Just a heads up for you folks who may be interested in racing in the Northwest... The local chapter of the SCCA is holding a seminar on getting started in road racing THIS SATURDAY, Feb 28 from 9am to 3pm at Park Place in Bellevue. The cost is $25 which includes lunch. If you have any interest in racing here - or are just curious about what it takes to get started - this is time and money well spent. If you're interested, RSVP to Dan Carchano at 206-938-0094 or [email protected]. - Will
Minor thread highjack... If you aren't going to the road racing seminar, consider coming to Champs in Mill Creek at Noon on Saturday for some indoor kart racing. Here is their website with location, directions, etc: www.champskarting.com The cost is $50 for 4 races or $100 for 10 races. You have 6 months to use the 10 races. Each race is approximately 5 minutes long. Hope to see you there! We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread...
I went to this seminar a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. If you're at all interested in any form of racing: track, autocross, solo-one, whatever, as a driver, mechanic, or track worker, this is an easy way to meet some of the people involved and find out more about it. There'll be someone there from just about every form of auto racing being practiced here in the PNW (probably no street racers), and you'll have a chance to ask questions of people who know what they're talking about and give you guidance based on their personal experience. It's a great way to spend a day. But then again, any chance to hang with speed, racing, and car junkies is always fun in my warped mind.