I tried to play with Shmee's spec because honestly the renders that they do there don't match the actual aspect of the color Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login
Shmee lighter gold wheel option - Porsche's gold wheel color. Verde Jewel Pallido Medio GB23 great colors on XX and go well with black roof
Image Unavailable, Please Login https://scontent.fspd3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/468809340_1182003693472974_4289778446055786465_n.jpg?stp=dst-jpg_s1080x2048&_nc_cat=106&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=bdeb5f&_nc_eui2=AeEjUJVYGc-rpnfooeKim5LTvLW7Y1rfIFm8tbtjWt8gWUt3Dwq4kcVWmIj5WwDfTafuOTpk3CHNiRSW0kQI652F&_nc_ohc=CQ4hKvtPmnYQ7kNvgHbt7Zh&_nc_zt=23&_nc_ht=scontent.fspd3-1.fna&_nc_gid=AUwVSpDm6R8dXj9RiEVmb5_&oh=00_AYAZjsz2n6xjcYYugrhDgpV-Q6YPeJO8Td3yUFEQz-DQqg&oe=6752772A
More Maranello action > Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login - Andreas Birner
London features Azzurro Dino with lots of views > Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login Image Unavailable, Please Login - JMESUPERCARS
Owners are having a blast with all the different options. 3rd Atelier design - waiting for pricing and factory to call for allocation.
good! these aren't a conventionally pretty car so it's worth making them as outrageous as possible imo
With one on order, I didn’t go into the Atelier process thinking this car was particularly pretty. Rather, it’s intended to be rough and wild. A bit like the drunken gal you invite back to your hotel room, after a few too many pints while on a work trip. She’ll make for a fun ride…and definitely steal your wallet.