Aside from John’s post above (which isn’t a book, is it?) what is being published about N.A.R.T.? (Please don’t mention the Porter and Bull books…..I’m talking about in our lifetimes.).
Agreed, when I was young in the 1970's before I knew the value of things I always thought the 275 GTB was a prettier car then the 250 GT and equal to that of the 250 GTO. It's about time they had their literary moment in the sun.
I just took delivery of the new biography on Derek Warwick from Evro Publishing. A great read about a very down to earth guy. Lots of anecdotes about F1 in the '80s, and he went through a lot with the loss of his younger brother Paul in an accident in F3000. Malc
I just received Porter Press’s newsletter. Once again, among the announcement of several forthcoming books, no mention of the Nye-Chinetti bio-history of Chinetti and N.A.R.T. And yet… of the future books mentioned is yet another single chassis book by…wait for it…DCN.
Hope, Doug finishes his De Tomaso Mangusta book first, then Chinetti and then it would be OK to go for the 250 TR book.
375+, May I ask from whom you purchase the 2500 ORE book and if it was a fine copy, well packaged for shipment? Thank you.
For a moment I thought that I heard someone whispering faintly in the distance the name of a fifties and sixties F1 team abbreviated by three letters.....
Ah, I see. I took you literally as to the three missing letters, in which case I was correct, whereas apparently you were referring to the long-awaited volume 4. I’m afraid BRM fans should give up on that. It just isn’t going to happen. There are innumerable posts about it in the TNF book thread.
Thought Marc Sonnery was involved with the Mangusta book. Did Mr. Nye jump in too? Also, any word on when Eau Rouge will release that book? or It arrived to the USA in 2 weeks, and it was very well packaged. No damage, a fine copy.
Yes, both are involved, and many months ago posted a pic here showing both selecting images for the book at their notebooks.
Hello all, There seems to be a confusion regarding the Mangusta book. The esteemd Doug Nye is not involved with this one at all; Doug Blair is the publisher and co author. I finished the work in June 2020 (100000 plus words of research and interviews begun in 2011 during the first of several trips to Modena, I carried out transcribed and translated (from Italian, German and French, endless work), we found the mother lode of Mangusta archive photos, I drove four of them, 3 in Belgium (shot for the book by a pro) one in Austria (shot by me, an apple green car in the vineyards, loved that day!) but Doug Blair has had a lot on his plate with having to sell his main company, start others etc so he has been heavily delayed. It is frustrating but it is what it is. I once sued someone asleep on a project but Doug is not asleep just sidetracked plus he has been very good to me a number of times so I am loyal. We produced two books together that I was very happy with, my Maserati the Citroen years and then a year later the biography of collector Paul Schouwenburg, Ferrari fever. Doug is actually issuing an Alfetta book this month, a book born without difficulties, so he is active. I am not involved with that one. What people should understand is that the creation of research books have a life of their own, a bit like a pregnancy and a birth; some are born spontaneously and easily, others are difficult and need a cesarean;-) the fact that some very famous and respected authors who have produced dozens of excellent books have projects that advance at various speeds just proves the point. All kinds of things can snag the wheel of progress, that's life.
Hi Marc, Thank you very much for your clarification, and my sincere apologies for causing confusion in this thread! I was referring to this photo and instead of reading your post at that time properly I confused Doug Blair and Doug Nye who have some resemblance in my eyes. Well, that's how confusion starts these days on the Web. Again, my apologies. Image Unavailable, Please Login
Kein problem Sven. FYI Doug Nye is bearded and the bearded one in this photo is not Doug Blair but me;-) Also we are not of the same generation as Doug Nye who is about 20 years older than us 60 year old babies;-)