Lost my Ferrari virginity today... (first ride) | FerrariChat

Lost my Ferrari virginity today... (first ride)

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by F40, Jan 18, 2004.

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  1. F40

    F40 F1 Rookie

    Apr 16, 2003
    As me and my mom pulled up next to Dean's (Ingenere) 1987 Testarossa at a Starbucks 2 miles from my house, I had a big smile on my face... The TR looked really low and exotic compared to our big, hideously ugly (and thankfully not ours) 04 Chebby Silverado. We walked in, I looked around and started walking towards Dean, he asked if I was Patrick, and I said yes, then we shook hands and so on... After a few minutes of talking, he asked me if I wanted to go for a ride, I grinned and said "SURE". So we walked outside, after I got my camera from the hideous Chebby. He got into the low slung Italian beast, as I scratched my head looking for a door handle on the passenger side, he then rolled down the window and told me where to look, and then I found it and slid my tall frame into the mighty comfortable passenger seat. With an inch of headroom or so left, I was glad I fit :). After a few turns from the starter, the flat 12 had finally gulped enough air to fire up, and boy was it noticeable when it began to run, nothing like straight pipes! We backed out carefully, and turned onto Baseline road, and went down to Crismon, where we got onto the highway. My mom said she heard us when we left, and boy do I believe it, because we were doing 100 in no time :) So after going for some speed runs on the freeway and some backroads, we turned back, the looks on peoples faces were great, and I had a huge smile the whole time, and after aswell. I have video of most of it, and man oh man, WHAT A SOUND! I'm hooked... I need to start saving for a TR. Now, every car I have ever ridden in feels like a slug... Tonight getting onto the freeway in the Jeep felt like minutes, going from 45 to around 60... Where in the TR it was pretty much 60-100 on the on-ramp in no time. I'm still grining right now, even though this was at 8:45am, and it is now 6:19pm... Here I sit watching my videos over and over again. Oh yeah, did I mention it was loud? hehehe. pictures can be found here http://www.fast-autos.net/gallery/album95?page=6 pages 6-7... THANKS A MILLION DEAN! AWESOME CAR!
  2. 96impalaSS

    96impalaSS F1 Rookie

    Dec 8, 2003
    Full Name:
    my first ride in a ferrari was in a TR 89 i believe.
  3. rudy

    rudy Formula Junior

    Jan 13, 2004
    Los Angeles California
    Full Name:
    Rudy Hassen
    When I was younger, if someone offered me a ride in a hot car, I would have jumped at the chance. Now that I'm older, I'd womp a guy on the head for driving 100mph on the street with my kid in the car. I guess I'm older than I think.
  4. beast

    beast F1 World Champ

    May 31, 2003
    Lewisville, TX
    Full Name:
    Rob Guess
    Congrats Patrick.

    I am sure it will be a ride you will remember for the rest of your life :)

  5. Ingenere

    Ingenere F1 Veteran
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Dec 11, 2001
    On the Limit
    Full Name:

    I'm glad that I could do that for you. It was an honor....and you are invited back anytime. If I don't have a spare seat...I'm sure we can find you one.

    As for Rudy.....you can try to bonk me all you want.....but chances are you couldn't (or don't have the energy) to catch me.....Lighten up and have some fun dude! That's what life and these cars are all about.....having fun and sharing....and goin' fast on road and track!


  6. LP400S

    LP400S Formula 3

    May 18, 2002
    West Coast
    Congrats Pat!!!
    Dean is a great guy and very experienced driver. My first drive was in my uncle's 246GTS and that got me hooked forever.
  7. nerd

    nerd F1 Rookie

    Oct 12, 2003
    Coronado, CA
    Full Name:
    Congratulatons Patrick!

