MAC guys...I need some help. | FerrariChat

MAC guys...I need some help.

Discussion in 'Other Off Topic Forum' started by Motoracer, May 16, 2006.

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  1. Motoracer

    Motoracer Karting

    May 23, 2004
    Wayne NJ
    Full Name:
    Can anyone tell me how to make my safari page larger? I don't know what I hit, but it is pretty small right now, only taking up about 3/4 of the screen. I try to hit the maximize button, but that doesn't do anything.

    Anyone know how to make it larger?


  2. bonedoc

    bonedoc Karting

    Jul 31, 2004
    If you want to make the window larger, click and drag the lower right corner. If you want to make the text larger, push the button with the apple and the "+' key at the same time.

    If you are really bored, open the app called script editor, type this in, and hit play.

    tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari"
    set x to 1000
    set y to 650
    set size of window 1 to {x, y}
    end tell
  3. TigerAce

    TigerAce Formula 3

    May 29, 2003
    Dallas, TX
    Full Name:
    Yoshi Ace
    I only knew the first 2 method you suggested. I didn't even know "System Events". There are much more I need to learn.

    Hope you solved your problem. I never had your problem, and can't even guess what you hit to let this happen. Kinda curious how this happened.

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