Even Jen wanted to drive “Torpedo” … she’s never done that before …. The little “Whaler” she bought has been good for her Image Unavailable, Please Login
Had really nice weather for Labor Day weekend for a change. Weather at the beginning of September in upstate NY can be very unpredictable. Image Unavailable, Please Login
My kids had our jet ski out with our tube. The tube is flipped over and they are playing on and underneath it. My daughter is photobombing my pic to the left of my son and my wife. It was definitely a busy day.
October 2, 2023 run in an old Hydrostream Voyageur on the Mississippi River ( Sartell, MN ) … Image Unavailable, Please Login
Steve - Baron ( from our bike trip ) was driving - him and his girlfriend own a late 1980's Hydrostream Voyageur with a 225 Merc. MDS
Not mine, but my buddy Grant picked up his new DCB 37 with the new Merc 500’s on Thursday - he’s now in Havasu for the DCB Regatta … Image Unavailable, Please Login