This is sealer not paint. Paint goes on in about an hour.
Very, very lightly. See the area near the emblem on the nose. that is a second coat, not yet dry over a slight nick,scim coated that when dry will be sanded a bit more but you just knock off the surface/dirt and you're good to go.
Mr G, What is that round indentation right about the nose emblem area or is that just a reflection of some sort??
Noticed that too and was wondering about it... Can't even fathom they would have missed anything ANYTHING on this car
Writerguy, Enzo, re-read James' post: "See the area near the emblem on the nose. that is a second coat, not yet dry over a slight nick,scim coated that when dry will be sanded a bit more..."
Yep drool Gee Jim that spray booth needs a good clean, er, not!. One day (hopefully) not to far away I will have a garage/workshop that can rival that (er, maybe not the spray booth, but a spacious workshop with all the right tools, etc. ... and CLEAN ) Pete