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MLB 2024 season

Discussion in 'Sports' started by TheMayor, Jun 19, 2024.

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  1. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    Phillies bullpen had a 10.91 ERA in the series. Impossible to win that way unfortunately.
  2. Steelton Keith

    Steelton Keith F1 Veteran
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    Aug 19, 2009
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    Keith Hall
    The Phils were steamrolling until the series prior to the All Star break when they slept walked through a series with the lowly Marlins. From that point on they were a .500 club last 80 games of the season. Week before end of season, they lost 2 of 3 at MKE and 3 of 4 at Mets, who used that experience to figure out that their pitchers never needed to throw a strike...the Phils would chase anything. The Eagles are similar to Phils in that they have superior but underperforming talent. Prior to NFL season start, I never saw any odds anywhere that had the Eagles in the top 5 SB favorites...perhaps I'm wrong. Right now, despite being LAST in NFC East, they are 7th favorite in most books. I see a 9 and 8 team.
    TheMayor likes this.
  3. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 27, 2006
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    The original Fernando
    Dave Roberts MIGHT have made a brilliant move...

    Basically using eight relief pitchers in a game...

    What that did is save the arms of ALL the pitchers for the deciding game Friday.
    TheMayor likes this.
  4. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I was thinking about this. I'm wondering if he sacrificed a blow out the day before after the 6th inning to protect them for the next day. Basically he wasn't going to win game 3 but he was setting up a rotation for game 4.

    And what does that say about game 5?

    I think the pressure is now on the Padres and the way Manny is throwing to 1st they might have something to worry about.
  5. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 27, 2006
    Nebraska USA
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    The original Fernando
    I will confess I have not seen even ONE INNING of baseball all season,
    I just listen to what Ben Maller, Dan Patrick, Colin Cowherd and Doug Gottlieb say about it...

    But I hope KC can advance, so I have a reason to run down to KC for a couple of nights,
    and party in Westport or on the Plaza...
    TheMayor likes this.
  6. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    I've watched about 60% of the Dodger games. A few SD and AZ also. Ohtani has had just one amazing year.
    timjen88 likes this.
  7. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 27, 2006
    Nebraska USA
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    The original Fernando
    I couldn't pick Ohtani out of a Police lineup if I had to...

    I guess I just lost interest in the game when 'dominant pitching' disappeared, I mean
    the guys that would start and go 7-8 innings, giving up 3-4 hits, win 20 games for
    8-10 years in a row... AND not demand a trade or more money.

    You also have to remember I photographed the College World Series for over 10 years,
    I was in the dugouts, and the photo dugouts, and I've met and talked to many of the greats.

    I picked out Roger Clemens to be one of the greatest when everyone else had the hots for
    Calvin Schiraldi. Our Photo Chief told us to shoot Schiraldi, but *I* concentrated on Clemens.
    Barry Bonds, Gregg Swindell, Barry Larkin, Will Clark, Robin Ventura, Rafael Palmeiro, Bobby Thigpen,
    Pete Incaviglia, Chris Sabo, and those are just the main ones that went to MLB.

    I've talked to them all, photographed them all, went to most of the
    BP's, shot most of the games, 'selfies' did not exist back then, but I was never into them
  8. JWeiss

    JWeiss F1 World Champ
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    You’ve got a treasure trove of photos there. Do you own them?
  9. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    #84 TheMayor, Oct 11, 2024
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2024
    Over the years I have been very critical of Dodger manager Dave Roberts. But the last 2 games of this series I don't think I've ever seen a manager do a better job than this. Every freakin' decision was perfect. Luckily today Yamamoto finally delivered which played into his game strategy.

    The Padres were one of the most difficult teams to beat this year after the All Star game -- and this series proved it. What's amazing is the Dodger pitching showed up the last 2 games and shut them 100% down.

    Now on to the Amazing Mets! Its NY vs LA!
    timjen88 and ebobh15 like this.
  10. ebobh15

    ebobh15 F1 Rookie
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    Nov 18, 2012
    The Game 4 reliever victory was easily Roberts’ best managerial work, and game 5 probably saved his job. Strange how one game can change the arc of things. I really enjoyed that the team highlighted their attitude with the "F… them all” meme Kiki Hernandez started. That’s the edge that has been mssing for them over the past few years, and could be what gets them to the World Series. Their pitching is still ragtag, but the Hernandez brothers (in spirit, at least) and the lights out bullpen might get them there, even with the fleet of starters who are injured.
    TheMayor likes this.
  11. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
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    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby

    I have speculated that Roberts didn’t care about the final score of game three to set up the pitching staff in game 4. Game 3 was lost. If he loses game 4 it’s all over.

