called serious book about the Russian culture of the time...I am gonna go find that book and post the library of congress # here to restore my immense newbie credibility.

    Funny, if I had said it about the Jaguar works of that era, I bet everybody would have taken it seriously!


    I am in a good mood because I think I will have my first Ferrari (a Testarossa) late next week.
  10. Blue@Heart

    Blue@Heart F1 Rookie

    Jun 20, 2006
    Yellowknife, NWT
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    I can't comment on the whole "selling feature" thing, but I can say congratulations!

    Enjoy, and please post pictures!
  11. psmaia

    psmaia Karting

    Oct 26, 2005
    greenwich, conn.
    Full Name:
    Paul Marchese
    just don't but anything italian that was made in august...

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