Poll of 7 mid engines, which 2 would you keep | FerrariChat

Poll of 7 mid engines, which 2 would you keep

Discussion in '458 Italia/488/F8' started by gzachary, Dec 28, 2022.

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  1. gzachary

    gzachary Formula Junior
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Jan 10, 2011
    Over in the 296 forum, I created a poll where one could vote for 2 out of 7 mid-engines as their favorite. It is a 21-day poll, so it is a significant sample size. The final results will be shown at the end of 21 days to reduce bias. In less than a day so far, we have 54 votes.

    The mid-engines include both variants of the 296, F8, and Pista. Also, it consists of the 458 Speciale.

    From looking at the data already, this will spark a good conversation afterward.
  2. SD455TA

    SD455TA Formula Junior

    Speciale 458....no option
  3. JTSE30

    JTSE30 F1 Rookie

    Oct 1, 2004
    Austin TX
  4. SeattleStew

    SeattleStew Formula 3
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 10, 2020
    In the rain
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    My guess is going to be 458 speciale combined with whatever mid engine the voter owns/has on order. With bias towards 296 because it’s in that section.
  5. MalibuGuy

    MalibuGuy F1 Veteran

    Sep 18, 2007
    Given that Ferrari has had battery issues throughout both the standard cars and the halo hybrids, I’d cast my vote for the less electrified models thus far.

    Electrified technology is projected to becoming the dominant paradigm. Along the way, Ferrari will improve its hybrids too. And in contradiction to what the Ferrari PR may say today, Ferrari may eventually be forced to launch an all electric— a new pure blood.

    The Purosangue is not an SUV ? But rather an FUV!

    May we expect in the future an FEV?
  6. Eilig

    Eilig F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Aug 31, 2001
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    Tänzelndes Pferd
    This is such a no-brainer:
    1) Speciale
    2) Italia (why did you not include it?)
  7. 458Forza

    458Forza Rookie

    Nov 12, 2022
    Diablo, CA
    Full Name:
    Frank Cohen
    Easy choice…
    2. 458 Italia
  8. Viperjoe

    Viperjoe F1 Rookie
    Silver Subscribed

    OP - Can you make this question a poll?
  9. SeattleStew

    SeattleStew Formula 3
    Owner Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 10, 2020
    In the rain
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    Viperjoe likes this.

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