Oil Sender Unit Replacement - 308 GT4 | FerrariChat

Oil Sender Unit Replacement - 308 GT4

Discussion in '308/328' started by dyerhaus, Mar 4, 2023.

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  1. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    #1 dyerhaus, Mar 4, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2023
    To start, I am no experienced mechanic, but I'm not too afraid of taking things apart that are fairly straight forward. That's one of the reasons I got an old car.

    I need to replace my Oil Sender Unit and I thought it was going to be simple and straight forward, much to my chagrin it is not. I'm wondering if I really have to remove all this stuff just to get to it, or if there's some obvious or secret trick I'm missing… or maybe I need a special tool?

    Here's my experience thus far…

    This is the Oil Sender Unit, it sits directly below the oil filter (which has been removed). You see that pink arrow pointing to the nut?
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    To loosen that, I would have to come in from the side or top. Can't do it from the top as the oil filter mount covers it. And I can't reach it at all from either side due to all the hoses and other items in the way:
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    I thought I could remove the oil filter mount because I could easily reach and remove this nut:
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    However, these two posed a bit of a problem. I could remove the one of the right with a lot of patience, but the one on the left is simply unreachable due to the pipe beside it and the limited space around it—there's just not enough clearance:
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    So it would seem I'm left with removing everything on the right (1, 2 and 3) or everything on the left (4, 5 and 6) in order to access that nut from one of the sides in order to remove the part:
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    Does that seem crazy to anyone else? Am I missing something simple or obvious? Do I just not have the right tool—is there some sort of special Oil Sender Unit removal tool?

    Guidance would be very much appreciated as there seems to be nothing on the internet about this.
  2. Steve Magnusson

    Steve Magnusson Two Time F1 World Champ
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    Jan 11, 2001
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    Steve Magnusson
    I'd try a crow's foot wrench, before resorting to any other disassembly (although you might need a sort of "long" one, or maybe one of the adjustable type which seem to be longer).
    2dinos, Jdubbya, Nino1964 and 2 others like this.
  3. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    Quick follow-up…

    It does appear there is a special tool for this, however I can only find it in 17mm. That's fine for removal as the old part is 17mm. However, that part isn't made anymore and has been superseded who-knows-how-many-times, thus the new part is 24mm. Can't find a removal tool that's 24mm…

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  4. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Christopher Dyer
    #4 dyerhaus, Mar 4, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2023
    Nice, I didn't even think of that. I found (above) a 17mm tool which will work for removal, but the replacement part is 24mm. I did find a 24mm crowfoot, so this could work. It would be a lot easier than removing everything!
    Nicgt4 likes this.
  5. Sigmacars

    Sigmacars Formula 3
    Silver Subscribed

    Jul 19, 2006
    I would take a 24mm and heat it up and bend it like the 17 mm bend both sides so you can tighten it
    dyerhaus and Mike Florio like this.
  6. Portofino

    Portofino Formula Junior

    Sep 17, 2011
    Yorkshire UK / Switzerland/ Antibes France
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    Can’t you just Stilson ( or similar grab wrench ) the gold housing off, realise it’s a none return part .Then conventional socket the bolt off .
    Fitting the new one —— Hmm ? Hand tighten the new bolt ( what ever size ) and careful bent nose pliers to nip it up + a dose of thread lock .
  7. bitsobrits

    bitsobrits Formula Junior
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    "Does that seem crazy to anyone else? Am I missing something simple or obvious?"

    It is amazing how many times with these cars your have to do 2, 3, or 6 things to do the 1 thing you want to do. It's not necessarily difficult, just very fiddly at times.

    If you remove the P clamp from the coolant pipe you should be able to flex it over enough to not only get a 13mm crows foot on the nut, and also that allows the filter adaptor to be lifted up off the studs.

    And take a good look at that coolant pipe. When I removed my filter adaptor I saw the coolant pipe had been sitting down hard on the filter adaptor nut and had worn a deep divot almost through the pipe over time. So I ended up taking off that pipe anyway to have it welded.

    It's very unpleasant cleaning up the gasket residue under the filter adaptor when leaning over the side and everything else in situ, so if I were to do it again I would make up a special removal tool as pictured.
    dyerhaus likes this.
  8. Nino1964

    Nino1964 Formula Junior

    Aug 14, 2015
    North Georgia
    I like Steve’s advice to use a crows foot wrench. I would add that you will have to remove the oil cooler hose.
  9. miketuason

    miketuason F1 World Champ
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    dyerhaus and tf308 like this.
  10. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
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    Brian Crall
    They need to be tight not to leak. We made tools to fit. Never found a crowfoot that could do the job.
    As far as the factory supplying tools if they made one it would be a few hundred dollars. Sometimes when you are lucky they will give you a drawing of what you need to make.
  11. sp1der

    sp1der F1 Rookie

    Jan 10, 2009
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    Simon Ashley
    I bought a thin spanner and bent it to fit
  12. classicalfas

    classicalfas Formula Junior
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    Peter D
    I'm a big proponent of making your own special tools.
  13. sltillim

    sltillim Formula 3
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    Nov 22, 2009
    San Diego
    I would remove the banjo bolt on #1 in the picture - this is the oil line from the filter housing to the oil cooler. That is no big deal to remove just this one, bend it out of the way - get in there with a open wrench with leverage then screw back in. There is likely little oil in there as the car is off and the oil filter removed. If you need to pull #2 hose, you could do that too.

