Most honest dealers New/Used | FerrariChat

Most honest dealers New/Used

Discussion in 'Ferrari Discussion (not model specific)' started by Prugna 328, Mar 21, 2004.

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  1. Prugna 328

    Prugna 328 Formula 3

    Sep 10, 2003
    Full Name:
    I would like to hear some thoughts on this one. Bought mine private, so if I ever want to upgrade I would have some ideas of where to look and places to avoid. Thanks everybody.
  2. Ekasilicon

    Ekasilicon Formula Junior

    Jan 21, 2003
    Steve Harris Imports in Salt Lake is top notch. I have never heard of someone having a bad experience there. Ask for Sean, he is a real stand up guy that treats everyone with respect.
  3. Agent Smith

    Agent Smith Formula 3

    Apr 20, 2002
    Cauley Ferrari in Michigan. Haven't purchased a car from them yet, but EVERY time I have been in there I have been treated just like an owner. Highly recommended!!
  4. Tyler

    Tyler F1 Rookie

    Dec 19, 2001
    dusty old farm town
    Full Name:
    Cavallino Motors/Martin-I have no first hand experience, but I've read glowing reports from lots of deliriously happy people here on F-Chat.
  5. BWS550

    BWS550 Wants to be a mod

    Apr 1, 2002
    Full Name:

  6. Ron328

    Ron328 F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 10, 2003
    Willamette Valley, Oregon
    Full Name:
    3rd vote for STEVE HARRIS IMPORTS. (Bought my 328 from Sean).

  7. Husker

    Husker F1 World Champ

    Dec 31, 2003
    western hemisphere
    Beverly Hills Classic Cars. Ask for Richard Purcell. They only carry the super-high end Europeans but are great to work with. I purchased Richard's personal car recently. Top notch fellow!
  8. sjmst

    sjmst F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Jul 31, 2003
    Long Island, NY
    Full Name:
    Have heard 100% positive good things about Classic Coach in Elizabeth, NJ
  9. jpl

    jpl Formula Junior

    Dec 4, 2003
    Yulee Florida
    Full Name:
    JP Lavigne
    Shelton in Ft Lauderdale. Class act.
  10. 355now350soon

    355now350soon Karting

    Mar 19, 2004
    All these people are associated with these dealers. Because the fact is all dealers are a$$holes period. No buts or waits or anything. They will take you anyway they can.
  11. Norm512TR

    Norm512TR Formula Junior

    Nov 10, 2001
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    Full Name:
    I don't work for a dealer, and never have. Most Ferrari dealers are honest, that's how they stay in business.

    Salesmen are, by definition, salesman; it doesn't mater if you're buying siding for the house or a car, they must be watched. However if a member here is giving the name of someone to use, I'd feel a lot more comfortable going in.

    The best defense against a salesman is knowledge, know what you want and what it's worth before leaving the house- research.
  12. 355now350soon

    355now350soon Karting

    Mar 19, 2004
    Dealers are all crooks. Sales and repair departments of any dealer is gonna get you. Only some of them are so good at cheating you, you think that you are getting a good deal or they are doing you a favor. I think this goes for Ferrari ( they allways have an attidute like hah I am the **** you best let me screw you or it'll be worse when you bring your car for service- where else are you gonna take it )dealers for sure as well as others.
  13. Prancing_Horse

    Prancing_Horse Formula Junior

    Dec 23, 2003
    Full Name:
    ferrari of washington is a very good dealer
  14. Murph4Enzo

    Murph4Enzo Karting

    Nov 15, 2003
    Philadelphia PA
    Full Name:
    Christopher Murphy
    Maybe we should eliminate sales people altogether. Wouldn't it be nice to order your cookie cutter transportation, siding, tv, cable, any product or service available to you through an open market economy, directly through the manufacturer. No salesman, No negotiation, no options, you can have the choice of five colors, thats it, the car will be delivered to your door, don't call us if you have a problem, because we don't have any middlemen, or service for that matter, so you'd better start learning a second job, like auto maintenance. BTW, Benjamin Franklin was an inventor and salesman and the country's first self made millionaire (HMMM...) I imagine the world would be a better place without salespeople, forget that they might have the same passion for cars, tv's, siding, whatever... they have families to feed as well. I guess somewhere in the world there is a Communist society that has something going for them, where most products are price fixed, and everyone pays the same price, forget about a different model or options, because they aren't available. I think there are some very cheesy salepeople out there, but if you're on this list you know who to stay away from. It should only take a couple seconds to deduce that!

    Fortunately/Unfortunately salespeople are here to stay they are the medium between the manufacturer and buyer and a conduit of information that you will need to make your decision.

    My 2 cents.

    Sorry bout the rant.

