new mexico ferrari owners | FerrariChat

new mexico ferrari owners

Discussion in 'Arizona & New Mexico' started by patvulky, Sep 2, 2018.

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  1. patvulky

    patvulky Rookie

    Nov 4, 2015
    new mexico
    Full Name:
    ryan lubert
    hello, im pretty new to the forum as an active user. i want to make some contacts in new mexico who service and drive their ferrari in albuquerque and santa fe if possible. i have a 355 and have used aaron bedford in the past. im curious about carobu as they are local as well. i have seen tazandjan as a very active member but it would be great to kick around advice with others . feel free to pm me as well but im so new i don't know if that is unlocked for me yet. thanks in advance
  2. Bryanp

    Bryanp F1 Rookie

    Aug 13, 2002
    Santa Fe, NM
    FCA has a New Mexico chapter, and it is fairly active; that is your best bet for the info you seek.
    [email protected] likes this.
  3. LAracer

    LAracer Karting

    Jan 4, 2008
    Northern NM
    Full Name:
    Carobu is great. They did the major on my 355. Recommended.
  4. Santa Fe Jeff

    Santa Fe Jeff Karting
    Silver Subscribed

    Mar 6, 2015
    Santa Fe, NM
    Greetings, I may be bringing a 400i to the Santa Fe area in the near future. Does anybody know if Carobu is still in business? Also, for some reason Executive Automotive in Santa Fe rings a bell but I don't know why. Has anyone had experience with them?
  5. ralfabco

    ralfabco Two Time F1 World Champ
    Lifetime Rossa

    Mar 1, 2002
    Full Name:
    Itamar Ben-Gvir
    The Plaza. I remember a blue 550/575 a few years ago. A red/tan Testarossa was displayed at a local outdoor show. Lived in S.F. for a year and a half and did not see many exotics.
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  6. albkid

    albkid Formula Junior

    Jul 1, 2016
    Full Name:
    I use the Bedfords for my 360 and could not be happier with their work as well as my relationship with these two gentlemen.

    Any Albuquerque F-car owners who want to chat, please PM me. I live in the Foothills/Heights.
  7. Zia

    Zia Rookie

    Sep 6, 2020
  8. Zia

    Zia Rookie

    Sep 6, 2020
    My f430 ships tomorrow from Ohio. Would be happy to talk cars or just visit. I am in high desert. NE Albuquerque above tram way.
  9. albkid

    albkid Formula Junior

    Jul 1, 2016
    Full Name:
    Well you are surely luckier than me. The wind damaged our garage door, and the damaged door was nailed shut trapping the 360 inside. Thus, I am Ferrariless!

    Drop me a note using the conversation feature of the site if you would like to chat.
  10. Zia

    Zia Rookie

    Sep 6, 2020
    If you live in heights. Maybe meet at boxing bear on tramway for a beer. If warm. They have good patio. Zia

    Sent from my iPhone using FerrariChat
  11. Andi04

    Andi04 Rookie

    Feb 3, 2025
    Full Name:
    Hi! Welcome to the community! Always great to meet another Ferrari owner in New Mexico. We have a pretty active Cars & Coffee group that meets every 1st Saturday of the month in Santa Fe. Several of us usually do a fun drive up from Albuquerque together - you should join our convoy next time! Would love to have you join us.

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