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Pic of your Maserati you took Today or Recently

Discussion in 'Maserati' started by Robb, Sep 22, 2022.

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  1. thecarnut

    thecarnut F1 Rookie
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    Apr 22, 2006
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    The Car Nut
    This last weekend at a local cars and coffee. Folks admiring the Khamsin and at the same time trying to figure out what the heck it is.

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  2. Froggie

    Froggie Formula Junior

    Sep 27, 2017
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  3. Nembo1777

    Nembo1777 F1 World Champ
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    Nov 4, 2006
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    Marc Sonnery
    As usual:)!
    alexza likes this.
  4. aawil

    aawil Formula 3

    Aug 10, 2002
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  5. FerrariFinally

    FerrariFinally Formula Junior

    Nov 11, 2018
    Roseville, CA
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    Nice aawil. These cars are becoming to have the classic shape/design...I absolutely adore mine
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  6. Stephanie

    Stephanie F1 World Champ
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    Feb 23, 2006
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  7. staatsof

    staatsof Nine Time F1 World Champ
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    Mar 13, 2005
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    If you've ever driven this magnificent drive through the redwoods it's simply a spectacular experience. We've done it at least a half a dozen times often staying in the Benbow historic Inn. I'd bet the river there is very high this year after years of terrible drought. Things like that is why you take a trip to California now, not LA or SF any longer.

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    Imagine the morons who thought doing this to this tree was a good idea.
    Hazard a guess how this will effect the tree long term?
    F456M likes this.
  8. thecarnut

    thecarnut F1 Rookie
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    Apr 22, 2006
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    The Car Nut
  9. TBigs

    TBigs Formula Junior

    Mar 23, 2010
    NW Ohio
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    My last picture of my 1989 Zagato Spyder, before it headed off to live in NW IL. A bittersweet goodbye for the TBigs family, for sure. One too many cars. One too few garage spaces. It was my wife's favourite car!

    Happy to see it in good hands, though. The new owner already reported back that he is thrilled with the car and very impressed with its performance. I'm telling you, these things are jewels. Do yourself a favour and try one!!

    Ciao Bella.

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  10. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Here are a couple of pictures from a superb display at the "Oslo Motor Show" where the Norwegian Masersti club celebrated its 20th anniversary and had about 18 cars on display from Sebring 3500 to the lates Gran Turismo! I am a bit proud as a few friends including myself started the club in 2003. We were only 20-23 yrs old at the time and our very first meeting was in August 2003. (Last oucture shows our very first meeting!)
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  11. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Lovely picture and beautiful car. May I ask why there is a "house" on top of that bridge? Never really seen anything like it. Just out of curiosity... :)
  12. Nembo1777

    Nembo1777 F1 World Champ
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    Nov 4, 2006
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    Marc Sonnery
    Khamsin 380 looking good!
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  13. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    In tip top condition! It is incredible to see the development from the 3500 to the Khamsin in only a few years of development in between.
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  14. Nembo1777

    Nembo1777 F1 World Champ
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    Nov 4, 2006
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    Marc Sonnery
    That huge progress was made possible by Citroen money; the Orsis had been badly running out of funds.
    F456M likes this.
  15. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    So did Citroën too and Peugeot bought them :)
  16. Nembo1777

    Nembo1777 F1 World Champ
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    Nov 4, 2006
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    Marc Sonnery
    That is what my main book covers Erik, no one could have predicted the energy crisis and a much bigger sudden money loser when fuel prices quadrupled was Comotor, a rotary engine company Citroen had invested heavily in. Comotor made rotary engines, they had huge potential but a flaw that did not matter before suddenly was a disaster which killed that project: rotary engines have high fuel consumption....

    However for five years: 1968-1975, Citroen had a very positive effect on Maserati, modernizing the factory with a lot of investment, generating the birth of new models with leading edge technology after years of stagnation.
    F456M likes this.
  17. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Yes we can be thankful for the different owners who backed up Masersti in the different stages. Also thanks to DeTomaso who made a baby Maserati. Do you know if the Quattroporte III was an economical success? I mean that car was very well build and they spent several years from when it was shown to the public before it went on sale in 1979. And it was expencive too. Must have geberated quite a bit of money before the Biturbo came out in 1982. The icing on the cace is the Royale, where everything was slightly improved. But to make 53 cars with new body panels with softer curves, does not make much if a sense?? Actually, not all the Royales had this newer softer edges. You you know when these applied and how many were rounded off? We have one 1987 Royale in Norway, and it has the bigger grill, but not the softer edges. And still the old push button HVAC panel.
    71Satisfaction likes this.
  18. Nembo1777

    Nembo1777 F1 World Champ
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    Nov 4, 2006
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    Marc Sonnery
    The QPIII is not really of interest to me sorry can't answer you. I did however write this with proper research a couple of years ago so you will find a lot of information (the site owners may have edited my text):


    I was at the factory in Modena Monday morning to greet Fabio Collina and there was a Royale in the showroom but I did not take photos.

    I test drove a QPIII for an article in Florida in about 1997, one of the very few 5 speed in the US and driving it around an airport perimeter road I remember there was an S curve...it accepted the first half but went on strike in the second part, I had to brake hard and recut the corner:)! It is not meant to be pushed hard on twisty roads and is about as agile as a manor house on wheels but I love the interior, who knows how many poor cows got scalped per QPIII!
    MrMark likes this.
  19. 71Satisfaction

    71Satisfaction Formula 3

    Jul 15, 2012
    New York and Norway
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    You can be extremely proud Erik, as I'm sure you know - the members of your club are super nice people, welcoming and fun to hang out with.. !
    - Art Erlend
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  20. F456M

    F456M F1 Rookie

    Jan 8, 2010
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    Thanks for your kind words. I have experience as a member also with the Jaguar club, BMW club, Ferrari club and Lambo club and I must say this Norwegian Maserati Club is REALLY a cosy and down to earth group of guys. In the 90-ies when si was a kid teenager, people's perception was that Maserati was the choise of mafia and fishy people. Even the dealer in Norway had a very questionable reputation where even cars disappeared while in for service.... That has changed totally, and I feel people recognize all Maseratis as exciting cars with art as a value rather than pure performace which is what Ferrari ar most known for. With our ultra low speed limits of only 110 kph. (70 mph.), sound, looks and the enjoyment of driving might be more important than performamce in itself. And here a Maserati scores top points. Andd more user friendly and even more rare than Ferrari, and there you are. masersi is the best brand...

    550 Maranello, 2 Biturbos and XK8 cab + Chevrolet Avalanche. :)
    71Satisfaction and johnei like this.
  21. Rags747

    Rags747 Formula Junior

    Sep 23, 2005
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    Thinking about selling my baby. Can supply additional pics and details if interested. Thx!
  22. peterp

    peterp F1 Veteran

    Aug 31, 2002
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    #125 peterp, Jan 26, 2024
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2024
    A bit off topic, but I think of interest anyway -- there is a documentary called "Maserati: A Hundred Years Against All Odds" streaming free on Amazon Prime right now that is pretty good. It commits the typical cardinal sin of frequently talking over car sounds, and some of the pictures on screen don't really go with the dialog, but it's a pretty comprehensive overview of ups and downs of the Maserati business since it was founded. Worth watching in my opinion.

    This is not a recent picture of our Maserati, but it is an IMDB photo of when it briefly appeared in the movie "Duplicity" with Julia Roberts and Paul Giamatti. Don't bother watching it, the movie is not good and the Maserati is only in the picture for about 2 seconds:

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