    I would not remove the oil filter housing because you have a good seal there and it since it is bolted to the block it will keep the leverage as you are wrenching. If anything is not easily breaking free, hit it with a heat gun for 30 secs at a time and give it a try. keep the heat gun directed way from the wire. Maybe give it a tightening push before pulling to release to free up the nut.

    you could use a crows foot with an extender on a socket setup but its awkward.

    There's only a couple times

    You got this dude!
  14. Rifledriver

    Rifledriver Three Time F1 World Champ

    Apr 29, 2004
    Cowboy Capitol of the World
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    Brian Crall
    Have you ever done it that way? I ask because of my experience even with oil line out of the way my collection of a few hundred wrenches will not fit, hence making one. Short of making a wrench removal of the filter base is easiest.

    For many years the replacement senders have been such junk I have been using TacElfs conversion.
  15. sltillim

    sltillim Formula 3
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    Nov 22, 2009
    San Diego
    @Rifledriver - I am no you, Brian - I default to your expertise!!!! I did not realize the tang of the open end would not fit - but maybe a little grind would work.

    This is on my "to do" list and I am updating to the TacElf version that is available here https://sway.office.com/LVWsbkSxiOXNH6LJ
  16. Portofino

    Portofino Formula Junior

    Sep 17, 2011
    Yorkshire UK / Switzerland/ Antibes France
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    DIY is great ( I do as much as possible) but occasionally pass stuff on .Maybe swopping out a oil sender on a 3*8 is one of those jobs ?
    I mean what 1/4 hr Labour ?

    Isn’t that the merit of a owners forum to share problems kinda head stuff off at the pass before diving in ?
  17. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    I definitely hand off more than I do on my own! :D However, I'd rather do more on my own than hand it off. It's not only cheaper, it's also more convenient.

    But this, as it turns out, is a very simple job… IF you have the right tools (and now, I do have the right tools!). I bought the tool pictured in post #3, and it works like a charm.

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    However, before I take it off, I discovered something I'm going to look at first. I found the Oil Pressure Sender Unit and the Thermostat cable have identical connectors and plug into the same area. It's possible these plugs were switched, thus the reason this isn't working? If so, I don't need to replace my Oil Pressure Sender after all. But if I need to, at least now I have the right tool.

    There's also more to the story than just replacing that part—isn't there always with a Ferrari? :)

    There were three hoses I needed to replace as well, and I'm very particular about having the "correct" hoses and clamps (which my currently did not have). Hunting those down was fun and educational, but I found what I needed. I have no idea what this would have cost if I brought it in—oil change, replace sender unit, replace three hoses, replace thermostat cable, but I'm certain it would have been a lot more than I spent on it! Plus, the hassle of getting the car to my mechanic and arranging transportation there and back. Also, taking advantage of our wet weather right now, not like I'm gonna be driving the car any time soon. :(

    Next project on my list: Doors. Both of my doors are fairly hard to open, and you absolutely cannot open the driver's door from the inside. Also, neither door will lock… and if you do somehow get it to lock, then you very well may not be able to unlock it! I've discovered this the hard way. I took the door panels off and discovered the rods are fairly bent up, and a whole lot of the plastic pieces are broken or simply missing. I've ordered all the parts, will probably be here in a month, then I can fix that.

    It may not sound like it, but I'm having a blast with this car!
  18. sltillim

    sltillim Formula 3
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    Nov 22, 2009
    San Diego
    I posted on this years ago (still haven't fixed but the car's been off the road - please don't beat me up guys) https://www.ferrarichat.com/forum/threads/oil-pressure-failure-gauge-or-sensor.486348/

    Per @miketuason 's recommendation on testing:

    If you ground the wire going to the oil pressure sending unit with the ignition switch to on and if the needle on the guage move to max, means your guage is good and the sender is bad and vise versa.

    Or, you have them plugged in wrong....
  19. classicalfas

    classicalfas Formula Junior
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    Peter D
    Just look at the wiring diagram in the owners manual and look at which color wire goes where.
  20. classicalfas

    classicalfas Formula Junior
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    Peter D
    Btw, I can't make out the snap on part number on the tool, can you tell me what it is.
  21. Portofino

    Portofino Formula Junior

    Sep 17, 2011
    Yorkshire UK / Switzerland/ Antibes France
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    That’s what I was thinking.^ .
    Fortunately re reading my SH a well known U.K. ( W. London based ) Ferrari Indy did mine in circa 2017 .So they have a life .
  22. bitsobrits

    bitsobrits Formula Junior
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    It's a Snap-On S6165
  23. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
    Santa Rosa, California
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    Christopher Dyer

    So, I finally got around to taking of the Oil Pressure Sender today, which is INCREDIBLY easy with the correct tool. However, turns out the replacement superseded part IS TOO BIG.

    Now I have to call T.Rutlands and figure out how they can fix this.

    So close!!!!!

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  24. miketuason

    miketuason F1 World Champ
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    dyerhaus likes this.
  25. dyerhaus

    dyerhaus Formula Junior
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    Nov 4, 2012
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    Christopher Dyer
    Yes, and that's the problem! In my photo in post #23, my old one is on the left. It has a smaller (17mm) nut as well as a smaller bolt (roughly 10mm). The replacement I was sent is a 24mm nut and roughly 14mm bolt.

    I did some digging and it looks like I was actually sent the wrong part as the invoice has the correct part number on it (125340), but what I was sent doesn't match the image on literally every website I can find it on. It looks like they sent me an Oil Pressure Sender unit for a 348/F355/360. Not the one for the 308!

    Very disappointing.

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