Missing Ferrari tire cap! | FerrariChat

Missing Ferrari tire cap!

Discussion in 'Florida' started by paulie_b, Feb 4, 2004.

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  1. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    OK the joke is over.......who has my Ferrari logo tire cap that has been missing since Cavallino? I wonder who it could be. Are you holding it for ransom?
    Whoever it was, thank you for only taking one but didn't you know that there were 3 others! Duh!
    There is a reward for any tips resulting in the return of the tire cap.
  2. sindo308qv

    sindo308qv F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
    Full Name:
    Ok,Ok, it was me , I said I had to work that day to cover my tracks but I just can't take the quilt anymore.HA HA what's up Paul.
  3. sindo308qv

    sindo308qv F1 Rookie

    Nov 1, 2003
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    Then again it is suspicious that Martin skipped town suddenly.Hmmmm...the plot thickens.
  4. Ksullender

    Ksullender Formula Junior

    Sep 3, 2003
    I thought I saw some teenage kids standing near your car, as a matter of fact they looked alot like the ones standing next to it at Moroso last November..
  5. BartonWorkman

    BartonWorkman F1 Veteran

    Nov 3, 2003
    En El 305
    Full Name:
    Barton Workman
    I saw those kids too (misguided youths) calling themselves the "Anti-Ferraristi" who unscriprously abscound the valve stem covers of unsuspecing Ferrari owners at major events.

    They will strike again so my suggestion in this case is to get a whole new set of Ferrari valve stem covers for the 360.

  6. paulie_b

    paulie_b F1 Veteran
    Consultant Owner

    Jan 13, 2003
    Jupiter, FL
    Full Name:
    Paul Bianco
    I just put the pieces of the puzzle together. It was either Martin or Byron. They both left town didn't they?
    I have not received any ransom note yet.
  7. BigTex

    BigTex Seven Time F1 World Champ

    Dec 6, 2002
    Houston, Texas
    Full Name:
    They take 'em off my racing karts all the time, too.

    I have lots of sets of three in the shop. You need one?

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