Mechanic / Dealer North Shore Massachusetts? | FerrariChat

Mechanic / Dealer North Shore Massachusetts?

Discussion in 'New England' started by IvanRico, Aug 25, 2024.

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  1. IvanRico

    IvanRico Karting
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jul 13, 2021
    Westchester NY
    Full Name:
    Ivan Rico
    A friend of mine with a max budget of $250K is looking to get into a Ferrari - maybe a 488. He'll garage it and drive in the Gloucester area so looking for someone to maintain it.

    Any recommendations on dealerships or mechanics in the area? I guess that anywhere that would do pickup and dropoff service would be fine too.
  2. chucklehead

    chucklehead Karting

    Mar 28, 2005
    Beverly, MA
    Full Name:
    Ferrari of New England is in Norwood.
    Boston Sports Car is in Weston.
    Autohaus is in Braintree.

    Not sure about pickup and dropoff service. Sure that it can be arranged but they drive your car, not flatbed it.

    Where you are, Miller Motorcars says that they will pickup and dropoff from Boston to Greenwich. I have not tested this and do not know the cost.

    Can't wait to see the new car in Gloucester.
    IvanRico likes this.
  3. Autohaus of Boston

    Regional Sponsor

    Sep 11, 2017
    20 Mill lane Braintree MA 02184
    Full Name:
    We at Autohaus of Boston want to tank everyone for the refers. And yes we offer pick up and drop-off services to all our clients also give rides back home and pick up customers.
    IvanRico likes this.
  4. IvanRico

    IvanRico Karting
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jul 13, 2021
    Westchester NY
    Full Name:
    Ivan Rico
    Thanks! I think I'll have him reach out to Autohaus first since they'd be a good independent mechanic for a PPI. From there he can reach out to a dealership and start looking for his car.
  5. Nospinzone

    Nospinzone F1 Veteran

    Jul 1, 2013
    Weston, MA
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    I would reccomend you advise your friend to join FChat and post his questions hinself. If he is going to buy a Ferrari, he needs to be here. ;)
    MVDESQ and IvanRico like this.
  6. IvanRico

    IvanRico Karting
    Rossa Subscribed

    Jul 13, 2021
    Westchester NY
    Full Name:
    Ivan Rico
    Absolutely. And we'll have another Ferrari owner telling their significant other "No honey, I'm not wasting time - I'm doing research." :D
    Nospinzone likes this.

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