major problems partially resolved f430 | FerrariChat

major problems partially resolved f430

Discussion in '360/430' started by ahmadj, Aug 12, 2020.

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  1. ahmadj

    ahmadj Rookie

    Jan 12, 2012
    So, a while back I was driving my 2006 f430 after i had it detailed just cruising, while i was exiting the freeway I heard a whining high pitched f1 pump noise. And the yellow slow down light came on. This was not the first time my light turned on. So I pulled over turned off the car waited a few minutes and sure enough the red transmission light came on, and the car wouldn't shift gears. I had the car towed to my repair shop and we figured out the electrical part of the pump went bad. Fast forward to 3 weeks later, i had changed the pump, (purchased it from one of the guys here) While i was at it, I changed all 4 rotors, my brake pads, and installed steel brake lines.

    I changed all fluids, and filters, and bled everything properly. (f1, brakes, gear oil, coolant, power steering) I changed all 8 plugs and swapped all 4 tires out. So finally yesterday I took her out for a spin. 10 minutes into my drive the RED slow down light came on, pulled it in and did a quick diagnostic. 2 fault codes came back,

    P1554 Intake camshaft (bank 2) control circuit (signal)
    P0438 left catalitic converter temperature sensor input high.

    I took out the lombada coupler on the driver side and it looked clean. I don't know what this possibly could mean, I have a decent diagnostic sytem that captures live data, is there anything in particular i should be looking at?

    Thanks guys
  2. tbakowsky

    tbakowsky F1 World Champ
    Consultant Professional Ferrari Technician

    Sep 18, 2002
    The Cold North
    Full Name:
    The converter temp fault is systematic with the cam control signal fault. Fix the control fault..and you cat problem should go away as well.

    As far as the cam fault..many things need to be monitored by looking at a scan tool data and comparing numbers from on bank to the next. Although I have not encountered a control solenoid issue yet on a 430..that is where I would be looking first. Also would not hurt to check oil pressure with an external gauge just to be sure.
    flash32 likes this.
  3. ahmadj

    ahmadj Rookie

    Jan 12, 2012
    I wanted to add I have aftermarket headers installed that are ceramic coated, not sure if that does anything. The only number that looks off on both banks is the exhaust temperature it’s at -20 degrees Celsius. On both banks, yes the code also is in now for the right side. Pffff

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  4. steelej

    steelej Formula Junior

    Jan 15, 2007
    The 1554 error probably means there is oil in the connector of the left side intake variator control solenoid. Oil travels up the wire then contaminates the connector and it throws a code. Disconnect it clean it out and put a bit of dielectric grease in there and it should help to keep the connector dry.

  5. ahmadj

    ahmadj Rookie

    Jan 12, 2012
    I took out the connected cleaned it put it back reset drive and there the light was again. Diagnosed same code, I had already purchased 4 o2 sensors had them changed and both lombada sensors brand new.

    No code for a day now code is back. I hate seeing that engine light.

    I don’t know what to do anymore.

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  6. 24000rpm

    24000rpm F1 Rookie

    it could mean the solenoid is dead.
    sometimes, cleaning is not enough, its just dead.
    switch it with the other side's solenoid. see if it changes sides


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