How'd it go last night?
Tony Not as many as last time, but a good evening was had. I think Peter is quite keen to hear what we, as Fchat regulars, want to do. Bridges being built slowly, but at least the building has started. Stig
Tony, Yeah, work trying their best to work me into an early grave. But I can feel a massive backlog of philosophical musings building up and as soon as I can find the Fchat equivalent of Ex-lax, we'll all be drowning in a sea of shyte! Going to Verdi to look at another car on Saturday afternoon. I'll keep you posted.... Stig
Tony Yeah, I wish! I'd have to sell a couple of kidneys first, but I do also have the opportuity of an RHD 328GTB in very good nick for 31500, but I'm not sure I can raise that kind of money. Still, there's always six numbers tomorrow...' I'm actually looking at another 308, but this time a GTS, but from what Karl says, it is something special. I'll update you when I have seen it.... Stig
Tony, I didn't get a good look ,as time and opportunity were not on my side, but whilst it looked good, it didn't look so amazing that I would blow my wad instantly! Stig