does it help the HP by removing the cats on the exhaust on a 348 or 355? just running straight pipe. thanks
no not usually, You would most likely lose 1-2 Hp at low to mid RPMs. The lack of back pressure would result in a decrease in power.
The 355 will not see any increase in performance as they are already utilizing a free flow cat (Brick type). In fact the 355 would lose some torque. BTW it sounds REALLY cool!! The 348 has a more restrictive cat and many 348 owners have reported power increases and faster revving engines. Althogh there are some dyno results out there, )I have not personally seen them). Here is the consensus: 355 no increase in performance (I can attest to that) as I just did a Tubi test pipe install. 348 claimed better perfaormance by various 348 owners.