Ratarossa rebuilding an F40 to LM spec? | Page 2 | FerrariChat

Ratarossa rebuilding an F40 to LM spec?

Discussion in 'Special Projects & Concept Cars' started by 250boano, Oct 23, 2024.

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  1. Marcel Massini

    Marcel Massini Two Time F1 World Champ

    Mar 2, 2005
    What a total b.s.
    And the yellow badge on the nose has been black taped.....
    And they are trying to "authenticate" their fake by putting the Keith Bluemel F40 book on the front lid..........

    Marcel Massini
    TheMayor likes this.
  2. tomgt

    tomgt F1 Veteran
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    Feb 22, 2004
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    Tom Wiggers
    modified 308/328 chassis

    so where did he say it is an original F40 chassis?
    Have you looked in books or online how a F40 chassis looks like?

    Marcel Massini likes this.
  3. merstheman

    merstheman F1 Rookie

    Apr 13, 2007
    São Paulo, Brazil
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    Watch the video carefully - that is not "his" car.

    He hasn't shown his car yet, he's only shown some documents which point to a real F40, but it is not possible to say for sure - at least not yet.

    When he does start showing "his" car, then we will know.
    Bas, KaizenF40 and 250boano like this.
  4. 250boano

    250boano Formula Junior

    Apr 27, 2022
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    This is absolutely correct :)

    It's funny, for a Forum dedicated to the love of all things Ferrari, there sure is a lot of hating stuff going on.

    KaizenF40 likes this.
  5. Marcel Massini

    Marcel Massini Two Time F1 World Champ

    Mar 2, 2005
    Not sad at all, considering that this is all fake and b.s..
    Nothing to do with "hate". It just has zero to do with a real Ferrari.

    Marcel Massini
    rob lay and tomgt like this.
  6. merstheman

    merstheman F1 Rookie

    Apr 13, 2007
    São Paulo, Brazil
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    There is certainly a lot of gatekeeping.

    having said that, Ratarossa could just shut everyone who doesn't believe him up by releasing the exact details of what car he purportedly has in his posession. I think he doesn't do it partly to piss off the gatekeepers, but partly also because something about the whole thing might not be kosher. He's the only one who can lay any doubt to rest, so we ll depend on his goodwill (or more accurately his content release schedule).
    Bas likes this.
  7. tomgt

    tomgt F1 Veteran
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    Feb 22, 2004
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    Tom Wiggers
    he @spiderscott could answer the questions, but he probably won’t
  8. M.Burroughs

    M.Burroughs Karting

    Dec 11, 2010
    ... You didn't watch the video did you?
    The car in the thumbnail/video isn't his car, it's a tribute.

    But Scott absolutely has a real F40 chassis, with a numbers-matching engine and transmission, he's got the paperwork, everything. He has an honest-to-God F40, no faking the funk involved.
    KaizenF40, BJK and tomgt like this.
  9. Marcel Massini

    Marcel Massini Two Time F1 World Champ

    Mar 2, 2005
    Wow. Impressed.........
    So, what's the number of the engine then?

    Marcel Massini
    tomgt likes this.
  10. tomgt

    tomgt F1 Veteran
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    Feb 22, 2004
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    Tom Wiggers
    Hello Mike, in your video you are at ATD in Germany
    Who told you that it is one of the 18 original F40LMs?
  11. imahorse

    imahorse F1 Rookie
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    Nov 25, 2017
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    #36 imahorse, Nov 13, 2024
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2024
    Well, in every interaction I've had with a youtuber it's been very negative. I have lots of people reach out for help with their cars and I'm always happy to help. Everyone is always super appreciative, thanks me profusely and offers to send me money for a bottle or say that drinks and food are on them if I'm in town. Oftentimes we become friends in the process. Tons of stand up people on here.

    Youtubers on the other hand from my experience act like you owe them something. The entitlement is unreal. Then most of them never credit the people helping them unless they are also Youtubers. I've helped youtubers get things that would have stopped their build dead in it's tracks and never even gotten a thank you. I'm not saying all Youtubers are like this, but many are and it puts a bad taste in my mouth.

    Before my gated conversion I watched Scott's video on the actuator rebuild where he went on to say how he was gonna put together a seal kit to help people and support the diy ferrari owners. How noble. I reached out about that and he left me on read. But hey, whatever makes you look good on camera.
    066/8 likes this.
  12. M.Burroughs

    M.Burroughs Karting

    Dec 11, 2010
    The owner did. I suppose there's room for that to not be true, but if you've got a keen eye, you will spot another significantly important, one-of-one car sitting next to it that lends a lot of credibility to his claim. I was asked not to name the car, but there's enough info in the video to identify it and know its provenance. We knew exactly which car and who's it was.

    I simplified this quote for some reflection. I don't have all the context, so I'm not saying you're wrong. But realize he's a busy dude, as are most YouTubers. The number of people that reach out asking this or that, offering this or that, it's staggering. There's not way to even come close to addressing them all.
    Just make sure you aren't acting entitled to a response just because you feel relevant.
  13. imahorse

    imahorse F1 Rookie
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    Nov 25, 2017
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    It was long before he got big and I wasn't arrogant in anyway when I reached out. He also never followed through with building the kit or giving any information to help people get there.

