Just find where I had those documents and also see that I wrote a mistaken in the list should be Rallye d'Automne 27-28/09/1958 and Course de Côte de Namur 05/10/58 . without having an original and complete document or any period article . I also find the program for 1958 so was there a part on the 27 and 28 and some other parts of the Rallye the next weekend I don't know . Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login
good morning, I've been looking for this pics for several years. the event, chassis number and crew of this 250 GT Competizione. and of course, its ranking. who can tell me. thank you in advance I have. but I can't find anything with this race no 1956-250 GT Competizione-Giovanardi-0509GT-39311 MO Image Unavailable, Please Login
24/06/56 23° Vermicino-Rocca di Papa, Coppa Gallenca Giuliano Giovanardi 1°Ass. 1°GToltre2000 Best, Miki-Paki.
Google translate is your friend, it takes two seconds: Bergrennen = Corsa in salita = course de cote = hill climb race. There are several people from France here that badly need to learn to use this to better interact in this forum: Enter Google traduction or the link below in your search bar and the site comes up, any andouille can use it. A (half) Frenchman told you so. Same applies to Italians who post here in Italian.
That's enough, Nembo, this is the third time I've been told that. even with the translation, it's not always easy. I use this one though. I speak Italian, but not English. would that be a flaw?
You see? It's not that hard to use a translation site, just a little and worthwhile effort. It is only enough once you and others have understood. Understand I am trying to help. Let's move on.
All 3 pix lifted (stolen) directly from the book "Il Cielo Non Ha Preferenze" by Carlo Dolcini, Patron Editore 2004. Please respect COPYRIGHTS! Marcel Massini
c'est quoi ça on supprime les photos maintenant!!! les trois premières, provenaient d'internet telles quelles, sans signature. alors j'en ai posté deux autres, que j'ai signé. vous vous permettez de supprimer mes deux messages!!! que faut-il faire, Monsieur Marcel Massini. ( en Français dans le texte) parce qu'il ce message vous est adressé si vous souhaitez supprimé celui ci aussi, ne vous gênez pas what tis this, we're deleting the photos now!!! the first three came from the internet as they were, without a signature. so I posted two others, which I signed. you dare delete my two messages!!! what should we do, Mr. Marcel Massini. (in French in the text) because this message is addressed to you. if you want to delete this one too, feel free to do so
Mr. Marcel Massini himself is not able to delete photos after a short time in this system here after he postet them. and he can not delete other photos. only the mods can do. also if something you not like from Mr. Marcel Massini you may PM him and not post here in the public. also he is right with his writing: Why continue with copyright infringements? Show respect.
no. of course not. also what has my statement regarding the copyright to do with the police? but when people like you not even activate your profile for all to read and also disrespecting copy rights then someone has to write something here in this great community to remember some members to follow the simplest rules
I think if you simply note 'copyright unknown' or words to that effect when you post a photo of unknown origin, it goes a long way to respect the copyright- whomever is the holder.