  15. 355now350soon

    355now350soon Karting

    Mar 19, 2004
    Finally someone who makes sense. Murhp4enzo. Good post.
  16. writerguy

    writerguy F1 Veteran

    Sep 30, 2003
    Full Name:
    Chris there are some pretty bad ones out there but they are usually relegated to the hyundai dealerships. For the most part the sales people working for a high end car dealership are there because they know how to service the customer not because they can slide things around.
    A prime example is one of our board members James Dunn formerly of FoDallas now of Audiguy. He is a professional and a damn good one but there are other examples here too Martin is one who comes top of mind.
    Your idea of dealing directly with the mfg would never work due to the fact that you then become one of a multitude of voices not one who's referral will put bread on the table.
    I take personal offense to pinheads like 355-360 who don't even fill in their profile and go around doing the dealers are lying cheats thing. They would not be in business for long if that was the case.
    My dad was a car dealer and an honest one who made a good living out of this business. I have done a stint on the floor too and the very first thing they teach you is "Buyers are Liars"
    Picture it you are working for a high end dealer dealing with Ferrari and you have the associated lookie loos coming in and drooling over something they will never be able to afford then you have the Marrio in mind guys who only want to "Take er for a spin.." and the "I HAVE MONEY people who don't who all eat up your time and energy. When you spend the time trying to qualify a customer and they are lying to you just to get behind the wheel,
    The pro's rise to the top and if they are pros they are around to take up your case with the MFG if there is a problem. I can't tell you how many people have posted "They went out of their way to help me..." stories but it is the :all crooks guys who make the most noise.
  17. 575Mike

    575Mike Formula 3

    Mar 11, 2004
    Full Name:
    Dealers and sellers are made up of people. Buyers are people. Some people are bad, some are good. Therefore, resist easy definition or broad brushing buyers or sellers. I'm sure some "buyers are liars" as are some dealers are liars. It's common sense.

    I will put in a plug for Lake Forest Sportscars in Illinois. Nice people.
  18. scott63

    scott63 Formula Junior

    Nov 1, 2003
    I have had great personal experiences with

    1) Harris Imports in Salt Lake City (ask for Sean Harris)

    2) Scottsdale Ferrari (ask for Gary Simon)

    3) Ferrari of Long Island (ask for Gianni Mercuri)

    And BTW, I have never had a bad experience with any ferrari dealer and I have sold both of the cars I purchased from dealers at a profit. So much for dealers ripping us all off....

    XSSSIVE Formula Junior

    Dec 7, 2003
    Reno & Lake Tahoe
    Full Name:
    Mike S.
    #19 XSSSIVE, Mar 22, 2004
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2017
    Steve Harris Imports!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hand down the best I have delt with. Sean Harris is the best to work with, honest and will always be there to help you.

    Screw Scottsdale Ferrari!!!!! I have purchase Ferrari's from both of them. My mistake was the purchase from Scottsdale Ferrari.

    Me and my 360 and 355. Live and learn, now all of my Ferrari purchases will be from Steve Harris Imports.
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  20. jpl

    jpl Formula Junior

    Dec 4, 2003
    Yulee Florida
    Full Name:
    JP Lavigne
    "All these people are associated with these dealers. Because the fact is all dealers are a$$holes period. No buts or waits or anything. They will take you anyway they can."

    I am not associated with any dealer and your comments seems to imply your lack of tact or inteligence. As this is a free world you are entitled to your opinion. Fortunately your opinion and a quarter will get you a.....quarter.

    I am also in sales, I do a good job, I care about my customers and I make a good living. I have met people like you before...and to to be honest...I prefer to deal with a better class of customer. Of course this is only my opinion.

    Enough said, I will continue following this site and getting positive information out of it, but I will not be responding back to this note.
  21. WCH

    WCH F1 Veteran

    Mar 16, 2003
    I think Ferrari of Washington is first rate, search the archives for other comments. I deal with Ralph. I am not associated with FoW, except as a happy customer.
  22. Tomf-1

    Tomf-1 F1 Rookie

    Jan 17, 2004
    Leawood KS/ South FL
    Full Name:
    Sean Harris of Steve Harris is first class.
    We couldn't get together on a trade for his 512TR but I was impressed with his integrity and principle-based character.
    He will be on the top of a very short list of sellers in my next F-car purchase endeavor.

  23. funshipone

    funshipone Formula Junior

    Jan 2, 2002
    Harrison Twp. Mi. US
    Full Name:
    John Bicsak
    I bought my 1984 308 GTS QV from Cauley Ferrari in Detroit area first class operation, and service is the best.
    As VP of FCA Michigan chapter I can only say good things about all people who work at Cauley. The owner Jeff is wonderful has always helped our club when asked.
  24. F40

    F40 F1 Rookie

    Apr 16, 2003
    I agree. Scottsdale Lotus treated me and my dad nicely, even though we were just tire kickers, kudos Tim & crew.
  25. shelbee

    shelbee Guest

    100% agree. Thumbs up SEAN!!!

    All my cars in the garage now (2 F cars and 1 G-wagon) are from SEAN HARRIS!!

    No questions about the honest and fair deal, the car always ready to go, out of trouble. Just have to be patient to find the right car at his place.

    Sean will take you for lunch at Chinese rest. next door when you buy a car from him :)

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