Im reliably informed that the black wheel treatment is to join in with the 'Im-too-cool-for-standard-wheels' set Joe
Yes (assuming youre speaking of Miura SV 5096). From one freind of mine to another. The current owner Christian B is a discerning collector of impeccable taste as it turns out. He is also a pretty good Illinois-based home for the car. Joe PS - Hey Tim, I ought to have your e-mail on my database by now (youd think after all these years my lovely wife would have gotten me organized eh?), so please shoot me an e-mail so its recorded there.
This very magazine in 1983 is how it all got going for me... Joe Image Unavailable, Please Login
The only magazine I still buy every month. I am cutting on other magazines because I don't have a warehouse for all that paper and I don't have time to read them all...
Yes, I re-read the article many times and when I started to come across actual cars shortly thereafter, I was thankful that they were not all supplied with white interiors! Joe
I just found out that the orange Jota-modified P400Sfrom Japan has a fuel-injected Miura engine! You never know what some will come up with on their days off..... Joe
My favorite pic of the Jota Tribute/Recreation... this angle is just ridiculous, like something out of Speed Racer... love it! Image Unavailable, Please Login
My first attempt at restoring a Miura resulted in this.....before the days when I saw the 'restore it to period-correct' light. Anyway, Larry Auriana provides a great home for this car in Connecticut now. Joe Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login
What was I thinking with that non-original shade of blue? Anyway, I think youre being kind with your compliments. Bertone painted them in lime green, but they never used blue leather that light/bright. There were two shades of blue: a darker bright blue (as in my current 4884) and a dark almost black blue. I learned a lot restoring 5064. Even more with 4870.... I was ready for 4884 and I think I finally got an authentic restoration right. Im thrilled with it, but what a journey its been! Joe
That car will always be a favorite. The blue may not be original but it complements the green wonderfully.
LOL. I almost burned them...seriously they are buried in the archives. Deep, deep in the archives. One day I will post them. Joe
The first modern supercar perhaps. You cannot overlook cars like the Stutz Bearcat, or the Auburn Speedsters or the Mercedes 300SL Gullwing. All are the definition of the supercar, expensive, stylish, ultra-performance road cars that were the symbols of the elite and the wealthy and the fervently desired dreams of young men everywhere in their day.
For me the real supercars are: 1920ies: Mercedes SSKL 1930ies: Alfa 2.3 (2.6) Alfa 2.9 Mercedes 540 K Duesenberg 1940ies German "Panther"-, "Tiger"- and "Koenigstiger"- tanks and their "buddy", the russian T34! 1950ies: various Ferraris Mercedes 300SL 1960ies: Cobra 250 SWB 275 GTB Ford GT 40 Jaguar E-Type Maserati Ghibli Miura 1970ies: Miura S and SV Countach BB 512 M1 Porsche Turbo Porsche 2.7 RS Aston Martin Vantage Ciao! Walter
Uh-oh. Here comes the Supercar fight........... Well, all I can say is buy the current April issue of Classic & Sportscar and see what this respected magazine chose as the absolute number one Dream Car of all time - both pre war and post war Joe
Joeeeee, as much al Walter loves your Miura SV...the absolut NO 1 Dreamcar of all times is - for me - the McLaren F1!!! Nuttin`can beat that engine! Ciao! Walter