For Sale - Spyderco Sage 1 Carbon Fiber | FerrariChat

For Sale Spyderco Sage 1 Carbon Fiber

Discussion in 'Other Parts & Collectibles' started by dream cars, Jun 4, 2024.

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  1. dream cars

    dream cars Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 5, 2003
    Central FL
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  2. schumacherf2006

    schumacherf2006 F1 Veteran
    Silver Subscribed

    Jan 22, 2010
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    Awesome knife!
    dream cars likes this.
  3. dream cars

    dream cars Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 5, 2003
    Central FL
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  4. Alden

    Alden F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    Apr 25, 2010
    Central Florida
    I have carried a Spyderco delica for about 35 years! They are great knives! They were the first ones that you could open with one hand. Very sharp!
    dream cars likes this.
  5. dream cars

    dream cars Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 5, 2003
    Central FL
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    $155 shipped
  6. Gle8

    Gle8 F1 Rookie
    Rossa Subscribed

    $125 I'm in :)

    Don't "need" another knife, but you know how it is.
  7. Innovativethinker

    Innovativethinker F1 Veteran
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    Aug 8, 2009
    So Cal
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    Mark Smith
    Love Spyderco knifes.

    One got me out of a drag racing ticket. I raced another car past a police station at around 1 am. They followed me home and lit me up when I pulled into the driveway. I had it in my back pocket, when they searched me the cop pulled the knife and said "be sure to remind me to give this back to you". They thought I was drinking and called for a field sobriety check, which I passed. They let me go but kept the knife. Fair trade IMHO.

    You never know when you will need one!
  8. dream cars

    dream cars Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 5, 2003
    Central FL
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  9. dream cars

    dream cars Formula 3
    Rossa Subscribed Silver Subscribed

    Nov 5, 2003
    Central FL
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    $120 shipped

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