    He had to deal with Freddie also. The guy can barely run.
    ebobh15 likes this.
  12. ebobh15

    ebobh15 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 18, 2012
    Strangely, I think all of this adversity has made them stronger, and they’re starting to remind me of the 1988 Dodgers. History rhymes…the 88 Dodgers beat the Mets in the NLCS; the Mets had been heavily favored to win. In the World series, they faced the A’s, also heavily favored, with the best relief pitcher in the game. Watching Game 4, and then again last night, it’s almost a contact high with the 1988 Game One of the Series.

    I was watching the game on TV. Canseco hit a grand slam in the second inning (their only runs of the game), and I started to get that feeling - the Dogers were going to get boat raced in the Series. In the ninth, A’s up 4-3, Dennis Eckersley came in to save the game. I’d watched Eckersley throughout the year, he was almost unhittable, a real gamer. He pretty quickly got two outs, then walked Mike Davis. Lasorda had rope-a-doped the A’s by hiding an injured Kirk Gibson in the clubhouse instead of having him out in the on deck circle. When Gibson appeared, the place exploded. Gibson, though, hobbled to the plate and fouled off the first two pitches. He then worked the count to 2-2 before the final pitch of the game. Gibson literally golfed the pitch over the right field wall, almost entirely with his upper body. I was sitting with my Dad, and fell back over the back of the couch laughing. It was Gibson’s only at bat in the Series, but the team played out of body baseball. Game two was 6-0 Dodgers, the last time a Dodger pitcher (Hershiser) has shut out an opponent over the first five innings (like last night), the Series was over in five.

    The call by Vin Scully made Gibson’s home run even better. MLB plays Jack Buck’s call, which I think does a disservice. Buck was also astounded and amazed, but didn;t shut up. I will always remember Scully’s call “High fly ball into right field, she is…GONE!” Scully then remained silent for more than a minute, letting viewers just wath Gibson run the bases while the crowd went crazy. Best call in the universe of announcing. I got to meety Scully years later, and told him how much his call on Gibson’s home run meant. He said that was probably the first thing anyone meeting him would say.

    Last stupid thought was the movie "The Natural". When it came out in 1984, the biggest critique was that something like that would never happen in real life. If you reel up Redford’s last at bat with Gibson, it’s almost like they wrote the script. Randy Newman wrote the score for the movie, which was great. He also penned “I Love LA” the theme song for the City, played in the stadium after every victory, Imagine if the Dodgers and Yankees play this year, Newman versus Frank Sinatra (hopefully Newman four times lol)...
    TheMayor likes this.
  13. Sorry, no.

    There is no comparison between this Dodgers team to the 88 WS team with Gibson.

    This Dodger team had the best record in baseball this year, spent nearly 1B on its payroll in the offseason, and was favored to win it all going into the season back in April.

    If anything this Dodgers team was the Oakland A's of the 1988 season.
    NGooding, ebobh15 and JWeiss like this.
  14. timjen88

    timjen88 Formula Junior

    Aug 20, 2015
    Colorado/Palm Springs
    Who would have guessed the Padres would go 24 scoreless innings, just wow.
  15. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 27, 2006
    Nebraska USA
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    The original Fernando
    I was stupid.
    I was shooting for AP, they took all my negatives.
    Idiot me didn't 'save' any of them.

    But I guess to be honest they supplied the film, they paid for everything, so they owned it,
    but stupid me never even thought about using a 4th or 5th camera and shoot my own stuff
    on the side back then.

    My stuff was used mainly in USA Today, the Dallas newspapers, the OCR, the LA Times,
    all over, too bad the byline was 'Associated Press'
    The 'biggest' one was when Miami won it 1985, when Rick Raether got the final out
    to win the CWS he jumped about 3 feet into the air off the pitchers mound, and I got it.
    In the mid-2000's I went into a restaurant and they had my pic of that as used in the
    Miami Herald framed hanging on the wall....
    JWeiss likes this.
  16. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 27, 2006
    Nebraska USA
    Full Name:
    The original Fernando
    So now the question is what will SD do next?
    Who will they add, cut, trade in the off-season?
    I think they are kinda screwed on $$$ contracts?

