360 - Oil in spark plug threads | FerrariChat

360 Oil in spark plug threads

Discussion in '360/430' started by 550nitis, Aug 22, 2020.


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  1. 550nitis

    550nitis Formula Junior

    Feb 3, 2016
    Changed the spark plugs today to have the updated NGK version that ends with a B. First time doing this and was surprised how incredibly easy it was.

    Was also surprised to find oil in the spark plug threads. Wasn't in the spark plug itself but just on the threads on all plugs. Gaskets?
  2. mike32

    mike32 F1 Veteran

    May 13, 2016
    Isle of man- uk
    A lot better than seized in the head
  3. whatheheck

    whatheheck F1 Rookie

    Mar 27, 2006
    Seattle, Wa
    Full Name:
    Dan L.
    Yep, valve cover gaskets are known / common to leak / seep.

    Those valve cover gaskets are horrible. Tightness / torque has to be perfect and remain perfect.
    If torqued too tight or too light oil will leak or seep.

    Check the valve cover gasket bolts regularly and ensure they are torqued to spec.
  4. BrettC

    BrettC Formula 3

    Aug 13, 2012
    Full Name:
    Hmmm...haven't been doing that check in my annuals. no issues so far at 44K miles.

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