Martin Mars finds a new home: | Page 2 | FerrariChat

Martin Mars finds a new home:

Discussion in 'Aviation Chat' started by Gatorrari, Aug 11, 2024.

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  1. nerofer

    nerofer F1 World Champ

    Mar 26, 2011
    NYC Fred, tritone and BJK like this.
  2. nerofer

    nerofer F1 World Champ

    Mar 26, 2011
    ...and she is actually back safe at home since Friday, January 10th...

    […] Last Monday, the Philippine Mars was towed from Patricia Bay to Cowichan Bay.
    On Friday, January 10th, the airplane flew back to its home base safely.
    Coulson Aviation personnel replaced one of its engines with a working engine salvaged from its sister aircraft, the Hawaii Mars.
    The Hawaii Mars, which is currently displayed as a static exhibit outside the British Columbia Aviation Museum near Sidney, will also provide two additional engines to ensure the Philippine Mars can complete its journey […]

    NYC Fred likes this.
  3. nerofer

    nerofer F1 World Champ

    Mar 26, 2011
    Taxiing before the return flight to Sproat Lake; note the red engine cowling of #4 engine, taken with the engine itself from "Hawaï Mars" I suppose (?)

  4. tazandjan

    tazandjan Three Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa Owner

    Jul 19, 2008
    Clarksville, Tennessee
    Full Name:
    Terry H Phillips
    She really leans in a crosswind.

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