See an incredible collection (without going to Japan!) | FerrariChat

See an incredible collection (without going to Japan!)

Discussion in 'California (Southern)' started by Jet-X, Jan 3, 2004.

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  1. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
    Full Name:
    Byron and I have been discussing having a very "mini" event for a couple months, and I'm proposing (tentatively pending weather, Byron coming, people'fp availability) Saturday January 10th, time TBD (maybe after Crystal Cove?).

    We'll screen "Ferrari of the Art" which is a video of the Matsuda Collection in HDTV. It's about 25 minutes long, professionally shot, an amazing collection of cars (shot around 1995). I have a theater that will comfortably hold 8-10 people, and 10-15 people not so comfortably. Viewing will be on a 120" projection screen. Teaser screenshots below. If there is further interest, we can screen a movie or other car related films/videos afterwards.

    I'll supply the place, the theater, video, and drinks.

    One of the prerequisites is you have to come over in your Ferrari. Armen can park his Enzo in my garage and it'll never be let out again :D

    If interested in attending (please respond if you are highly likely to attend, not 20%), post here or email me at [email protected]

    Oh, those without Ferrari's (Jordan...), we'll make room for you too. Those with Ferrari's, I know who you are ;)
  2. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
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  3. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
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  4. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
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  5. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
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  6. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
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  7. jordan747_400

    jordan747_400 F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Dec 9, 2002
    Houston, TX
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    LOL!! Well, I will be there Brian! Thats the day before a major audition, but I will be there! Brian, if there is enough interest, you might be able to beat my record of having 9 Ferraris in front of my house :)
  8. 150shot

    150shot Formula Junior

    Jun 15, 2003
    San Dimas, CA
    I'm interested, sounds fun...however I am in Jordans boat as a non-Ferrari driver(NSX)... I will park somewhere off site with him if its an issue!! =)

    just let me know- thanks
  9. Dom

    Dom F1 Veteran

    Nov 5, 2002
    I've got a GT4, so I guess I'll also have to park somewhere else :)

    Sounds really cool, I should be able to make it. Will confirm later in the week.

  10. zsnnf

    zsnnf Formula 3

    Sep 11, 2003
    I'll bring the F40.

  11. Bmyth-FDC

    Bmyth-FDC F1 Rookie

    Oct 4, 2002
    Southern California
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    This will be lots of fun - Brian has very graciously opened up his house to some of us to watch this great video. Armen will be bringing his Enzo that morning to CC... I think getting together to watch the Matsuda collection will be a wonderful way to cap off the day! I'll bring a few magazines I picked up in Japan that day with some nice black and whites of Enzo Ferrari.

    C'mon fellow OC F-Chatters...let's bring the F-Cars and really give Brian's neighbors a real treat! :)

    Thanks again for doing this, Brian - it's very generous of you!

  12. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
    Full Name:
    150shot, show up in the're in...I want my neighbors to freak at the informal "car show" that happens outside.

    Sounds great Rick. It's starting to sound like maybe after Crystal Cove (and after breakfast?) that we'll gather. I'm in Laguna Hills as an FYI, off La Paz and Moulton.
  13. 150shot

    150shot Formula Junior

    Jun 15, 2003
    San Dimas, CA
    Thanks Jet-x, plan on being there....after CC sounds perfect! leaves a good long day for the rest of us after the show =)
  14. DynastyD_308qv

    Nov 24, 2003
    Long Beach, CA
    Full Name:
    Ron Couch Jr.
    If you have room for a 308... I'll be there! Can I bring my Co-Pilot... or is this an 18 and over event?

    Either way, I need to take my baby out.... been so busy working this weekend that I didn't have a chance to...
    REV HER ENGINE!! Yes... I mean the Ferrari!! ;)

  15. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
    Full Name:
    Ron, your co-pilot is welcome to come too...
  16. Z06Kal

    Z06Kal Karting

    Nov 5, 2003
    Anyroom for some good ol american sports car love? :) Besides don't you guys need some plastic tupperware containers? I think most of my 1/4 pannels will do for that hehe.
  17. Chiaro_Slag

    Chiaro_Slag F1 Veteran

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Sounds cool - I'll be there. :)
  18. Ferrari Boy

    Ferrari Boy Formula 3

    Oct 25, 2003
    Long Beach CA
    Full Name:
    David Couch
    Sounds like fun! My dad and I will definatly be there. Now is this forsure happending after CC? See you Saturday.

  19. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
    Full Name:
    Okay, with this much interest, the event is *DEFINITELY* on.

    Also, in checking the weather through the weekend, Saturday is expected to be sunny, clear skys, and a high of 72. Should make for a good mini-event (or big event if you go to Crystal Cove as well).

    Now I'll start trying to lock down the time, and am thinking between 10am - 11am, this way doesn't cut too much into peoples Saturdays. We can do it earlier as well if we want to caravan from Crystal Cove as well.
  20. Bmyth-FDC

    Bmyth-FDC F1 Rookie

    Oct 4, 2002
    Southern California
    Full Name:

    Here's an idea... from Crystal Cove, maybe we can pick a spot near your house for breakfast... and for those that don't go to CC but will be going to your house - if they want to meet everyone for breakfast, that way they can...

    How's that sound?
  21. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
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    Sounds great! Only slight issue would be any 'crowds' that want to have breakfast on a Saturday. There's an 'Original Pancake House' very close by, but parking tends to be a bit of a struggle and tends to be very crowded. I'm racking my brain (Jordan, feel free to jump in) on what's fairly close by for breakfast that might be appealing to people.

    I'll start racking my brain tonight...
  22. Jet-X

    Jet-X F1 Veteran

    Nov 2, 2003
    Washington State
    Full Name:
    I left a message with Pancake House to see if they could accommodate 10-20 of us (not sure they take reservations, but we'll see). Told them we'd be there 9:00-9:30am.
  23. jordan747_400

    jordan747_400 F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Dec 9, 2002
    Houston, TX
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    There is always just that cafe right at Crystal Cove. They have pretty good food and parking wouldn't be a problem :)
  24. 150shot

    150shot Formula Junior

    Jun 15, 2003
    San Dimas, CA
    Great Idea Jordan- no worries for parking/caravaning two times and maybe we could just line up the cars right next to the cafe if stores start opening..its up to Byron and Jet-x for this one..
  25. jordan747_400

    jordan747_400 F1 Veteran
    Lifetime Rossa

    Dec 9, 2002
    Houston, TX
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    Thats a cool idea. Lining up in front of the restraunt! You know, I can offer my valet services as well :)

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