Status of Miura 01006 | FerrariChat

Status of Miura 01006

Discussion in '' started by Nate365, Jan 26, 2025.

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  1. Nate365

    Nate365 Rookie

    Oct 9, 2005
    Northern VA
    Full Name:
    Nate Stevens
    I’ve long intended to share some details about the restoration of Miura 01006, which has inched along since my purchase of this project car in 2006. At the time the front & central chassis areas had been restored at Bob Wallace’s shop in AZ, but everything else was in boxes, and there was plenty of compromised metal behind the rear bulkhead, needing attention. Many of the large jobs are now done and there is light in the tunnel. I’m not sure how many Miura projects remain unfinished these days but hopefully a few pics here will help motivate anyone who is still in this boat(!) and help push these projects back on the road where they belong.

    Supposedly 1006 spent part of the 1990s disassembled and “on the racks” at GTC awaiting restoration. I’m not sure exactly what this meant but upon receiving the car several years later a few notable parts were missing, including the main wiring harness, both distributor pedestals, and the passenger side dash. I suspect the old harness was rotten/trashed, no great loss there. The pedestals should have been in good shape so must have been pilfered; Gary found one spare several years ago, still looking for a second.

    As for the dash, the most ‘correct’ option was to fabricate a new replacement in steel - - the fiberglass repros now available aren’t appropriate for the early P400s. Luckly I had all driver’s side parts to model from, and a few good photos here online (thanks Alberto!) It’s a complex assembly with multiple mounting points; I’m happy how it turned out but glad that a layer of vinyl will hide the roughest details.

    Next steps include getting the powertrain together and getting ready for paint. Interior work is a ways off still; I’ll highlight a few issues that showed up in a subsequent post - regards, Nate

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    kc023515, DaniT, DakotaGT and 16 others like this.
  2. DakotaGT

    DakotaGT Rookie

    Aug 23, 2016
    Great to see! Wow, car number 6- early, indeed! I see the original color for this car is Giallo Verde Acrilico. Is this color much different than Verde Miura? Or same thing?

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