    As far as your comment about acting entitled because I think I'm relevant..... that would require me to act the way that the youtubers I've dealt with do, which I have already stated I'm very against.
  14. M.Burroughs

    M.Burroughs Karting

    Dec 11, 2010
    More than fair. Just offering the thought based on how the post came across.
    imahorse likes this.
  15. tomgt

    tomgt F1 Veteran
    Rossa Subscribed

    Feb 22, 2004
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    Tom Wiggers
    thanks for the reply
    The information they gave you was wrong about the “F40LM”, it was the ex Spa & Nürburgring BPR 1996 F40 #84326 modified years ago by Mototechnique in the UK to look like a F40GTE for a fchatter.
  16. 250boano

    250boano Formula Junior

    Apr 27, 2022
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    I'm sure you've had bad experiences in the past, but I can't quite wrap my head around this blanket disdain that everyone on this forum seems to have for anyone who makes videos about cars on YouTube.

    Over the years I've had dealings with Seen Through Glass, Supercars Of London, Tavarish, Ed Bolian, Mr JWW, Shmee150, Mat Armstrong, Chris Harris, Yiannimize, Salomondrin, JayEmm on Cars, Late Brake Show, Stradman and Ratarossa (among others) - and I'm going to shock you, they're human beings, and as such some of them are great, and some of them are pretty entitled. But there is no blanket rule.

    I won't go into specifics, but of the list above probably 2 of them are unbearable, 2 of them are tricky, and the rest are genuinely awesome dudes who love cars and went out and did it.

    I will say that without exception, Scott is the nicest dude on YouTube. Zero entitlement, unbelievably helpful, personable and genuine.
    Hence why I'm taking so much enjoyment from all of these naysayers, particularly Marcel - I love how much he hates that he doesn't know what car Scott has, and I'm going to make a point of updating him directly as soon as Scott goes live properly.

    Scott will reveal all in time, and given the reception he's had from everyone on this thread - you can't seriously be surprised he's chosen not to engage?

    I really rate Mike for coming into the wolf's den to give you guys some stick.
    Bas, imahorse and Boomhauer like this.
  17. imahorse

    imahorse F1 Rookie
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    Nov 25, 2017
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    That's fair. Rereading my initial post I can see how it came across a little high and mighty. Best wishes on your build. I like the idea of the V12 swap.
  18. imahorse

    imahorse F1 Rookie
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    Nov 25, 2017
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    There is certainly no blanket rule. I'm glad you had good experiences. In mine, most were negative with youtubers and perhaps I'm a little jaded by that. Especially in the age of influencers where people are often very different on and off camera.
  19. 250boano

    250boano Formula Junior

    Apr 27, 2022
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    You clearly got the unbearable ones ;)
    imahorse likes this.
  20. 066/8

    066/8 Karting

    Sep 29, 2023
    If more than 2 of the statements below apply to a youtuber, there is a 90% probability that the person is an obnoxious PoS:
    • thumbnails of videos contains high contrast text in large font size (typically white, red, yellow or cyan color)
    • video titles / names / descriptions are some kind of teaser / hyperbole / drama
    • videos contain some kind of advertisement for some VPN, online game, financial product or hygiene product
    • videos contain a review of a product or services, that is obviously paid for and biased (includes any form of quid-pro-quo)
    • videos contains "hello/welcome back my friends", "let me know in the comments below", "don't forget to like and subscribe", or any variation thereof
    • person in video wears white sneakers
  21. M.Burroughs

    M.Burroughs Karting

    Dec 11, 2010

    Ah yes, those are the tenets of someone being an obnoxious PoS, versus say, making sweeping generalizations about peoples' character based on what they do for a living and how you feel about it.

    This community is so wonderful at times. :)
  22. imahorse

    imahorse F1 Rookie
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    Nov 25, 2017
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    Well to be fair, I dated a few strippers and none of them turned out to be wife material. :(
    066/8 and TheMayor like this.
  23. 066/8

    066/8 Karting

    Sep 29, 2023
    Stereotyping and pattern recognition are essential skills which were honed by evolution over millenia.

    This skillset kept our ancestors from trying to be friends with the 500 lbs yellow&black striped kitty, keeps me from spending time on stupid videos and keeps @imahorse from marrying unsuitable women.

    The versatlity is marvelous, miraculous even.
  24. imahorse

    imahorse F1 Rookie
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    Nov 25, 2017
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    You are giving me a lot of credit implying I've learned to avoid those types :D

    I've watched all the build videos and so far I really like the way the project is coming together. IMO the engine choice is perfect.

    While I'm pretty sure the transmission is already in the works, if it's not, and you can source an enzo transmission, you might be able to make it gated. I'm pretty sure the Enzo uses the same F1 actuator as the 360 or 430, which theoretically would allow the manual bits of a 360/430 to bolt on. While EAG is shady as **** if you are not a youtuber, being a youtuber I'm sure Art would be happy to help. Unless they are finally circling the drain with the money I hear they owe.

    I know that a 458 Speciale was converted to manual using a Graziano transmission setup and a lot of kit cars use them with various engines.

    Even with DCT it will still be cool. A Ferrari engine going through redline shifts with a paddle shift sounds amazing.
  25. M.Burroughs

    M.Burroughs Karting

    Dec 11, 2010
    Keeps you from spending time on stupid videos, but not wasting your time on stupid forums & threads about them, giving up your time to, again, making sweeping generalizations about people you don't even know.

    Maybe evolution didn't suit you so well.
    89forever likes this.

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