    Yeah, I could have done without that guy actually saying 'The fact that we don't give a ****' on live TV after the game.
    He even asked 'is this live?' before he said it.
    To ME it was childish and moronic - knowing there were a lot of KIDS watching the game, he just didn't need to SAY it.
    ebobh15 likes this.
  17. JWeiss

    JWeiss F1 World Champ
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    I don’t think the Mets stand much of a chance against LA. But, if they somehow pull it off, I have a strange feeling they have a real solid chance at winning the WS. I’m never optimistic on the Mets, but I’m comfortable on this particular limb.

    Sadly, though, my hunch almost certainly won’t be tested.
  18. ebobh15

    ebobh15 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Nov 18, 2012
    YMMV of course, and in sports, any comparisons are flawed at best. Looking at injuries, though, the Dodgers had more players injured for the most days lost of any playoff team, including at least half of their pitching roster, and several starters for lengthy periods of time. For the Dodgers, 26 players formally missed time on an injury list with 2158 days lost. To compare, the Padres had 14 injured with 851 days missed, and the Mets had 17 for 1405 days. The Yankees and Cleveland were lower, NYY 22 for 1574, and CLE 15 for 1132.

    Injuries are always part of the game, and Roberts didn't do a bullpen game ‘cause he though it would be fun. With their lineup and additions, I told friends that if he didn’t win a World Series, they should fire him and get someone who can finish things off. With all their injuries, I was giving him a pass if they lost this year. Next year, with Ohtani pitching and a roster that can stay reasonable healthy, they damn well better win it…hahahahaha.
  19. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 27, 2006
    Nebraska USA
    Full Name:
    The original Fernando
    But I think a lot of 'winning' is not all talent and coaching,
    to ME it's absence of bad luck, lack of injuries, and CONFIDENCE in yourself.
    If you have ANY doubts in your own abilities, you've already lost.

    I've played in sports where I KNOW my opponent is 'better' than me
    skill-wise, but he's not better than me in the psychology or experience game,
    and if I am going to win, that's how I will do it.

    We've seen pitchers we've never heard of mow down a hot-hitting team, you
    just get into a groove and can be unhittable, and on the flip-side you can be a
    reigning Cy Young winner and can't get out of the first inning, why is that?
    You can be a batting champion and go 0-fer, how?

    Never forget the '69 Mets, or the '68 Jets...
    JWeiss likes this.
  20. JWeiss

    JWeiss F1 World Champ
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    Oh, believe me, I will never forget. I was 7 years old at the time.

    Best factoid from that series…Don Buford hit Tom Seaver’s second pitch of the first game for a HR. As he was rounding 2B, he supposedly cracked to Mets shortstop Bud Harrelson: “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

    To say the Orioles were abundantly confident going into that series would be a profound understatement. But so were the Mets...
  21. Steelton Keith

    Steelton Keith F1 Veteran
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 19, 2009
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    Keith Hall
    Take a look at all the stats from the 1960 WS and tell me who won
  22. Whisky

    Whisky Two Time F1 World Champ
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 27, 2006
    Nebraska USA
    Full Name:
    The original Fernando
    I looked it up, and immediately noticed one stat that stood out - one team had 4 wins, the other team had 3 wins.
    No other stats matter.
  23. TheMayor

    TheMayor Ten Time F1 World Champ
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 11, 2008
    Vegas baby
    Wow the Dodgers clobbered the Mets in game 1. The Mets played a seriously poor game on about every front. Base running errors, defensive errors, terrible starting pitching, bull pen failure. The Dodgers are one game closer to being in the World Series. Who would like to see NY vs LA? I would.

    But got to end the Mets run first...
  24. Gatorrari

    Gatorrari F1 World Champ
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    Jim Pernikoff
    I'd rather see NY vs NY!
    JWeiss likes this.
  25. JWeiss

    JWeiss F1 World Champ
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    I was sure happy to see them Get to Knack in the second inning.

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