    You're a good man Dino! My first Ferrrai ride and drive was in a '86 TR. Doing a heal-toe down shift with that 12 howling behind my head is a sound I'll never forget.
  8. rudy

    rudy Formula Junior

    Jan 13, 2004
    Los Angeles California
    Full Name:
    Rudy Hassen
    I think my Maranello could catch you...and I drive as fast as anyone...just not with kids in the car. OK..I'll lighten up now.
  9. udalmia

    udalmia Guest

    its a drug, and you are now addicted :D
    welcome to the club!
  10. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Formula 3

    Apr 20, 2002
    hehe now you are ruined for life. NOTHING else you drive or ride in will ever feel the same. But that's a good thing :)
  11. jimpo1

    jimpo1 Two Time F1 World Champ
    Owner Silver Subscribed

    Jul 30, 2001
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Jim E
    I gave a neighbor kid a long ride in my car shortly after I got it. We went across town and back. His mom told me a few months later that he told her he was going to buy a Ferrari as soon as he could.

    Congrats Patrick on your first ride, I still remember mine. I was 15.

    Dean, good job sharing the passion!
  12. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    Patrick, congratulations...! Testarossas are unbelievable cars... One of my favorites, for sure... There's no turning back once you've been in a TR; they grab you and hold on for eternity... You are now officially bugged... Congratulations...

    Dean, congratulations to you, too, for sharing something so special...
  13. F40

    F40 F1 Rookie

    Apr 16, 2003
  14. udalmia

    udalmia Guest

    that was a nice vid.. your hand shaking about made it even better :D
  15. 1992F40

    1992F40 Formula Junior

    Apr 11, 2002
    congrats!!! Very generous of you Dino!

    My first ride was in a 308 in Virginia (6th grade)...It was a neighbor of ours, so I was able to see it everyday. It only made the passion grow and I have been wanting one since.

    It's amazing what a car can do to someone, especially a Ferrari!
  16. AJS328

    AJS328 F1 Veteran

    Apr 23, 2003
    New Jersey
    Full Name:
    Augustine Staino
    Awesome!! :)
  17. notoboy

    notoboy F1 Rookie

    Jul 8, 2003
    Full Name:
    It was a first ride like that that got me hooked ;)
  18. Teenferrarifan

    Teenferrarifan F1 Rookie

    Feb 21, 2003
    Media, PA
    Full Name:
    That is awesome!!!! I got my first ride from an f-chatter as well. Awesome since then I must have ridden in 8 other f-cars you get hooked and can't escape. Congrats
  19. F1racer

    F1racer F1 Rookie

    Oct 5, 2003
    Full Name:
    Thats great Patrick!!!

    Having a ride in a Testarossa!! Gosh!! I'm jealous :)

    Hope one day I'l get a Ferrari ride and not just siting in the car ( siting in a Ferrari is good too :) )
  20. bigbaddad

    bigbaddad Karting

    Oct 31, 2003
    Full Name:
    John Roberts
  21. Maximo_Tifoso

    Maximo_Tifoso Karting

    Jan 8, 2004
    Houston TX
    First Ferrari I ever sat in was a TR!!! The first Ferrari I drove was a 348!!!
  22. PSk

    PSk F1 World Champ

    Nov 20, 2002
    Tauranga, NZ
    Full Name:
    Cool ... I hope the next virginity experience is as exciting for you :)

    Anyway I am thinking of hiring a Ferrari soon to give myself :) and my kids a ride, me thinks that the teenages will find it a blast.

  23. F40

    F40 F1 Rookie

    Apr 16, 2003
    The next one was today... And it was :)
  24. 134282

    134282 Four Time F1 World Champ

    Aug 3, 2002
    Full Name:
    Carbon McCoy
    LOL, i was just about to say something... You beat me to it, though...
  25. Meeyatch1

    Meeyatch1 Formula 3

    Dec 28, 2003
    Low flying jet.
    Full Name:
    Kudos to the owner (Dino) for sharing the Testarossa with you. It is that kind of enthusiast that deserves that car....sharing with others is the best part.

    I hope that you get your Ferrari soon...the bug is in you. Now find your car. :D

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