Waiting to be howled down by all and sundry here but jeez I don't mind this Aussie nearly full history chopper/hotrod: https://brooklandscc.com/car/bentley-derby-tt-boat-tail-sports-1936/
Incredible, true time warp https://www.carsales.com.au/cars/details/1985-jaguar-xjs-auto/OAG-AD-24061612
Yes, i know. They have some interesting cars occasionally pass through that dealer, I’ve bought 3 cars from there in the past.
Bugger! This turned up a couple of month's too late: https://www.justcars.com.au/cars-for-sale/1970-bolwell-nagari-coupe/JCW5330813
Not according to Peter Roggenkamp,he did a couple of TT's in a local car with a 351 and 4 wheel disc's etc....although he did have a rock moment on a wet corner. The local Bolwell mob in Tassie rebuilt the front end overnight and he was back the next day.
I think I've talked her out of a Bentley. Still a bloody huge thing, though. Anyway, just tyre kicking for now. Image Unavailable, Please Login
The Aston coupe is an elegant car - the Blob is just that... Personally, it is beyond my comprehension that anyone seeing those side by side would choose the Blob...
I have to agree. I hate all SUV-style cars, especially ones that cost as much as a house extension, but what can I say? Happy wife, happy wife...
There’s no such thing as a good looking SUV. But for whatever reason a large chunk of the population is obsessed with the HOSs.