DFW - Mangiamo's Italian Market & Deli Grand Opening, Celina, TX | FerrariChat

DFW Mangiamo's Italian Market & Deli Grand Opening, Celina, TX

Discussion in 'Texas' started by jeffb99tx, Jan 24, 2025.

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  1. jeffb99tx

    jeffb99tx Formula Junior

    Sep 15, 2004
    Dallas, Texas
    Full Name:
    Hello DFW Ferrari Chat members. The owner of this deli and market has been in contact with several members of the DFW Fiat and Italian Car Club of North Texas many months ago about having some classic and modern cars out for their grand opening. After hearing nothing definate, they finally reached out a few days ago and said the grand opening was today (Friday).

    I know this is short notice, but we have put together a "Flash" meet up for tomorrow at 11:00 am at this new Italian market up in Celina. All owners of Italian cars are invited. If you live in the northern part of the area and are interrested in some Italian goods, here are the details:

    Date: Saturday, January 25th
    Location: Mangiamo's Italian Market and Deli, 203 W. Pecan Street, Celina, TX. It is northeast of the town square and there is a large parking lot to the east of the store.
    Time: We are meeting at 11:00 am but you can come later and stay as long as you want. They have lunch available as they are a deli.

    Bonus feature: if you like craft beer, bring a growler and stop by Rollertown Beerworks at 412 N. Oklahoma Street, Suite 106. They have good craft beers available at their tap room.

    Thanks and have a great weekend.

    Jeff B.
    ICCNT President
    cycloneGTS likes this.
  2. jeffb99tx

    jeffb99tx Formula Junior

    Sep 15, 2004
    Dallas, Texas
    Full Name:
    Thanks to the one Ferrari I saw drive by that Saturday afternoon. I had lunch there and my sandwich was very good. But this is 90% deli and only 10% market. The market section consisted of some bottles of wine, olive oils, pastas and a few other items. Vey limited selection and not nearly what the other two markets have - Jimmy's in East Dallas and Di Abruzzo's in Denton. But still, good Italian sandwiches, dishes, and pizza in a location that needs some variety. I wish them good luck.

    rob lay likes this.
  3. aparrott

    aparrott Rookie

    Oct 9, 2020
    It was happenstance that I parked near the group with the TDF Portofino on Saturday as my wife needed to visit the jewelry shop next door. I’ll be on the lookout for your next pop up event and make an effort to join.
    jeffb99tx likes this.

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